Wind developer E.ON looks at SW Indiana

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   November 14, 2018  /   Posted in Uncategorized, wind  /   No Comments


Wind developer looks at Southwestern Indiana

Worries about wind farm in Posey, Gibson Counties

By STUART HAMMER ; Nov 07, 2018 05:37 PM CST

European energy giant E.ON is looking to harvest the power of rural Indiana; not in corn or soy beans, but wind. Posey and Gibson County could see turbines pop up in farm fields. Reg from E.ON are in the Tri-State working to build the wind farm. Some people in the county report getting paperwork detailing potential projects.

“This is something that will impact our community for up to 50 years,” said one man in rural Posey County. “What's the long-term benefits?”

He and his wife are worried how 33 turbines might transform the landscape. They're talking anonymously because they don't want to make anyone mad.

“We’re concerned about getting more information because we don't know that much about it,” said the man’s wife.

Posey County Area Plan president, Mark Seib says E.ON has its eye on their farms, including land close to his own. The German company is looking to lease 15,000 acres, more than 23 square miles, across two counties.

The amount of money at stake depends on how much equipment is on their land, whether a turbine is on the property, or other infrastructure.

The question for some is – what's in it for me? Are there energy savings or tax breaks?

“Or is it just going to be an eyesore that we have to look at?” asked the one concerned neighbor.

Seib says the possibility of turbines is still years away and who stands to gain with new energy on the grid is still up in the air.

The worried man just wants more information to “make sure it's something that's good for this county.”

From generation to generation, the farm land has outlasted it all. But out there, some fear that way of life is being challenged, and this generation could be its last.

“I don't relish the idea of waking up every day and looking at wind turbines.”

According to Seib, there will be an informational meeting on November 12 at Gibson Southern High School at 6:30 p.m.  Farmers and attorneys will be there.


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