Wells Co. (IN) area plan commission approves Apex Wind Energy 60-turbine wind farm; Go on-line to read comments

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   August 16, 2013  /   Posted in wind  /   No Comments

I can't get to the rest of this newspaper report without a paid subscription to the Bluffton News Banner but if you go to the on-line story you don't need a subscription to read the comments to this story. Very interesting debate amongst the locals. Laura Ann Arnold

APC OKs wind farm plans

August 15, 2013 — By Dave Schultz

The voting process was complicated and convoluted, but when it was completed, Apex Wind Energy’s wind turbine development plans were confirmed.
The Wells County Area Plan Commission approved amendments to a previously approved development plan for what will now be a 60-turbine wind farm. It also approved amendments to a second development plan — one that had never been formally approved previously — to what will be a 68-turbine operation.

- See more at: http://www.news-banner.com/article/view/apex-wind-turbine-petitions-approved#sthash.GVrEXrh1.dpuf

IURC Issues Order in IPL case to approve $510 mil for environmental compliance

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   August 14, 2013  /   Posted in Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC), Uncategorized  /   No Comments

The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) issued an order in the Indianapolis Power and Light (IPL) case in Cause No. 44242. This was a certificate of need case.

This order comes just one day before the public field hearing in IPL's latest certificate of need case in Cause No. which includes conversion of the Harding Street powerplant to natural gas and the construction of a new 600 MW natural gas fired powerplant near Martinsville, IN. See the next post for details at http://wp.me/p37Lx8-1jQ.

A copy of the IURC order can be found at: http://www.in.gov/iurc/files/44242order_081413.pdf

[This post will be updated as soon as I can review the order and its implications.

Here are a few tidbits from the order just issued this afternoon.


1. The Settlement Agreement shall be and hereby is approved as modified.
2. The cost estimate provided by IPL in this Cause for the Compliance Project
($510,983,000) shall be and hereby is approved.
3. The Compliance Project shall be and hereby is detennined to constitute "qualified
pollution control property" and is eligible for the ratemaking treatment described in Ind. Code § 8-1-2-6.8 and provided in the Settlement Agreement and this Order.
4. The Compliance Project shall be and hereby is determined to constitute a "clean
energy project" under Ind. Code §8-1-8.8 and is therefore eligible pursuant to Ind. Code § 8-1-8.8-1 1 (a)(1) for timely recovery of costs and expenses through IPL Standard Contract Rider No. 20 - Environmental Cost Recovery Adjustment ("ECCRA") in six month intervals in accordance with the Settlement Agreement and this Order.

Here is information from the website of the Office of the Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC) about this case. This information below as well as the OUCC Fact Sheet provides some background for this case.

IPL MATS Compliance Case

Indianapolis Power & Light Company (IPL) is requesting approval to install new pollution control equipment at its Petersburg generating station and Unit 7 of its Harding Street station, primarily to reduce mercury emissions. The utility is also requesting approval to recover the construction costs through rates, with rate adjustments to be requested every six months.

In filings with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC), IPL states that it is seeking the plan to comply with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Utility Mercury and Air Toxics Standard (MATS) rule. IPL estimates the compliance plan's capital costs at nearly $511 million, not including financing and demolition costs.

An IURC public field hearing was held on Thursday, January 24, with the OUCC issuing a January 11 news release to invite comments. The fact sheet the Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC) distributed at the field hearing offers more information.

settlement agreement among IPL, the OUCC and industrial customers who have intervened in this case was filed on March 13, 2013.

  • Testimony from the settling parties is due March 20.
  • Non-settling parties have until April 3 to file testimony.
  • Settling parties have until April 12 to file rebuttal.
  • An IURC evidentiary hearing is scheduled to start at 9:30 a.m. on April 24, in Room 222 at the PNC Center (101 W. Washington St.) in Indianapolis.

For all publicly filed documents in this case, please visit the IURC's electronic document systemand enter docket number 44242.

This page will be updated based on future developments.



Public Hearing 8/15/13 on IPL Eagle Valley (Morgan Co., IN) proposed nat. gas plant; Tell state utility regulators if you want another fossil fuel plant or renewable energy instead

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   August 14, 2013  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments
IPL Eagle Valley/Harding Street Station Refueling Case: Public Hearing August 15
Written consumer comments invited through August 19
The Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC) is encouraging Indianapolis Power & Light Company (IPL) customers to comment on the utility’s request to build a new natural gas-fired generating facility in Morgan County and convert 2 coal-fired units at its Harding Street Station to natural gas. Consumers may comment either in writing or at the case’s upcoming public field hearing.An Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) public field hearing will be held on Thursday, August 15, 2013 at Crispus Attucks Medical Magnet High School (1140 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Street in Indianapolis). The hearing’s public comment portion will start at 6:00 p.m.

