Columbus Solar Initiative to Expand Focus, Reach Out to Community Organizations

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   April 28, 2017  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments



April 26, 2017



Contact: Michael A. Mullett

(812) 376-0734



Columbus Solar Initiative to Expand Focus,

Reach Out to Community Organizations


Columbus, IN – A community meeting, hosted by the Columbus Community Solar Initiative, will officially launch a fourth round of rooftop solar energy installations in Bartholomew County.

The meeting will take place on Monday, May 8, 2017, from 7 to 9 PM at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus. The Church is located at 7850 West Goeller Boulevard, which is on the west side of Columbus approximately 2.7 miles west of the intersection of SR 46 and Goeller Boulevard.

To date, the Initiative has twenty-four residential and organizational projects in various stages of completion from proposals to installed functioning solar panel systems. These projects comprise approximately 560 panels toward a goal of 1000 panels for the Initiative.  The upcoming community meeting will focus on broadening participation in the Initiative to include more public and private non-profit organizations, such as churches, schools, and community centers.

The meeting will be highlighted by a presentation from Allen Gifford speaking on behalf of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbus, which is hosting the meeting.  Mr. Gifford will explain the steps the Congregation took and the results it has achieved in installing 43 solar panels on its Church, the site of the meeting.   Reflected Mr. Gifford, “Solar power is an excellent financial investment and, most importantly, an excellent environmental investment and our Congregation should all be proud that we have taken this courageous step for our community and our world!"

Allyson Mitchell, Sustainability Director of Prosperity Indiana, will also make a presentation explaining that organization’s Solar Uniting Neighbors (SUN) For All Program, which offers limited grant funding and other support to public and private non-profit organizations serving low- and moderate income households to develop and implement plans to “Go Solar.”

In addition, this meeting of the Solar Initiative will continue to reach out to owners of residences and businesses seeking to “Go Solar,” just as the three prior meetings have done.

For the benefit of all attendees, Initiative volunteers and a representative of its vendor partner, Third Sun Solar, will make presentations explaining the “Go Solar” process from initial inquiry and proposal through formal contracting to installation and interconnection.

These presentations will be followed by a question and answer period for interested attendees.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to receive and complete Letters of Intent to show their initial interest in participating in a solar project, which Third Sun will then assess for design feasibility and potential cost prior to reporting back to prospective participants.

For more information about the Columbus Community Solar Initiative, see


About Columbus Community Solar Initiative:

The Columbus Community Solar Initiative is a joint project of the Sierra Club Winding Waters Group and the Energy Matters Community Coalition. Affinity groups in the Columbus area, including faith communities and neighborhood centers, are gathering together to address the preservation of our environment through more sustainable use of our limited energy resources by making solar energy a viable option for more households and organizations in our community.

The goal of the proposed Initiative is to install 1000 solar panels within Bartholomew County by December 31, 2017. This goal is based on the demographics of the County as well as the experience of other communities in “going solar” following what is known as the Solarize Model.


Suniva asks Trump for 78 cents price floor on imported modules

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   April 28, 2017  /   Posted in solar  /   No Comments

Source: Flickr/bclinesmith.

Suniva asks Trump for 78 cents price floor on imported modules

By John Parnell, Apr 26, 2017

Bankrupt US manufacturer Suniva has filed an anticipated petition requesting a minimum import price (MIP) of 78 cents.

The Section 201 request, the first in the US for 16 years, asks the US International Trade Commission (US ITC) to consider whether imports have been the major factor in the US solar manufacturing industry's woes. If it agrees, it will make a recommendation to the White House with any action ultimately the decision of President Trump.

The tariffs would be applied to any module not produced in the US unless catered for in the design of any trade remedies. According to the petition, seen by PV Tech, the floor price would fall to 72 cents in the second year, 69 cents in year three and 68 cents in year four.

A similarly structured price floor on cells would start at 40 cents per cell falling to 33 cents by year four.

Abigail Ross Hopper, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), said:

"While we have not had a chance to fully review Suniva’s petition to the International Trade Commission, we strongly urge the federal government to find a resolution that bolsters the competitiveness of American solar cell and panel manufacturing, which employs approximately 2,000 people in the US, without erecting new trade barriers. SEIA opposes any resolution that restricts fairly-traded imports of solar equipment through new tariffs or other barriers that endanger the livelihoods of the 260,000 American solar workers and their families living in every state in the Union."

SolarWorld, the petitioner in the previous two US solar trade complaints against unfair Chinese trade practices, said it was yet to decide whether it backed Suniva's case.

Minimum module price per W (US cents) Minimum price per CSPV cell (US cents)
Year 1 78 40
Year 2 72 37
Year 3 69 34
Year 4 68 33

Nevada Senate passes daily double of pro-solar bills unanimously

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   April 27, 2017  /   Posted in solar  /   No Comments

2017-04-27 09_56_52-4_4_Welcome-to-Nevada.jpg (2048×1536)

Nevada Senate passes daily double of pro-solar bills unanimously

Anti-solar, anti-net metering SB 309 in Gov’s Office TODAY (4/25/17)

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   April 25, 2017  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments


NYT Governor Holcomb

Governor Eric Holcomb please protect OUR energy choice and freedom plus protect small businesses who install solar, wind and DG systems who are creating clean energy jobs in Indiana!

SEA 309 Delivered to Governor Eric Holcomb

The President of the Senate (Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch) signed SEA 309 today (4/25/17) and it was delivered to Governor Eric Holomb this afternoon.

According to the 2017 Bill Watch page on the Governor's website indicates that Governor Holcomb has until seven (7) days or until Tuesday, May 2, 2017 to:

1) sign SEA 309 or

2) veto SEA 309.

If Governor Holcomb does not sign it, it automatically becomes law on the eighth day after receipt.

Please ask Governor Holcomb to VETO SEA 309:

What bills Gov. Holcomb is signing into law; “No comment” on SB 309

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   April 25, 2017  /   Posted in 2017 Indiana General Assembly, solar, wind  /   No Comments

What bills Gov. Holcomb is signing into law

INDIANAPOLIS -- Now that the Indiana House and Senate members have done their jobs, it's up to Gov. Eric Holcomb to sign (or not sign) more than 100 bills on his desk. Holcomb has until May 5 for House bills and May 6 for Senate bills.

Holcomb didn't comment on the solar power bill and the Ricker's bill, saying he's still reviewing them.

With "no comment" from Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb (R) on SEA 309 which fundamentally changes net metering which is needed for customer-owned solar, small wind and other DG systems to be cost-effective; portends a negative impact for 1) energy choice and freedom for utility customers; and 2) small businesses who install solar and therefore, reducing the future for clean energy jobs in Indiana. 

IndianaDG urges you contact Governor Eric Holcomb as ask him to veto SB 309.

Call the Governor's Office at (317) 232-4567 or

email him at


Do it today! Thank you!

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