IndianaDG Joins Comments Filed on IPL Community Solar

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   March 25, 2019  /   Posted in solar, Uncategorized  /   No Comments

On Friday (3/22/19), Indiana Distributed Energy Alliance (IndianaDG) joined the Environmental Law and Policy Center (ELPC) and a group of Joint Commenters (listed below) on Design Factors developed by Indianapolis Power and Light (IPL) concerning their proposed pilot community solar project.

Additional documents giving a historical perspective on this proposed project as well as a copy of the Design Factor Survey can be found at:

IPL Community Solar-Local Green Power Documents

On behalf of ELPC and the undersigned Joint Commenters, please find attached our initial Joint Comments with respect to the Design Factor workshop circulated at the first Green Power Advisory Committee Meeting on February 22, 2019.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback and we look forward to continued discussion with your team and other stakeholders at the next Advisory Committee Meeting.

Best regards,

Jean-Luc Kreitner and Brad Klein, Environmental Law & Policy Center, 35 E Wacker Drive, Suite 1600, Chicago, IL 60601

Joint Commenters:

Joe Bowling, Director - East Washington Street Partnership, Englewood Community Development Corporation

Kerwin Olson, Executive Director, Citizens Action Coalition

Laura Ann Arnold, President, Indiana Distributed Energy Alliance (IndianaDG)

 Ray Wilson, Hoosier Interfaith Power and Light

Shannon Anderson, Earth Charter Indiana

Chrystal Ratcliffe, President, Greater Indianapolis Branch and Coalition partners:  (Tilliman Harpole American Legion Post, First Baptist Church North, Flanner House, Holy Angels Catholic Church, Ignite Achievement Academy, & Indiana Guide Right Foundation)

 Jodi Perras, Sierra Club

 Zach Schalk and Joey Myles, Solar United Neighbors of Indiana

Please find below the comments filed as well as additional documents submitted to IPL:

IPL Design Factors_Joint Comments_3-22-19

1. CommunitySolarChecklist-FINAL_111418

2. Inclusive_Solar_Finance_Framework_Report

3. Community Solar for Low-Income Communities-072618

E.ON studying Gibson and Posey Cos. (IN) for wind farm

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   March 19, 2019  /   Posted in wind  /   No Comments
3/6/2019 6:14:00 PM
E.ON studying Gibson and Posey counties for wind farm
Preliminary map of wind farm project properties under lease or consideration.
+ click to enlarge
Preliminary map of wind farm project properties under lease or consideration.

Andrea Howe, Princeton Daily Clarion Editor

PRINCETON — E.ON Climate & Renewables is planning a wind farm in Posey and southern Gibson County — and is exploring the feasibility of a second wind farm in areas northwest and south-southwest of Princeton as well.Wind Development Manager Karsen Rumpf told Gibson County Commissioners and residents Tuesday afternoon that the company has been involved in land acquisition for 13 months in Gibson County as part of a three-part study of developing a Gibson County wind farm. He said more meteorological and environmental studies and permitting processes are ahead over the next two to three years, before a wind farm layout is finalized.

Rumpf said the company was involved in some prospecting work earlier, but he became involved in the project in January, 2018, gathering data on available wind speeds and infrastructure, and gauging landowner interest.

He said E.ON is a third-party contractor that would develop and generate wind energy that could be distributed via Duke Energy transmission lines through the Midwest Independent System Operators (MISO) electrical grid.

He told commissioners that the company is negotiating easement agreements with private property owners and will not be involved in acquiring any property through eminent domain. E.ON is either completing or negotiating lease agreements for about 9,500 to 10,000 acres, and would like to have agreements for about 2,000 to 3,000 more acres, he estimated.

Rumpf said E.ON will be working with U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceIndiana Department of Natural Resources and Indiana Department of Environmental Management, the Federal Aviation Administration for proper permitting, as well as working with the county regarding floodplain permits and use of county roads.

"There's a lot yet to be done," he told the group Tuesday. "That's where we are today."

Rumpf said E.ON has installed one meteorological tower and expects to erect two more towers in coming months to generate more wind speed data. Once all the data is compiled, the company can determine the location and type of wind turbines, and required access roads.

He said the company's lease terms require E.ON to place turbines at a minimum 1,250-feet setback from any residence, 550 feet from any road right-of-way, 550 feet from existing structures or power lines, and if an adjacent landowner doesn't agree to a lease, the turbine would be no less than 550 feet from their property line. The largest turbine would be about 490 feet from the base to the tip of the blade, he estimated.