  • Sworn oral and written comments regarding the case will be accepted during the field hearing.
  • Oral and written consumer comments carry equal weight and will become part of the case’s official evidentiary record.
  • Commissioners are not allowed to answer questions during the field hearing. (However, OUCC and IURC staff will be available before, during and after the hearing.)

An OUCC informational session on the regulatory process and public field hearing procedures will begin at 5:30 p.m.

IPL is asking the IURC for approval to build a 550-725 megawatt combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) facility at its Eagle Valley Generating Station in Morgan County. The new plant will replace an existing 341 megawatt (MW) coal-fired facility. Construction costs would be recovered in a future base rate case, and are currently estimated at about $631 million, not including financing. The utility is also requesting IURC authority to transport natural gas for use at the new CCGT plant.

In addition, IPL is seeking IURC approval to convert Units 5 and 6 at its Harding Street Station in Indianapolis from coal to natural gas, and to recover the costs through periodic rate adjustments. Construction costs for Units 5 and 6 are estimated at $36 million, not including financing.

The utility’s estimates show the Harding Street conversion project adding approximately 29 cents to an average residential customer’s monthly bill by 2017, with the new Eagle Valley facility adding 61 cents per month starting in 2018.

In its testimony, the utility states that the Harding Street projects are necessary for compliance with federal regulations, specifically the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Mercury and Air Toxics (MATS) rule.

This case is separate from IPL’s $511 million proposal to install new pollution control equipment at its Petersburg Generating Station and at Harding Street Unit 7, which is pending in IURC Cause No. 44242.

The OUCC – which represents consumer interests in cases before the IURC – is still evaluating this case and is scheduled to file testimony on August 22, 2013. Additional parties that have intervened in this case – including the Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana (CAC), the IPL Industrial Group, and Vectren Energy Delivery – are also scheduled to file testimony on August 22, 2013.

More information on this case is available online atwww.in.gov/oucc/2742.htm.

Consumers who wish to submit written comments in this case may do so via the OUCC’s Website at www.in.gov/oucc/2361.htm, or by mail, email or fax:

  • Mail: Consumer Services Staff
    Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor
    115 W. Washington St., Suite 1500 South
    Indianapolis, IN 46204
  • emailuccinfo@oucc.IN.gov
  • Fax(317) 232-5923

Written comments the OUCC receives by August 19, 2013 will be filed with the Commission and included in the case’s formal evidentiary record. Comments should include the consumer’snamemailing address, and a reference to “IURC Cause No. 44339.”

Consumers with questions about submitting written comments can contact the OUCC’s consumer services staff toll-free at1-888-441-2494.


# # #


(IURC Cause No. 44339)


The Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC) represents Indiana consumer interests before state and federal bodies that regulate utilities. As a state agency, the OUCC’s mission is to represent all Indiana consumers to ensure quality, reliable utility services at the most reasonable prices possible through dedicated advocacy, consumer education, and creative problem solving.

Visit us at www.IN.gov/OUCCwww.twitter.com/IndianaOUCC, orwww.facebook.com/IndianaOUCC

Contact Information:
Name: Anthony Swinger
Phone: 1-888-441-2494
Email: uccinfo@oucc.in.govAlso

Indianapolis Power & Light (IPL) Eagle Valley Project

Indianapolis Power & Light Company (IPL) is seeking IURC permission to build and operate a new 550-725 MW natural gas-fired generating facility in Morgan County (the Eagle Valley Combined-Cycle Gas Turbine project), and permission to convert two coal-fired generating units at its Harding Street station in Marion County to natural gas.

An IURC public field hearing is scheduled for Thursday, August 15, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. at the Crispus Attucks Medical Magnet High School Auditorium (1140 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Street) in Indianapolis. An OUCC informational session will start at 5:30 p.m. Written consumer commentsare also invited. The OUCC's August 2, 2013 news release offers additional information.

The OUCC is scheduled to file testimony on August 22, 2013.

