Manure to help fuel farm’s trucks; Dairy operation using technology to turn waste into natural gas

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   June 20, 2011  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   1 Comments

Fair Oaks Farms will use manure from cows to power new dairy delivery trucks. A device will turn biogas into nearly pure methane and compress it to fuel the natural gas-powered vehicles. / ALAN PETERSIME / The Star 2006 file photo

original article:|newswell|text||p

Written by Rick Callahan, Associated Press (AP)
12:24 AM, Jun. 20, 2011  |  15Comments

One of the nation's largest dairy cooperatives plans to tap a plentiful energy source -- manure from the farms' cows -- to power its fleet of milk-delivery trucks.

By early next year, Fair Oaks Farms in Northwest Indiana plans to have 42 new delivery trucks running on compressed natural gas created by harnessing microorganisms to turn the cows' manure into biogas.

Anaerobic digester technology uses bacteria to break down manure in the oxygen-free environment of closed buildings or covered lagoons, producing methane, carbon dioxide and trace gases. Fair Oaks Farms, a marketing cooperative of 10 farms housing about 35,000 cows owned by several families, already operates six digesters, which produce gas to run generators that provide electricity to the farms.

The new project supported by federal and state grants will take the technology further, upgrading one of those digesters to turn the biogas into nearly pure methane and compressing it to fuel new natural gas-powered trucks that will replace diesel-power models.

The new fleet will be capable of hauling more than 300,000 gallons of milk each day to processing centers in Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee.

"The cows making the milk will be helping delivering it, too," said Mark Stoermann, project manager for Fair Oaks Farms.

To help extend the trucks' range between fill-ups, they will be outfitted with extra natural gas tanks purchased with a $2 million U.S. Department of Energy grant.

A separate $750,000 state grant will support construction of two fueling stations along I-65 -- one at Fair Oaks, about 70 miles south of Chicago, and one nearly 220 miles away in Sellersburg, near the state's southeast border with Kentucky. The Fair Oaks station will supply renewable gas derived from manure, while the Sellersburg station will deliver regular natural gas.

Stoermann said Fair Oaks expects to feed enough surplus renewable natural gas from its operations into a pipeline near the farms to more than compensate for the gas its trucks get in Sellersburg.

A handful of California dairy farms produce methane from manure and compress it for use in powering tractors, trucks and other machinery. But that equipment is used primarily on those farms, said Jerry Bingold, director of renewable energy at the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, a dairy industry group founded in 2008.

Fair Oaks' broader plan appears to be a first for an American dairy, he said.

"They're actually moving from localized on-dairy use to really long-haul application, which is a significant move for the industry," Bingold said.

About 150 U.S. dairies use anaerobic digesters to process manure and produce power. Bingold said the industry hopes that by 2020, about 1,300 dairies will be using digesters to either generate electricity or make compressed methane.

While U.S. dairies are beginning to realize the potential of manure-to-methane technology, Bingold said, agricultural lending institutions still are being sold on the technology's potential, just as other renewable energy sources received slow acceptance.

"We're developing a business model around digester operations that's going to take lessons learned from the wind and the solar industry to really build this industry," Bingold said.

About 2,600 dairy farms and 5,500 hog farms are good candidates for the technology, according to the federal AgSTAR program, a partnership among the U.S. energy and agriculture departments and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that's promoting manure-to-methane technologies.

Those more than 8,000 farms have the potential to produce 13 million total megawatt hours of electricity each year, or enough to power about 870,000 households. Or, the same farms could instead produce about 150 billion cubic feet of renewable methane that would be enough to heat 3 million households, AgSTAR national program manager Chris Voell said.

The nation harnesses less than 2 percent of its potential for renewable methane, Voell said. But he said farms, restaurant chains and big food processors are slowly recognizing that the organic waste they send to landfills or otherwise discard can be turned into power to help their bottom lines.

"The energy policies in this country are in some cases still running to catch up with all of the opportunities out there," he said.

John Farrell: Learning a Lesson about Net Metering; Implications of Lesson for Indiana?

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   June 07, 2011  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments
Wed, June 1, 2011 - John Farrell

I just got a copy of a utility bill for a Minnesota business that has a 40 kilowatt (kW) solar PV array.  I’d hoped to get a sense for how quickly he’d pay off his array with the net metering revenue.  I was shocked.

Payback time was 30 years.  Even if the business owner had received a generous $2.00 per Watt rebate on top of federal tax incentives, it would still take 22 years.  It all came down to the way net metering is actually accounted.

