Sen. Alting, Reps. Bacon and Speedy Make 2018 Conservative Clean Energy Champions List

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 18, 2018  /   Posted in 2018 Midterm Elections, Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Conservatives for a Clean Energy Future

Conservatives for a Clean Energy Future (CCEF) was formed earlier this year as a 501(c)(4) organization to educate and advocate for policy solutions that move our nation towards its clean energy future. CCEF works collaboratively with the Conservative Energy Network and stakeholders to promote policies that secure affordable, reliable, and increasingly efficient and renewable energy. Commonsense, market-driven clean energy policies will create local jobs, spark innovation and investment, and lower electric rates for all.
As part of our outreach, we’ve worked with myriad conservative policymakers and candidates across America who are making a difference at the state and local levels. To recognize and highlight their hard work, CCEF is excited to announce its inaugural list of Conservative Clean Energy Champions!
Conservative Clean Energy Champions are state and local leaders who have shown consistent and exceptional support for conservative policy initiatives that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. Champions have been fighters for our nation’s transition to clean energy—working on issues ranging from net metering and third-party ownership to energy efficiency, renewable siting, and more, to make clean energy technology more accessible to ratepayers.
Included with this letter is the full list of our 44 Champions. Over the coming months, CCEF will highlight the clean energy record of these Champions and educate the public about their leadership in the conservative clean energy movement. Please visit our website for additional background information on each Champion.
As an industry leader, here’s how you can help:
  1. Help spread the word. We need to make sure that the clean energy industry is aware of the contributions of our Champions.
  2. Consider a contribution to their campaigns.
  3. Make a contribution to CCEF, so that we can ensure that folks in their districts are aware of their leadership on clean energy. As a 501(c)(4) organization, we can accept corporate, PAC, and individual contributions. Such contributions are not tax deductible.
On behalf of CCEF and its leadership, I want to thank you for all you do to help support the development of favorable clean energy policies in state capitols across America. We look forward to continuing to work with you—and our Champions—to continue making a difference for our clean energy future.


Click to see the entire list>

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