Regulatory hoops hinder ground-based solar in Ft. Wayne and Allen County (IN)

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   November 06, 2018  /   Posted in solar  /   No Comments

Ground-mounted solar arrays, like this one on St. Mary's Avenue require special zoning permits from Allen County and Ft. Wayne.

Regulatory hoops hinder ground-based solar

The Journal Gazette

Just call Mark Brough Fort Wayne's Mr. Sunshine.

Since moving back to the city 10 years ago to remodel and resell houses, Brough lately has turned his attention to selling and installing solar arrays. That's the business he pursued during the years he spent in San Diego.

Brough says with recent and anticipated rate hikes by area electric utilities, solar power now makes sense locally, and his business has been growing rapidly. It's one of a few in the area specializing in solar arrays, which convert sunlight into storable electric power.

But the business also has thrown the 45-year-old into the territory of Fort Wayne's and Allen County's boards of zoning appeals, where the outlook has not always been sunny.

Solar arrays mounted on a roof? No problem – they need just routine building and electrical permits and inspections, said John Caywood, Allen County's building department director.

But a sizable portion of Brough's business, Modern Mill Solar LLC, involves solar arrays mounted on the ground. Each requires a zoning board application, public hearing, favorable board decision, sign-offs from other agencies, the possibility of board-mandated design changes and, Brough said, about three months from sale to installation.

“We don't really like to do them,” Brough said of ground-mounted arrays after last month's Allen County Board of Zoning Appeals public hearing and business meeting. He cited time required and the amount of paperwork.

And he's not the only one. “It's a real journey with Allen County,” said Doug Ahlfeld, project manager with Renewable Energy Systems in Avilla, in the solar business more than 35 years.

Most places he's worked in northeast Indiana require very little in the way of permitting, he said. “But the Allen County planning department requires this whole process, and it's very detailed and time-consuming.”

It can add hundreds of dollars in cost because of time needed to travel to and attend board meetings, which either occur on work time or require him to give up evenings, he said.

Still, ground mounts can be necessary, Brough said.

Roof configurations or shade patterns from trees can make roof-mounted designs impractical or inefficient, he said. And often, the customer has a large lot where a ground mount would not take up too much space and would be easier to install.

No ordinance

But for zoning appeals boards, decisions aren't always easy. That's because neither the city nor county has an ordinance automatically allowing or streamlining the process for ground-mounted residential solar installations.

They're allowed only after being individually approved under special-use provisions of city and county zoning codes.

That's because an array, depending on design, “potentially might have a pretty significant impact on a neighboring property,” said Bryan McMillan, senior planner for the Allen County Department of Planning Services. He said roof-mounted arrays are of less concern because they're on an already sited and approved structure.

McMillan said the area's regulatory approach, which includes opportunity for public notification and comment, ensures that a ground-mounted array meets setback requirements and doesn't reflect onto someone's house or even into the path of aircraft.

Planning records show that since the solar array provision became part of an updated zoning ordinance in 2014, there have been only one or two requests a year.

But in October alone, seven applications, all from customers of Brough's business, had public hearings before boards of zoning appeals. Deliberations took 15 minutes to more than an hour – for each project.


In some cases, deliberations were lengthy because board members were unfamiliar with solar arrays and asked basic and technical questions. In about a third of cases, neighbors objected and were given time to testify.

Neighbors contended that ground-mounted arrays would produce glare and obscure sight lines and are unsightly and likely to become more so over time.

At the recent city board of zoning appeals meeting, two requests were approved without much discussion. But one “had a lot of neighbor opposition, and that tells us that this is something that is subject to debate and should be looked at more carefully,” McMillan said.

The Fort Wayne International Airport also has weighed in on two recent cases because the properties were in airport overlay districts, which restrict uses that might impede flight paths.

Letters sent to the planning department said airport officials “don't want permits issued until information is provided about the anti-glare properties of panels in overlay districts,” McMillan said.

Scott Hinderman, Fort Wayne-Allen County Airport Authority airports executive director, said he's all for renewable energy – and the local airport is considering a solar array for the grounds. However, the Federal Airport Authority requires pre-installation glare studies, he said.

“There should be a glare study done. It's not a complex study or a difficult study. We have safe airports and we want to keep it that way,” Hinderman said.

