Did you watch the National Political Conventions?

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 08, 2012  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   2 Comments

California virtual net metering legislation dies in committee; Should Indiana consider virtual net metering?

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 08, 2012  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Dear IndianaDG Readers:

So why should we care about a California virtual net metering bill? First, this article does a good job of explaining the rationale for virtual net metering. Second, it brings into the limelight additional net metering issues which Indiana and other states need to address. This blog will attempt to bring you additional articles addressing emerging issues and barriers to renewable energy and distributed generation. Should Indiana consider virtual net metering? Tell me what you think.

Laura Ann Arnold

California solar bill will not see the light of day

05.  September 2012 | Markets & Trends, Global  PV markets| By:  Cheryl Kaften

Legislation that would have provided customers of  California’s three major utilities – Southern California Edison (SCE) San Diego  Gas & Electric (SDG&E), and Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) – with  access to virtual, net-metered photovoltaic energy was blocked in the state’s  Assembly Committee on Utilities and Commerce on August 31.

According to a statement by California State Senator Lois Wolk  (Democrat-Davis), who authored SB843, although there was "broad support for the  bill, including that of major investor-owned utility, SDG&E," the measure  was defeated following "intense lobbying" by the other two utilities, which,  Wolk claimed, "control the committee."

"There was an agreement between the Assembly Speaker, the Committee Chair,  and me that would have scaled the bill down to a pilot program under the Public  Utilities Commission’s guidance and oversight," explained Senator Wolk. However,  she said, "That agreement wasn’t honored and the bill died in committee,  depriving the public of innovative energy policy in line with Governor Brown’s  initiatives."

E2 Environmental Entrepreneurs, a group of U.S. businesses that championed  the bill, said it would have provided critical support for the state’s renewable  energy industry – noting that, although rooftop solar is a strong and  growing business in California, at least 75% of households cannot participate  because:

  • They are renters and don’t own their own roofs;
  • They do not have strong enough credit ratings to finance the installations;  or
  • Their roofs are too small, or do not receive sufficient sunlight to make  such a project feasible.

SB843, the business advocates said, would have provided "all of these  California households and businesses the ability to voluntarily buy up to 100  percent renewable power from a shared facility in their utility’s territory and  receive a credit on their current utility bill."

The bill was not limited to solar generation; it would have applied to any  renewable facility that produced up to 20 MW of energy. "Three out of four  Californians are currently unable to take advantage of affordable and clean,  renewable energy through the state’s renewable power programs," Wolk said.  "SB843 would have changed that, giving consumers the opportunity to save on  their energy bill while encouraging more investment and creating thousands of  jobs in an important sector of our state’s economy – all without spending  any state funds or shifting costs to consumers who chose not to participate."

The bill was sponsored by the City of Davis and Superintendent of Public  Instruction, Tom Torlakson, and supported by a broad coalition that included  business, school, and environmental groups, affordable housing advocates; as  well as the Department of Defense (DOD) and many local governments.
"There was a tremendous effort on the part of the bill’s sponsors and  supporters, particularly the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, DOD, U.S. Navy,  Vote Solar, Clean Path Ventures, Environmental Entrepreneurs, Recurrent Energy,  and Renewable Funding. I want to extend my personal thanks to all those who gave  their time and effort in a last stitch effort to get this measure to the  Governor. Unfortunately, the coalition of support behind this measure was simply  no match for the high paid lobbyists and the campaign contributions of these  monopoly corporations," Wolk concluded.

Read more: http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/california-solar-bill-will-not-see-the-light-of-day_100008292/#ixzz25sErgfa1

Regulatory Flexibility Committee meets 9/6/12 to hear IURC Annual Report, Annual Report on renewable resources and InVCEP; Watch on-line

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 06, 2012  /   Posted in Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC), Uncategorized, Voluntary Clean Energy Portfolio Standard Program  /   No Comments

This meeting will be broadcast over the Internet for those unable to attend. Please visit http://www.in.gov/legislative/2441.htm and select the video stream for the appropriate room, i.e. Senate Chamber, from the drop down list to watch the Webcast.