Residents questioned how the project could be economically feasible, citing wind studies from several years ago, but Rumpf said the cost of developing wind energy has dropped about 66 percent.

County impact

He estimated that the company would pay about $42 million in property taxes over a 30-year period, noting that the leases are for 30 years with provisions for two additional 10-year renewal periods.

Rod Flora, a Newburgh contractor working with E.ON in acquisitions, said the company will be improving the roads it uses for construction and maintenance of the turbines, to the specifications set by the county.

Rumpf estimated more than 200 construction jobs would be involved in the development of the wind farms and about 15 technicians will work and live in the area to maintain them.

He told County Commissioner Gerald Bledsoe that once the layout of the wind farm is determined, the company will come to the county to discuss bonding to protect/improve roads, county rights-of-way and entrances, culverts and bridges.

Commissioner Mary Key asked what provisions are made for decommissioning the turbines. Rumpf said the lease agreements stipulate that funds will be allocated in escrow beginning in the 20th year of the lease.

"E.ON is a global energy company," he said, telling Key the expense and revenue stream of the project will be known "before we even put anything in the ground."

Board of Commissioners President Steve Bottoms asked how much concrete is involved in the base for each turbine. Rumpf said soil borings will be done at each location, but the foundations will include tons of concrete and about 40,000 to 45,000 pounds of rebar reinforcement for the base.

Oakland City resident Bob Zasadny asked Rumpf how the turbines will stand up to tornadoes, noting that he's seen six or eight tornadoes in the county during his residency here. Rumpf said the turbines are built to withstand hurricane-force winds, but they're locked up so they're not spinning during a storm. "We also carry a high liability policy," he said.

Rumpf said wind power is a growing sector of the U.S. energy footprint, anticipated to increase to about 35 percent of the power provided by 2035.

Jim Tate, rural Princeton, asked whether the turbines would interfere with the county's Doppler radar system. Rumpf said the Federal Aviation Administration requires turbines to be located no closer than three nautical miles from a Doppler tower. "It's part of our due diligence," he told Tate.

Dennis Kiesel of Poseyville asked why E.ON would want to encroach on small towns, questioning why setbacks aren't at least 1,640 feet.

Rumpf said the setbacks are at least 1.1 times the height of the turbine.

Ron McRoberts asked whether E.ON would make use of local union labor for its steel, electrical and iron work. "We try to outsource locally as much as possible," Flora told him.

Les Kiesel of Haubstadt noted that if he has ground adjacent to property leased by E.ON for a turbine, the terms of the lease agreement would have the turbine within 550 feet of his property line, even if he intended to build a home on the property. He also said he's read information about the physical effect of living within two miles of a turbine, making note of the turbines' flickering lights. "I'm not a lease owner, I'm somebody living in the shadow of these turbines," he said.

"I understand it's new down here," Rumpf told the crowd. A native of Iowa, he said he grew up seeing wind farms.

"This is a whole new ball game to us," Dennis Simpson said. "We're used to oil and coal leases..."

Les Kiesel asked Rumpf whether E.ON's choice of Gibson County as a potential wind farm site is related to lack of restrictions.

Rumpf said the company looks at infrastructure, whether there are other wind farms in the area, whether there is adequate wind speed and landowner interest. "Zoning comes into play as well," he said.

Kiesel asked whether the project is a joint venture with Duke Energy, and Rumpf said it is not.

Becky Kiesel of Posey County asked whether the project is a "done deal" and what it would take to derail it.

Rumpf said it's not a "done deal," with permitting processes and land leases still to be accomplished. "We have to abide by the county requirements," he said. Questioned again about setbacks and the number of turbines planned for the Gibson County wind farm, he said lease terms take the owner's other uses for the property into consideration. He said the company typically sets one turbine per 80 acres.

Terry Adler, Mackey, noted that he's lived with the impact of coal mining and coal-generated electricity in Gibson County for years. "We are an industrial area," he said. "Something's got to take the place of these aging power plants," he added, noting that wind and solar energy are renewable sources.

Rumpf fielded several other questions, including inquiries about how much money landowners get for lease agreements. "It's not my position to tell you how much they make," he told the crowd.

The company owns and operates 23 wind farms in seven states, including the Wildcat Wind Farm in Tipton/Madison Counties in Indiana. "We own and operate our projects," E.ON's Development Outreach Manager Oliver Allen reported.

