“Why you should ask Governor Eric Holcomb to Veto SEA 309”

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   April 22, 2017  /   Posted in 2017 Indiana General Assembly, solar, wind  /   No Comments

Please watch and share our new video on "Why you should ask Governor Eric Holcomb to Veto SEA 309".

Call the Governor's Office at (317) 232-4567 or email govholcomb@gov.in.gov.

Reasons why Gov. Eric Holcomb should veto SEA 309:
1) to protect YOUR energy choice & freedom; and
2) to promote & protect clean energy jobs in Indiana.

The video features profiles of IndianaDG business members who will be adversely impacted by SEA 309.
We believe that fundamentally changing net metering for homeowners and businesses who install solar, small wind and DG will drastically impair these small businesses resulting in clean energy job losses.

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