SB 251 Dubbed Clean Energy Bill is the One to Watch Now from Indiana Senate Republican Caucus

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   February 07, 2011  /   Posted in 2011 Indiana General Assembly, Uncategorized  /   No Comments
Today (2/7/2011) the Indiana Senate took SB 251 which started life during the 2011 session of the Indiana General Assembly as a "Vehicle Bill" has been transformed as the Senate Republican Caucus Energy/Utility Bill to watch this session. Dubbed a Clean Energy Bill, SB 251 has been fast tracked for a committee hearing this week as follows:

Agenda for : Senate Utilities & Technology Committee

Thursday, February 10, 2011

09:00 AM EST

Senate Chamber, State House, Indianapolis, IN

Watch video from the Senate 

Committee Chairman : Merritt

Committee Members :

Leising R.M., Gard, Kruse, Schneider, Tomes, Yoder

Randolph R.M.M., Breaux, R. Young

Committee Hearing :

SB 0251 Clean energy. (Gard, Merritt, Hershman, Boots)

DIGEST OF SB251 (Updated February 7, 2011 10:21 am - DI yl)

Clean energy. Requires the Indiana utility regulatory commission (IURC) to allow an energy utility to recover certain federally mandated costs through periodic retail rate adjustment mechanisms. Changes the term "clean coal and energy projects" to "clean energy projects" to allow the term to include nuclear energy production or generating facilities. Provides that: (1) nuclear energy production or generating facilities; and (2) purchases of energy produced by the facilities; qualify for financial incentives available for clean energy projects. Provides that a combined heat and power facility qualifies as a renewable energy resource for purposes of financial incentives for clean energy projects. Provides that an eligible business may recover qualified utility system expenses associated with a: (1) new energy production or generating facility; or (2) new nuclear energy production or generating facility. Requires the IURC to adopt rules to establish the voluntary clean energy portfolio standard program to provide incentives to participating electricity suppliers to supply specified percentages of electricity from clean energy sources. States three clean portfolio standard goals (CPS goals) that a participating electricity supplier must achieve to qualify for an incentive. Provides that a participating electricity supplier may own or purchase clean energy credits to meet a CPS goal. Beginning in 2014, requires: (1) a participating electricity supplier to report annually to the IURC on the supplier's efforts to meet the CPS goals; and (2) the IURC to include in its annual report to the regulatory flexibility committee a summary of the information reported by participating electricity suppliers.

The reprinted version of the bill was not available at the time of this blog post, so please find here a copy of the Committee Report containing the strip and insert amendment which becomes the new bill language.

RS025101.001[1]_clean energy

SB 0054 Local regulation of video service franchises. (Holdman)

SB 0480 Various communications matters. (Hershman)

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