A quick tutorial.  Net metering essentially lets a utility customer run their meter backward if they have an on-site electricity generator.  So if I’m a commercial customer who uses 10,000 kilowatt-hours but my solar panel generates 4,000 kWh, I only pay for 6,000 kWh.  This is supposedly a great deal, because rolling back the retail rate typically beats getting paid the utility’s “avoided cost” wholesale power rate – 3-4 cents per kWh in a state with cheap coal or natural gas power.

But the trick is how the meter rolls back.  You might think that your cost per kWh is simply the total bill divided by the number of kWh consumed.  In the case of the business owner, that would have been a rate of 21 cents per kWh and a payback period of just 9 years.

It’s not that easy. 

In this case, 12 percent of the bill is taxes and fees.  And of the remaining 88 percent of the bill, 60 percent isn’t an energy charge for kWh, but a “demand charge,” which the solar PV array doesn’t affect.  So the customer can “net meter” their power, but only affect 35 percent of their total bill.

So instead of 21 cents per kWh, this commercial customer actually pays about 5.4 cents per kWh, divided between an energy charge (41%), fuel cost charge (57%), and (tiny) environment improvement rider (2%).  And net metering at that rate means a payback period of 30 years.

Net metering doesn’t do a whole lot for the customer’s bill, but it sure makes the utility happy.

With net metering, the utility treats solar PV electricity generation exactly the same as it would conservation or energy efficiency (with the exception that solar usually gets a more generous rebate).  And since both of these strategies are significantly less expensive than PV for reducing electricity demand, the customer loses out.

The customer loses, but the utility wins. 

That’s because the energy charge doesn’t necessarily take into account the additional value that solar provides to the utility.  The CLEAN Coalition worked with the Palo Alto, CA, municipal utility and found that solar PV was worth nearly 75 percent more than typical “brown power” because of its time of delivery (peak), avoided transmission access charges, renewable energy credits, and additional local value.  Similar calculations were also made in Ft. Collins, CO.

Accumulating solar PV and other distributed generation sources can also allow the utility to defer infrastructure upgrades and reduce stress on the distributed grid, especially when spread over a wide geographic area.
There are a few caveats.  The energy charge rate on the utility bill may exceed the marginal wholesale cost of electricity (there are a lot of cheap fossil fuel power plants out there); even so, the structure of net metering means that the utility isn’t paying for electricity generation, but demand reduction.  The particularly poor economics are also a factor of the rate structure in Minnesota, where this analysis was done.  Minnesota has relatively low electricity prices and there are no time-of-use rates or consumption tiers that would allow solar PV to offset marginally higher rates.  Other states, like California, have rate structures such that net metering values are 15 to 20 cents per kWh, rather than 5 cents.

There’s much more to net metering rules than just the price paid, but measured by that price in most states with flat electricity rates, net metering doesn’t measure up well.

Global Wind Day Celebration on June 15 Will Launch U.S. WindMade Campaign

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   June 07, 2011  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Global Wind Day celebration on June 15 will feature the opening of a wind-energy exhibition in Berlin's German Technology Museum and an event in New York for the U.S. launching of WindMade, a company-certification program to promote wind power. See

Here is a quick excerpt from the group's new website. Click and watch a very informative YouTube video about this program. I like the concept although I would have preferred something more inclusive, i.e. renewable energy made rather than WindMade.

What is WindMade?

Over the years, generations have made choices about the things they buy and use. And, in doing so, have made their mark on the world.

Today we have that chance again. Today, we have an opportunity to change how the world consumes energy, one product at a time.

Introducing WindMade, an initiative leading to the first global consumer label identifying products and companies made with wind energy. WindMade will be dedicated to increasing corporate investments in wind power by informing consumers about companies’ use of wind energy, and increasing demand for products that embrace this clean and renewable energy source.

The WindMade label will provide qualifying companies the ability to effectively communicate to consumers a commitment to wind energy that differentiates their brand, and signals a strong commitment to renewable energy.

Because now more than ever, we believe that one of the most important ingredients in a product is the energy used to produce it, and, as the world struggles with the increasing impact of climate change, we need companies that are WindMade.

About Global Wind Day June 15

Global Wind Day is a worldwide event that occurs annually on 15 June. It is a day for discovering wind, its power and the possibilities it holds to change our world.

It is also a day for discovery of the work that has already begun by pioneers around the world. In more than 75 countries around the world, wind farms are in operation, generating energy from a clean and renewable source.

Thousands of individuals are involved in the production of energy from the wind, but for many people, wind energy is a mystery. Global Wind Day is the day when you can visit wind farms, meet experts, attend events and find out everything you want to know about wind energy.