Brough did not offer a glare study but at the meeting said nearly all panels now are considered anti-glare.

Allen County's agency overseeing drainage and septic issues also has to sign off, Ahlfeld said. That largely is to prevent interference in drainage patterns or flood plains, he said.

But in one of his customer's cases, he said, the agency said it would not allow an array until a malfunctioning septic system on a neighboring property of the same owner was replaced – and that caused the customer to call off the job because of the increased expense, he said.

“When you're involving a septic system, I don't see the relevance,” Ahlfeld said.

Zoning appeals boards did not disallow any of October's applications, although they did restrict at least one. Extra requirements, such as screening or fencing, can be added by boards through written commitments to applications.

Case-by-case approvals run the risk of having identical installations with very different restrictions based on neighbors' opinions, Brough and McMillan agree. But they also agree it would be difficult to write a general ordinance to streamline procedures. That's because each is customized as to height, pitch, site characteristics, and the size and number of panels, Brough said.

A ground-mounted solar array ordinance “isn't on our radar,” McMillan said.

Ahlfeld, who has been in the business since 1979, said he sees solar installations as becoming more standardized and therefore easier to regulate. But he doesn't see Allen County changing its policies.

“These (ground-mounted arrays) should be allowed through the electrical permit. I don't see why the land-use people should be involved,” he said. “It's hindering the progress of the industry.”

Can Illinois Handle a 2000% Jump in Solar Capacity?

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   October 31, 2018  /   Posted in solar  /   No Comments

Illinois has a lot of wind power but limited solar capacity. That's about to change fast under an ambitious renewable energy law. Credit: Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

Illinois has a lot of wind power but limited solar capacity. That's about to change under an ambitious new renewable energy law. Credit: Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

Can Illinois Handle a 2000% Jump in Solar Capacity? We’re About to Find Out.

A new state law could turn Illinois into a Midwest solar energy leader in just a few years. First, it has to build a solar industry almost from scratch.

Illinois is about to learn what it takes to manage a nearly 20-fold increase in solar power.

A new state law requires utilities to dramatically increase their purchases of renewable energy, with a goal of getting at least 25 percent of the state's electricity from clean energy by 2025, a large part of it from solar.

For a state starting with very little solar power now—less than 100 megawatts—becoming a Midwest solar leader will mean building an industry infrastructure almost from scratch, and doing it fast.

IndianaDG Note: To see how Illinois compares with other states including Indiana please see 

Table 1.17.B. Net Generation from Solar Photovoltaic
by State, by Sector, Year-to-Date through August 2018 and 2017 (Thousand Megawatthours)

To ramp up by the deadline, the state needs two things: workers and projects.

People involved in the effort describe an atmosphere of almost chaotic progress. State officials and clean energy advocates want Illinois to be a model for how to expand clean energy in a way that provides targeted help to the local communities.

"The stakes are high," said David Kolata, executive director of the Citizens Utility Board, a Chicago-based consumer advocacy group involved in the process. "I think we have a good plan and we have reasons to be optimistic in general, but there's no question we'll face some roadblocks and things we didn't think of."

Hundreds of people have enrolled in job-training programs across the state, organized by nonprofit groups as part of the law. Developers are submitting proposals for new solar projects. And some of the established developers are starting to complain that the process for selecting projects—designed to give a wide number of developers a chance—is flawed.

Catapulting Illinois to a Midwest Solar Leader

Illinois ranks 35th in the country in solar power right now, with 98 megawatts, less than 1 percent of its electricity generation. Development has been slow here in part because the state lacks the supportive policies from the government and utilities that have boosted solar elsewhere.

Five years from now, analysts expect to see nearly 2,000 megawatts of solar power in Illinois and the state in 17th place nationally, according to Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables and the Solar Energy Industries Association. No other state has Illinois' combination of starting from so low and being on track to rise so high during that period.

"It's going to catapult Illinois to the forefront of the solar market, and put our state on the path to the renewable future we need to limit the worst impacts of climate change," said MeLena Hessel, policy advocate for the Environmental Law & Policy Center.

Chart: Which states are adding the most solar capacity?

