PUCO Net Metering Technical Workshop Agenda for 5/5/15 in Columbus, Ohio

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   May 01, 2015  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments


Public Utility Commission of Ohio (PUCO)

Net Metering Workshop Agenda

May 5, 2015, 10:00 a.m.

Hearing Room 11-B, 180 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43215


  1. Introduction by Attorney Examiner


  1. Staff Introduction


III.                Prepared Remarks (in order of sign-up), 10 min. each:


  1. FirstEnergy
  2. Ohio Advanced Energy Economy
  3. The Alliance for Solar Choice
  4. Pettisville Local School
  5. Environmental Law & Policy Center
  6. The Ohio Environmental Council
  7. Direct Energy
  8. Additional discussion and remarks by other stakeholders who wish to speak. Staff welcomes additional input by other stakeholders at the workshop.  Topics for discussion include, but are not limited to the following that have been identified in advance by stakeholders:
  • Cost recovery
  • Payments for over generation
  • Eligible technologies
  • Size limitations associated with customers’ electricity requirements
  • Importance of net metering to the emerging and growing advanced energy industries, such as solar, wind, co-generation and biomass
  • Rate paid to net metering customers
  • Proposed rule change from 100 to 120%, support the Commission’s decision to modify the percentage of production to less than 120% and still allow a generator to meet the requirements of the net metering rule
  • Ohio legal requirements regarding net metering
  • Existing evidence of costs and benefits of distributed generation
  • Mechanisms for providing net metering credit
  • No discriminatory monthly charges for net-metering customers, solar or otherwise
  • Reimbursement for net metering customers at standard service operating rate, which includes energy and capacity charges
  • Expansion of customer generator definition
  • Fair treatment of net metering users in an aggregated political subdivision
  • Virtual and aggregate net metering
  • 120% excess generating threshold
  • CHP as a qualified net metering technology, among others
  • Proper settlement for CRES who serve net metered customers
  • Requirement regarding the type of meter and data that is necessary for net metering, support a requirement that net metered customers have meters capable of doing hourly reads
  • Net metering rates—regardless of the rate used by utilities to net meter, CRES providers who serve net metered customers should have the ability to negotiate the rate for net metering directly with customers



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