The European Wind Energy Association - EWEA - and the Global Wind Energy Council - GWEC - coordinate the Global Wind Day through a network of partners. The day started as a European one in 2007 and went Global in 2009. On 15 June, thousands of public events are organised all over the world.

What will you do to celebrate Global Wind Day on June 15th?

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A level playing field for wind; Decision announced by MISO about Dispatchable Intermittent Resources (DIR)

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   June 03, 2011  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

A level playing field for wind.

A decision announced today by the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator (MISO) could change the economics of wind power in the region....

Please read the rest of this story on Highwire blog published by Midwest Energy News. So what is the possible impact here in Indiana?

Indiana Business Research Center: “Who Builds Those Windmills?”

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   June 02, 2011  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Original Article: Who Builds Those Windmills? (May-June 2011, vol. 12 no. 3).

Who Builds Those Windmills?

The windmill has become a symbol of Indiana’s move into the clean energy future. Many Hoosiers have gazed in awe at the expansive wind farms off of I-65 just north of Lafayette. But how much do we really know about wind energy in Indiana?

In the last several decades, wind energy has come a long way from the heavily subsidized Carter-era energy projects that eventually fizzled. Recently, thanks to technological developments making turbines more efficient, wind energy has taken off in the United States. Installed capacity for wind energy in the U.S. has increased at an average rate of 22 percent over the past five years.

The Midwest has experienced similar growth in wind energy capacity. Iowa and Minnesota have led the expansion in the Midwest over the last five years, complemented more recently by Indiana (see Figure 1). As Figure 2 shows, Iowa and Minnesota are two of the top five wind-producing states across the nation as a whole due largely to their favorable wind conditions.

Figure 1: Installed Capacity for Select Midwest States, 2004-2009

Figure 1: Installed Capacity for Select Midwest StatesSource: U.S. Department of Energy

Figure 2: Wind Energy Production: Five Largest States and Indiana, 2004-2009

Figure 2: Wind Energy Production: Five Largest States and IndianaSource: U.S. Department of Energy

The U.S. has put up some impressive growth numbers, but it has a long way to go to equal the wind energy produced in the European Union (EU). As Figure 3 shows, U.S. installed capacity is about half that of the EU. The EU derives about 3.5 percent of its energy from wind, compared to the U.S. at less than 1.5 percent. Considering that wind power is such a small share of electricity generation, the U.S. Department of Energy’s goal to produce 20 percent of all America’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030 is a daunting target. With that said, the U.S. wind energy sector is expanding rapidly, and Indiana and the greater Midwest not only stand to gain from wind as a source of energy, but also from windmill manufacturing as a source of economic growth.

Figure 3: Power Generation from Wind, 2001-2010

Figure 3: Power Generation from WindSource: Global Wind Energy Council

Indiana Wind Farms

Indiana is currently home to four industrial wind farms in Benton and White counties. Three are entirely European owned, while the Fowler Ridge wind farm is a joint venture between a West Virginian company and BP (see Table 1).

Table 1: Indiana's Wind Farms, November 2010

Wind Farm Power Generating Capacity (Megawatts) Number of Wind Turbines Owner
Fowler Ridge 600 355 BP Alternative Energy (U.K.) and Dominion (West Virginia)
Hoosier Wind Project 106 53 Électricité de France
Meadow Lake Wind I,II & III 501.2 303 Energías de Portugal
Goodland Wind Plant I 131 87 BP Alternative Energy (U.K.) 

Source: Indiana Office of Energy Development

The Department of Energy estimates that the construction of Indiana’s wind farms employed around 2,000 people. Once operational, however, the employment figure declines to about 85 maintenance and repair workers.1 Wind power generation is not going to create many jobs in the long term. However, wind turbine manufacturing does offer great potential for employment growth.

Turbine Manufacturing

Wind turbines consist of five components: the blades, the tower, the gearbox, the generator and the nacelle (which is the housing that surrounds the generator, gearbox and other electronic systems).

The blades and the towers do not travel well due to their size, and bridge clearances limit transportation options. As a result, blade and tower manufacturers prioritize the proximity of intended wind farms on the availability of transportation links when locating a plant.2 However, occasionally the larger components will be imported. For example, 75 wind turbine blades (at lengths of nearly 54 yards a piece) were recently imported from Denmark via the Port of Indiana at Burns Harbor for Horizon Wind’s new Timber Road wind farm in Payne, Ohio.3

Manufacturing other windmill components also offers potential for economic growth and job creation in the Midwest if the predominantly European manufacturers shift production from Europe and Asia. There is already evidence that this is occurring: the past six years have seen European wind energy firms announce a total of $1.7 billion of foreign direct investment in the United States. The largest investor is Vestas Wind Systems, committing to spend over $1.3 billion, or more than 80 percent of total wind investment from European firms. Investments have primarily been in manufacturing (see Table 2).