According to the company's website, the Wildcat Wind Farm in Indiana includes 125 GE 1.6 megawatt turbines that provide more than 200 MW of power, enough to provide power to more than 60,000 households.

Allen said the company made a short presentation at Princeton Community High School recently and plans to be involved in the Gibson General Health Foundation and Gibson County Chamber of Commerce, as well.

Bledsoe invited those who attended the meeting to take a look at a color-coded map of parcels in various stages of lease negotiations with E.ON in Gibson and Posey Counties.

"Just remember, this is our very first meeting," Key told the crowd. "We've got a long way to go. It's a long, slow process."

Maine renews net metering as lawmakers prep new clean energy, utility reform bills

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   March 19, 2019  /   Posted in solar, Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Maine renews net metering as lawmakers prep new clean energy, utility reform bills

Solar developer plans to fight Wisconsin utility in court on third-party ownership

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   March 18, 2019  /   Posted in solar, third party power purchase agreement (PPA)  /   No Comments

The Wisconsin Supreme Court courtroom inside the Wisconsin State Capitol building in Madison. Eagle Point solar president Barry Shear says he's willing to take a dispute over third-party ownership here if necessary. “I’m going to take this to its conclusion," he said.

Solar developer plans to fight Wisconsin utility in court on third-party ownership


Eagle Point Solar president Barry Shear says he’s prepared to take his case to state’s top court to clarify rules.

The standoff between a Wisconsin utility and solar developer intensified this week with a petition filed by Eagle Point Solar asking state regulators to force We Energies to proceed with an interconnection request for its project.

The March 6 filing also asks the Wisconsin Public Service Commission to declare that Eagle Point would not be acting as a public utility in the third-party-owned solar project it was developing with the city of Milwaukee.

Eagle Point president Barry Shear said he sees a long legal battle ahead, possibly ending up in the state Supreme Court as did his fight with a utility in Iowa, where the court ruled in favor of Eagle Point and the concept of third-party ownership.

If the Public Service Commission refuses to open a docket and consider Eagle Point’s request, Shear said he will challenge the decision in state court. If the commission were to open a docket and eventually find in Eagle Point’s favor, Shear predicted an appeal by We Energies.

We Energies spokesperson Amy Jahns said, “We are still reviewing the complaint, but the law is clear. If anyone sells electricity to our customers, they should be viewed as a public utility and should be registered as such. In Eagle Point’s case, because we already provide retail electric service to the city, Wisconsin law prohibits Eagle Point from doing so.”

In January, the commission, which did not return a request for comment, turned down a request from solar developer Sunrun to open a docket exploring the legality of third-party ownership. In his petition, Shear specified that his request is different because it involves one specific case rather than a theoretical situation.

Read more: Milwaukee leaders have choice words for utility in solar standoff

Solar developers, municipalities, nonprofit institutions and solar advocates in Milwaukee have asked the commission and state legislators for clarity on whether third-party ownership is legal, since many seek it as a way for institutions and cities to develop solar without paying steep upfront costs or foregoing tax credits not available to nonprofits. We Energies meanwhile has been seen as hostile to distributed solar generation by its customers and has tried to ban third-party ownership.

“I fully expect We Energies to fight this at every level,” Shear said. “They will probably get collaborators in the utility universe to oppose it, since they don’t want their revenue base diluted. If the utilities prevail or the Public Service Commission doesn’t take this up, I’m going to take it to court because I think on the law we are clearly in the right.”

Defining a public utility

The petition notes that under a Solar Services Agreement signed by Eagle Point and Milwaukee, Eagle Point would own 80 percent of six different solar installations on city property, and the city would own 20 percent, with the option to take full ownership over time. Eagle Point would provide services including financing the upfront costs of the panels, maintaining the panels and passing on the value of tax credits not available to the city since it doesn’t pay federal taxes.

The electricity would only be used on the site where it is generated, a crucial factor in arguing that the company would not be acting as a public utility as We Energies has charged.

Under the agreement, neither Eagle Point nor the city would sell electricity to any third party, nor back to We Energies. The city would pay Eagle Point a fixed charge per month, not based on kilowatts per hour generated, another provision meant to underscore it would not be acting as a utility.

Eagle Point argues in its petition that who owns a distributed generation asset like solar is legally supposed to have no bearing on whether the utility interconnects it to the grid. The interconnection process is meant to ensure the generation can be integrated with the grid without causing problems.