This boom in renewable energy stems from the state's Future Energy Jobs Act, a 2016 law that provided subsidies for two nuclear power plants and also set the target to get 25 percent of electricity from renewable sources by 2025, among other requirements. The renewable energy provisions were part of a legislative compromise to get enough votes to approve the nuclear power subsidies. (The law was upheld by a federal court in September.)

The Illinois Power Agency earlier this year spelled out how the renewable energy programs would work.

The state's approach is unusual in part because of requirements that projects be located in the state or close to the state's borders, and that steps be taken to steer economic benefits to local communities and workers, Hessel said. In many other states, clean energy requirements can be met with projects that are nowhere near the home state, and few have job-training provisions.

The Illinois plan also places a heavy emphasis on small projects. One set of programs will help pay for scores of local projects, such as community arrays serving multiple subscribers, adding up to about 650 megawatts statewide. A portion of the new solar will also be used to reduce utility bills for low-income residents.

State regulators and utility companies will oversee the program. Charges on household bills, typically a dollar or two a month, will pay for it.

Like much of the Midwest, it's windy here, and most of the state's renewable energy today comes from wind farms. Illinois already has about 4,400 megawatts of wind energy, and that's expected to rise to 5,600 megawatts by the mid-2020s under the new law.

Now, the falling price of solar components and increasing efficiency of solar panels is starting to make solar projects more financially attractive, as well, in Illinois and across the country.

Building a Solar Workforce Almost from Scratch

Job training is a key part of the law, including provisions aimed at hiring people from minority communities. There is a social mission here along with the practical need to tap many sources of workers in a tight labor market.

Chris Williams, a solar installer and business owner, now spends much of his time in a classroom helping adult students learn to do what he does.

"These students typically come in knowing nothing about construction, nothing about solar energy," said Williams, who owns Millennium Solar Electric Construction and is teaching job-training courses in partnership with a Chicago nonprofit called Elevate. "We teach them job safety, how to use tools properly, the basics of electrical."

Most of his students complete the 12-week course, and most of them have job offers already, he said.

Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images

The Illinois law and the state's rules for carrying it out emphasize job training and projects that serve local communities. Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images

His classes are part of one group of training programs run by nonprofits across the state that have slots for about 450 students. There are several other job programs, as well.

The challenge is making sure workers are available in the parts of the state where projects are selected. Program organizers say they are aware of this and will adjust as needed.

Big Challenge: How to Pick Projects Fairly

The other major challenge is choosing and launching all those solar projects.

Officials are now setting up a process for selecting the first wave of community solar projects. Developers, eager to participate, have submitted proposals that together are worth 10 times the funding available in some areas.

Those that are selected will get a 15-year contract to support their projects with renewable energy credits.

The Illinois Power Agency has said it will select the projects through a lottery. To enter, a developer must have a lease for land, local zoning approval, and an agreement with a utility to transport the electricity.

Some developers say this sets the bar too low, especially in parts of the state with no local zoning and where the utility has waived the usual fees on connection agreements. They say the ease of entering the lottery has contributed to the glut of applications, with a wide variation in the viability of plans that all have an equal chance of being selected.

"It's no way to run a market," said Kevin Borgia, Midwest policy director at Cypress Creek Renewables, one of the country's largest solar developers. He argued that it could mean some projects selected don't get completed, which would slow the progress of meeting the state's clean energy goals.

Anthony Star, director of the Illinois Power Agency, says the lottery has the advantage of not giving unfair favor to anyone. "The simple fact is that there are more projects available than there is funding available," he said.

There is still time for officials to change the process before the first lottery is scheduled to be held in early next year, and the Illinois Power Agency has asked participants for more comments on the process.

The entire undertaking is so large that some things will inevitably need to be changed as the state moves forward, said Kolata, from the Citizens Utility Board. But he said he is confident that the major elements of the law's implementation are on the right track.


Shelby Co. (IN) BZA is next stop for Ranger Power solar farm plan

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   October 31, 2018  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

BZA is next stop for solar farm plan

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This map shows the parcels where Ranger Power's planned solar farm would go. The location is south of Gwynneville in the northeastern part of Shelby County. The site is bordered by County Road 750 to the north; CR 500 to the south; CR 775 to the east; and to just beyond CR 575 to the west.


On Nov. 13, the Shelby County Board of Zoning Appeals is due to take up the matter of a proposed 1,200-acre solar farm.

