TUSK: Barry Goldwater, Jr. Asks Michigan Legislators to Maintain Energy Choice; Reject SB 438

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   August 13, 2015  /   Posted in solar, Uncategorized  /   No Comments

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New Ad from Barry Goldwater, Jr. Calls on Michigan Legislators to Maintain Energy Choice without New Taxes

LANSING, Mich., Aug. 11, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Recently introduced legislation, SB 438, sponsored by Sen. Proos threatens to eliminate customer choice when it comes to solar energy.

Former Republican Congressman Barry Goldwater Jr. and his conservative group Tell Utilities Solar won't be Killed (TUSK) is calling on legislators to reject this legislation, and maintain Michiganders' ability to choose solar energy as an energy option.  Currently, the legislation threatens to eliminate Michigan's most critical rooftop solar policy for consumers, called net metering, and replace it with a tax on Michiganders who generate their own electricity.

Goldwater Jr. released a radio ad today encouraging legislators to oppose the anti-solar measures found in SB 438.

Barry Goldwater Jr., TUSK Chairman and retired US Congressman, released the following statement:

"As Michigan shapes its energy future with major legislation, monopoly utility DTE wants to protect its profits by eliminating your ability to choose solar energy. DTE is threatened by the choice and competition solar brings to consumers.

By pressuring lawmakers to eliminate free market solar policies, DTE is directly attacking consumer choice, industry job growth, and fair competition in Michigan's energy market. Help us stand up to monopoly utilities and protect energy freedom in Michigan. Private investment in self-generation, Michigan economic development, jobs and energy security are on the line."

About Tell Utilities Solar won't be Killed

TUSK was formed to create a united front through which the public can tell utilities that solar is right for conservatives and right for America. http://dontkillsolar.com/

CONTACT:  Michael Scerbo, 602-615-6523


SOURCE Tell Utilities Solar won’t be Killed (TUSK)


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