Here is the link to the Regulatory Flexibility Committee agenda: http://www.in.gov/legislative/interim/committee/notices/RFSCF96.pdfhttp://www.in.gov/legislative/interim/committee/notices/RFSCF96.pdf

This committee meeting agenda and notice includes a list of state legislators who are a member of this important committee. Check to see if your own state legislators are a member of this committee.

MEETING TIME: 10:00 am

MEETING PLACE: Senate Chamber, State House, 200 W. Washington, Indianapolis, IN


  1. Discussion of clean energy and the Indiana Voluntary Clean Energy Portfolio program
  2. Discussion of renewable energy transmission
  3. Report by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission by IURC Chairman Jim Atterholt
  4. Annual Report by the State Utility Forecasting Group including Annual Report on renewable resources
  5. Update from the Office of the utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC)

Feed-in Tariff (FIT) contract for Indianapolis Airport solar PV farm under IPL Rate REP scheduled for approval by IURC

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 05, 2012  /   Posted in Feed-in Tariffs (FiT), IPL Rate REP  /   No Comments

The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) has on its agenda today (9/5/2012) for its weekly conference final approval for the Indianapolis Airport Authority (IAA) contract with Indianapolis Power and Light (IPL) for a 15 year feed-in tariff under Rate REP. The weekly conference by Indiana regulators is expected to approve the 30 day filing.

Details will be available later this afternoon. Contact Laura Ann Arnold at Laura.Arnold@indianaDG.net for a copy of the approved contract.

Morgan County Council offering Indianapolis Power and Light (IPL) incentives for Combined Cycle Gas Turbine plant

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 05, 2012  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Dear IndianaDG Readers:

I wrote about the RFP IPL issued for this plant on 7/9/2012. See http://wp.me/pMRZi-L9 for the details on the RFP. The Moorseville-Decatur Times reporter 9/1/2012 that Morgan County is one of three sites being considered for the new IPL plant. I don't recall seeing an IPL news release saying who had the winning proposal or bid. If anyone else knows, please tell me. When I find out, I will post the information here on this blog.

Laura Ann Arnold

Morgan County Targeting IPL Project

InsideINdianaBusiness.com Report

The Morgan County Council is offering Indianapolis Power & Light Co. an economic incentive package if the utility chooses the area for a new energy project. IPL is considering several locations for a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine energy plant.

August 31, 2012

News Release

Martinsville, Ind. -- The Morgan County Council today introduced an economic benefits package for Indianapolis Power & Light Company (IPL), contingent upon IPL building a significant new energy project north of Martinsville. The proposed energy project could yield an estimated $1.1 to $1.6 million in annual economic tax benefits to Morgan County over the next ten years. Tax revenues would be used to benefit Morgan County schools, roads and other county infrastructure.

To meet new EPA standards, IPL is investigating a variety of new electricity generation and energy efficiency programs, and one of the many options under consideration is building a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) energy plant in Morgan County on IPL’s existing North Martinsville property.

If built, the new energy plant will replace about 600 megawatts (MW) of energy that will likely be lost as IPL retires several of its coal-fired, smaller and older energy generating units due to new environmental regulations. IPL issued a request for proposals for a CCGT this past June.

“Morgan County has a long, positive history with IPL, and we look forward to working with IPL on this next project, should it occur,” said Kenny Hale, President of the Morgan County Council. “We have also been contacted by other energy groups proposing projects.”

“While building a CCGT in Morgan County is just one of several options IPL is considering, a tax abatement would lower the project’s cost and make it a more competitive energy replacement option,” said Fred Mills, IPL Director of Government Affairs. “IPL appreciates Morgan County’s support of our proposal.”

About one-third of Morgan County residents and businesses are served by IPL.

“We hope to see IPL’s CCGT project come to fruition in Morgan County,” said Hale. “Bringing cleaner energy generation to customers and economic benefit to the county is a win-win.”

Source: Morgan County Economic Development Corp.

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