Extra chairs may be in order, because the proposal drew a standing room only crowd to the Shelby County Council’s special meeting on Monday evening.

More than 100 people attended the forum at the Court House Annex, 25 W. Polk St., with the crowd spilling out into the hallway.

Tony Titus, president of the County Council and a farmer, acknowledged the concerns of those gathered, but noted the council has a limited role in the decision-making process.

“The BZA will have the final say on this,” he said.

Council members will only decide on whether the project receives a tax abatement that the developer, Ranger Power, has requested, explained Titus.

However, members of the audience at the council’s meeting had other concerns.

Jeff Baskin, who owns parcels of farmland south of the proposed site of the solar farm, worried about his property values declining and about the long-term impact of the solar farm.

“I do not under any circumstances want to be responsible for somebody just skipping town and leaving all these solar panels and all this crap in the ground,” he told the County Council.

Dan Gabbard, who lives near the site, had a different view, arguing in favor of property rights. He said the property owners who would lease their land to Ranger Power for the solar farm have a right to do that with their land.

He suggested that neighboring property owners who objected could be offered a buyout.

Nearly two dozen audience members spoke during the two-and-a-half hour council meeting, touching on a variety of topics, including talk of a windfall in property tax revenues for Shelby Eastern Schools.

County Councilman Bryan Fischer noted that talk was inaccurate.

“I’ve had a lot of people call me and say, ‘So is Shelby Eastern Schools going to get $17 million in taxes?’” he said. His answer was “No.”

Ranger Power has suggested giving Shelby Eastern, which includes high schools and elementary schools in the communities of Morristown and Waldron, $250,000 as part of a $1.5 million offering to the county that a company document called an “Economic Development Agreement (EDA) payment” when the solar farm reaches commercial operation.

The County Council would have the discretion of how to use the remaining $1.25 million, according to a written document from Ranger Power handed out at the meeting.

Fischer said that $250,000 payment would be it; there would be no other windfall.

That led to a discussion with Fischer and Shelby County Deputy Auditor Amy Glackman about how property taxes work. They explained that the state sets a maximum levy for the county each year that limits how much money the county can raise in property tax revenue.

An increase in the county’s overall property value due to the solar farm’s equipment – assessed as personal property – would simply result in a lower rate for other property owners, Glackman said.

“It’s just going to lower your tax rate,” she said.

At a meeting of the County Council on Oct. 16, an attorney for Ranger Power said that the equipment investment would be at least $87.5 million.

CJ Walsh, director of development for Ranger Power, in response to an audience member’s question at the council’s special meeting Monday, said the investment could be as much as $175 to $200 million.

“I think those figures are a minimum and maximum,” he said, referring to the $87.5 versus the numbers he cited.

The company hopes to have the facility online in two years, Walsh said, and he encouraged those concerned to reach out to the company directly.

Walsh’s email – – is listed on the company’s website at

Some at the County Council meeting said they believed members of the Board of Zoning Appeals would be present and asked if they were.

Attorney Mark McNeely, representing the BZA, told the crowd he advised the members not to come because it would be an “ex parte communication” outside their formal meeting.

Ranger Power has asked the BZA to grant a special exception to allow agricultural land to be used for a solar farm. The properties would remain zoned for farming, said Sam Booth, director of the Shelby County Plan Commission.

“They have to submit a decommissioning plan,” he said for removal of the equipment.

The BZA’s meeting to hear the request is scheduled to take place in the Court House Annex at 7 p.m. on Nov. 13. 

Ranger Power is due to come before the County Council regarding its request for a tax abatement on its personal property investment at 6 p.m. on Nov. 20 at the same location.

Republicans learn to love wind and solar jobs after once mocking them

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   October 24, 2018  /   Posted in solar, wind  /   No Comments

Wind turbines and solar panels making green energyThere are now nearly 3.2 million clean energy jobs in America, and the industry employs more workers than the fossil fuel industry in 42 states and Washington D.C., according to the nonpartisan business group Environmental Entrepreneurs.

Republicans learn to love wind and solar jobs after once mocking them

Virtual PPAs drive a boom in corporate renewables procurement including Indiana

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   October 23, 2018  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Virtual contracts drive a boom in corporate renewables procurement

As options for renewable energy purchase agreements grow, more businesses are coming into the market voluntarily.

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