Goshen (IN) tables lease for Solscient Energy solar project

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   May 17, 2017  /   Posted in Feed-in Tariffs (FiT), Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO), solar  /   No Comments

Council tables land lease request by solar energy generation company

By JOHN KLINE john.kline@goshennews.com

GOSHEN — City residents will have to a wait a few weeks to find out if a new solar energy-generation facility could be headed to the city’s north side.

During their meeting Tuesday evening, Goshen City Council members voted to table a lease agreement with Toledo, Ohio-based Solscient Energy LLC, involving approximately 54,400 square feet of city-owned property located at 1000 W. Wilden Ave.

Central to the lease agreement is the proposal by Solscient to use the property as the site of a new 1,007-panel solar energy generation system for the purposes of generating electricity for sale to Northern Indiana Public Service Company under NIPSCO’s Rate 665 Feed-In-Tariff program.

 According to the agreement, Solscient Energy is seeking to lease the property from the city for a term of 15 years at a cost of $4,200 per year, with periodic adjustments for inflation.

Several issues were raised by council members while discussing the proposal Tuesday, one of which involved concerns about the city leasing the property to a private, for-profit company, but not requiring that company to pay property taxes, as the land would still be owned by the city and thus be tax exempt.

Along those lines, Councilman Adam Scharf suggested one solution might be to sell the property to the company, rather than lease it, and thus eliminate the issue of the city's tax exempt status. Other suggestions for tackling the property tax issue included having the county waive the city’s tax exempt status for that portion of property for the length of the lease agreement, or possibly increasing the yearly lease fee in order to make up for the lost property taxes at the site.

Scharf also took issue with the fact that such large solar projects are currently not legally available to the general public without getting certain approvals and variances through the planning and zoning process. Such rules do not apply to city-owned land. He then suggested the council look into the possibility of having those rules amended to allow for greater accessibility to such projects by Goshen residents.

Also raised as a question Tuesday was whether the city should forgo the contract with Solscient altogether and look into possibly creating its own solar energy-generation facility.

Goshen Mayor Jeremy Stutsman, who has long been a strong proponent of increasing Goshen’s green-energy footprint, said he would love to see such a project happen, though he is unsure at this point where the money for such a project would come from.

Given that issue, Stutsman urged the council to consider moving forward with the Solscient project as a stepping stone to begin boosting Goshen’s green footprint, and then look at the possibility of establishing the city’s own solar facility sometime in the near future.

“I just don’t know where we come up with the money to install this ourselves with the other projects that we have on our list,” Stutsman said of the suggestion. “I would love to do that. And if there’s a good idea from the council on how to get the money I’d be all over it.

“My main goal is, I want to see green energy produced in Goshen, which is better for our environment,” he added. “If the city of Goshen can find a way to tap into that so that we’re seeing some cost savings in our utilities, that’s even better. But I guess I don’t know the path to get there.”

Given the many questions and concerns raised regarding the proposal Tuesday, the council ultimately voted to table the request until the board’s upcoming June 6 meeting in order to allow for some additional research and discussion on the matter before a final decision is made.

I&M Seeking 17% Rate Increase in Michigan

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   May 17, 2017  /   Posted in Indiana Michigan Power Company (I&M)  /   No Comments

I&M Seeking 17% Rate Increase

Legislator: Bill Would Trigger $2.2B in Illinois Wind Energy Projects

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   May 16, 2017  /   Posted in Uncategorized, wind  /   No Comments

(Courtesy of U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science)

Legislator: Bill Would Trigger $2.2B in Illinois Wind Energy Projects

Goshen (IN) Council to consider lease of city property to Solscient Energy LLC

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   May 16, 2017  /   Posted in Feed-in Tariffs (FiT), Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO), solar  /   No Comments


Council to consider lease of city property to solar energy generation company

By JOHN KLINE john.kline@goshennews.com

GOSHEN — A new solar energy generation facility could be on its way to the city’s north side.

Goshen City Council members Tuesday are set to consider a lease agreement with Toledo, Ohio-based Solscient Energy LLC, involving approximately 54,400 square feet of city-owned property located at 1000 W. Wilden Ave.

According to the agreement, Solscient Energy is seeking to lease the property for a term of 15 years at a cost of $4,200 per year, with periodic adjustments for inflation.

Should the lease be approved by the council Tuesday, Solscient would then use the property as the site of a new solar energy generation system for the purposes of generating electricity for sale to Northern Indiana Public Service Company under NIPSCO’s Rate 665 Feed-In-Tariff program.

According to the agreement, Solscient will design, engineer, procure equipment and components, construct, own and operate a 322.24kW ground-mounted solar array which will include the following components:

• 1,007 solar panels

• Seven SMA Sunny Tripower 30kW inverters

• Solar Flex Rack Series 3GL fixed pitch racking system

• Master distribution panel

• Pad-mounted 480V - 12.47kVA step-up transformer

• NIPSCO meter

• Utility-accessible AC disconnect switch

 • Energy monitory system with weather station

• Balance of systems components and equipment

As part of the proposed contract, Solscient has agreed to pay all real estate taxes on the Wilden Avenue property, as well as any personal property taxes resulting from the installation of any equipment or any improvements added or installed by the company throughout the lease term.

The Goshen City Council will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Goshen Police and Courts Building, 111 E. Jefferson St.

Follow John on Twitter at @jkline_TGN

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