Eagle Point has long said that We Energies knew about the Milwaukee plan for months and raised no concerns, starting with the city’s request for proposals in April 2018, and didn’t object until late in the process, when Eagle Point had already invested about $100,000 in the project and foregone about $400,000 worth of other work, keeping 21 of its 27 installers available.

“Since it was such a compressed time frame I didn’t take on other projects, I couldn’t commit to doing other things,” Shear said. “I got completely kneecapped by We Energies.”

A public utility?

Eagle Point’s petition cites other legal cases to clarify the definition of a public utility.

It notes that the Wisconsin Supreme Court in 1911 decided a landlord who built a steam plant to provide electricity to his tenants and several other buildings was not providing electricity to the public; nor was a power line obtained by a group of neighbors who “voluntarily band[ed] together” in a case decided in 1924.

When Ford Motor Company built a hydropower plant to supply its factory and actually wanted to be considered a public utility, the Wisconsin court disagreed. Ultimately, such case law says that serving a “restricted group” of people does not make something a public utility, Eagle Point’s petition argues.

“You can’t have a public utility under another public utility’s service territory — that’s their rationale” in denying interconnection, Shear said.

“The problem with that is the relevant and directly on-point Supreme Court cases that exist in Wisconsin and elsewhere about what a public utility is. You have to serve all of the public, not just one customer. I don’t meet any of those criteria, but We Energies — with their economic might — think they can say whatever they want to.”

Shrinking plans

At the same time it denied interconnection for the city’s project with Eagle Point, We Energies suggested Milwaukee participate in a new utility pilot project known as Solar Now or “Rent a Roof” wherein the utility would build solar on city facilities and pay a fee to the city.

“We are in regular contact with the city of Milwaukee and, as we have told them, by working with us on our Solar Now and DRER programs they could obtain nearly 40 percent of energy from renewable sources,” Jahns said, calling Solar Now the “largest approved solar program in Wisconsin history.”

After heated debate in several city council committee meetings, city officials rejected We Energies’ proposal and decided to use unspent capital funds to pay upfront for a much smaller solar installation — about 210 kW of solar capacity built on three libraries, instead of the originally planned 1-MW on six city sites. The city will pay Eagle Point to install the 210 kW of solar, then the city will own it outright, and will not be able to collect tax incentives.

“This is specifically the reason why third-party transactions are necessary,” Shear said. “The city would have had this solar array built without any capital outlay, all they would have had to do is buy the clean energy at a direct cost savings and the project would have gone forward.”

Since legal proceedings may take years to resolve, Shear said he’s unsure whether the larger project will ever be built. But he sees his battle with We Energies as important for the future of his company and solar more generally in Wisconsin. He said We Energies’ investment in blocking the project shows its larger importance.

“This is a drop of water in Lake Michigan compared to their total energy ocean, so it’s extraordinary they’d go to these lengths to stop this project,” Shear said. “I’m going to take this to its conclusion because what We Energies did in the city of Milwaukee has chilled and effectively tabled every municipal project we were working on in the state of Wisconsin. No one is willing to go forward until this is determined. We Energies has effectively blocked third-party solar in Wisconsin because of what they did in Milwaukee.”

Want more information about the Iowa fight for third party PPAs.

Iowa Supreme Court and 3rd Party PPAs

Solar and wind take the lead in FERC first infrastructure report of 2019

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   March 18, 2019  /   Posted in solar, wind  /   No Comments
March 15, 2019



According to an analysis by the SUN DAY Campaign of data just released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), new solar and wind generating capacity has taken the lead over natural gas and all other energy sources for the first month of  2019.

FERC's "Energy Infrastructure Update" report (with data through January 31, 2019) notes that 18 "units" of new solar capacity (631 MW) and four units of new wind capacity (519 MW) each beat new natural gas capacity (one unit - 465 MW) in January. No new capacity additions were reported for any other energy sources.

FERC's data also reveal that renewables (i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, wind) now account for 21.23 percent of total available installed U.S. generating capacity. Five years ago, renewables were 16.24 percent. Thus, the nation's renewable energy capacity has been adding, on average, a percentage point each year.

Total wind generating capacity (97.18 GW) is rapidly closing in on that of hydropower (100.33 GW) and seems certain to overtake it sometime this year. Meanwhile the generating capacity of all renewables combined (254.57 GW) is about to surpass that of coal (264.49 GW) - again, very possibly in 2019. In addition, utility-scale solar has now surpassed 3 percent of the nation's generating capacity (i.e., 3.09 percent).

Copyright 2013 IndianaDG