Table 2: Manufacturing Investments over $50 Million by European Wind Energy Firms in the United States, 2004-2010

Company Total Investment Total Jobs Origin Country Destination Year Announced
Vestas Wind Systems $498,600,000 1,600 Denmark Colorado 2010
Vestas Wind Systems $240,000,000 550 Denmark Colorado 2008
Siemens $200,000,000 300 Germany North Carolina 2004
Vestas Wind Systems $180,000,000 650 Denmark Colorado 2008
Vestas Wind Systems $111,700,000 255 Denmark Colorado 2008
Nordex $100,000,000 700 Germany Arkansas 2008
Vestas Wind Systems $72,700,000 240 Denmark Colorado 2010
Vestas Wind Systems $61,500,000 400 Denmark Colorado 2007

Source: FDI Markets

Many smaller windmill components are manufactured within the European Union and then exported to the United States. Brevini—one the largest manufacturers of speed changers, drivers and gears, all of which are regularly used in the construction of windmills—is bucking this trend with their investment in Indiana. In 2008, Brevini, an Italian company with U.S. operations headquartered in Indiana, announced that it intended to invest $86 million at its existing site just outside of Muncie. The construction funded by this investment is still ongoing and is expected to produce over 400 jobs when complete.

Researchers at Illinois State University have identified a variety of industries that contribute to wind turbine manufacturing, including machine shops, rolled steel manufacturers and electronics manufacturers. The Midwest, and Indiana in particular, has a particularly high concentration of iron and steel mills and other engine manufacturing firms, both of which are vital to the production of wind turbines. Figure 4 demonstrates that there are high concentrations of employment in ductile iron castings and gearing and bearing manufacturing compared to the national average. (In this figure, a score of one represents an equal concentration to the national average.) As Figure 4 indicates, the concentration of employment in iron and steel mills, as well as other engine manufacturers, in Indiana is more than 10 times the U.S. concentration. If recent trends continue and the U.S. makes progress toward the goal of deriving 20 percent of its power from renewable energy by 2030, the demand for wind turbines and the workers who build them is sure to increase in the next two decades.

Figure 4: Location Quotients for Select Indiana Manufacturing Industries, 2010

Figure 4: Location Quotients for Select Indiana Manufacturing Industries

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

There is also an opportunity for homegrown wind energy start-ups to enter this market. Firms like Vela Gear Systems, located in Carmel, Ind., or Renewegy in Oshkosh, Wis., have both successfully established themselves as manufacturers of components specific to the wind power industry. Vela is expecting rapid expansion over the next three years and, thanks in large part to tax credits from the Department of Energy, may grow from one full-time and six part-time employees to more than 160 by 2014. These new firms are not in direct competition with the European manufacturers and instead tend to focus on installations for individual firms or smaller scale wind generation. Nevertheless, start-ups in the Midwest are emerging and finding their niche in this expanding sector.

Wind Turbine Occupations

The wind turbine industries that are relatively concentrated in Indiana employ a variety of production occupations. The iron and steel milling industry, for example, employs many assemblers and fabricators as well as installation, maintenance and repair workers. The turbine and power transmission and other engine manufacturing industries hire assemblers, fabricators, metal and plastic workers in addition to mechanical and electrical engineers, engineering technicians, and drafters. Based on just the top three industries that both supply windmill components and in which Indiana (and the Midwest) have relative strengths, it appears that the industries supplying windmill components hire across a wide range of educational and skill requirements.


Wind generates just a sliver of the power consumed by Americans, but it is expected to grow rapidly over the next 20 years. The EU is the world leader in wind energy, boasting some of the world’s largest wind power companies, including Siemens, Nordex and Vestas. Midwestern firms entering the windmill or component market will face stiff competition from these companies. Nevertheless, as these EU firms seek to improve the proximity of their operations to the point of installation, Midwestern firms will likely see growing opportunities to carve out their slice of America’s wind power industry.


  1. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, NREL's Wind Powering America Team Helps Indiana Develop Wind Resources (Golde, CO: NREL, 2010).
  2. Andrew S. David, Wind Turbines Industry and Trade Summary (Washington D.C.: United States International Trade Commission, 2009).
  3. Diane Krieger Spivak, "First Ship en Route to Burns Harbor Port with 75 Wind Turbine Blades, "Post-Tribune,

By Indiana Business Research Center Analysts
Indiana University Kelley School of Business

This research was supported by a grant from the European Union.

Copyright 2013 IndianaDG