Key IPL filings include:

  • Petition (13 pages)
  • Testimony & Exhibits - Book 1 (366 pages)
  • Testimony & Exhibits - Book 2 (354 pages)
  • Testimony & Exhibits - Book 3 (317 pages)

All publicly filed documents in this case are available by going to the IURC's Electronic Document System and entering Docket Number 44339.

This page will be updated based on case developments.



LBL: The Installed Price of Solar Photovoltaic Systems in the U.S. Continues to Decline at a Rapid Pace

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   August 12, 2013  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

The Installed Price of Solar Photovoltaic Systems in the U.S. Continues to Decline at a Rapid Pace

Allan Chen (media contact): (510) 486-4210a_chen@lbl.gov
Galen Barbose (technical contact): (510) 495-2593GLBarbose@lbl.gov
Ryan Wiser (technical contact): (510) 486-5474RHWiser@lbl.gov
Berkeley, CA — The installed price of solar photovoltaic (PV) power systems in the United States fell substantially in 2012 and through the first half of 2013, according to the latest edition of Tracking the Sun, an annual PV cost tracking report produced by the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab).
Installed prices for PV systems in 2012 fell by a range of roughly $0.30/W to $0.90/W, or 6 to 14 percent, from the prior year, depending on the size of the system.  “This marks the third year in a row of significant price reductions for PV systems in the U.S.,” explains Galen Barbose of Berkeley Lab’s Environmental Energy Technologies Division, one of the report’s co-authors.  Within the first six months of 2013, PV system prices in California fell by an additional 10 to 15 percent, and the report suggests that PV system price reductions in 2013 are on pace to match or exceed those seen in recent years.
The report indicates that the median installed price of PV systems completed in 2012 was $5.30 per Watt (W) for residential and small commercial systems smaller than 10 kilowatts (kW) in size and was $4.60/W for commercial systems of 100 kW or more in size.  Utility-scale systems installed in 2012 registered even lower prices, with prices for systems larger than 10,000 kW generally ranging from $2.50/W to $4.00/W.  The report also highlights the wide variability in PV system pricing, detailing the installed price differences that exist across states and across various types of PV applications and system configurations.
The market for solar PV systems in the United States has grown rapidly over the past decade.  This sixth edition in Berkeley Lab’s Tracking the Sun report series describes historical trends in the installed price of PV in the United States.  The report is based on data from more than 200,000 residential, commercial, and utility-scale PV systems installed between 1998 and 2012 across 29 states, representing roughly 72 percent of all grid-connected PV capacity installed in the United States.  The study is intended to provide policy makers and industry observers with a reliable and detailed set of historical benchmarks for tracking and understanding past trends in the installed price of PV.

Recent PV System Price Reductions Driven by Falling Hardware Costs, While “Soft” Costs Persist

According to the report, recent installed price reductions for PV systems are primarily attributable to steep reductions in the price of PV modules.  From 2008 to 2012, annual average module prices on the global market fell by $2.60/W, representing about 80 percent of the total decline in PV system prices over that period.
Non-module costs – such as inverters, mounting hardware, and the various non-hardware or “soft” costs – have also fallen over the long-term, but have remained relatively flat in recent years.  As a result, they now represent a sizable fraction of the total installed price of PV systems.  This shift in the cost structure of PV systems has heightened the emphasis within the industry and among policymakers on reducing non-module costs.
The report specifically highlights soft costs – which include such things as marketing and customer acquisition, system design, installation labor, and the various costs associated with permitting and inspections – as the most promising target for further PV system price reductions.  “Soft costs are especially important from the perspective of public policy efforts,” Barbose notes.  “Unlike module prices, which are established based on global supply and demand, soft costs can be influenced more directly by local, state and national policies aimed at accelerating deployment and removing market barriers.”
Adds co-author Ryan Wiser, also of Berkeley Lab, “There simply are limits to how much further module prices can fall, and so it stands to reason that continued reductions in PV system prices will need to come primarily from the soft cost side.”

PV System Prices in the United States Higher than in Other Major Markets

The report compares PV system pricing in the United States to a number of other major international markets, and finds that U.S. prices are generally higher.  The differences are particularly stark in comparison to Germany, Italy, and Australia, where the price of small residential PV systems installed in 2012 was roughly 40 percent lower than in the United States.
The report attributes much of the difference in PV system pricing to soft costs, citing the fact that the cost of PV modules and other hardware is typically similar across countries.  “These international experiences suggest that deep near-term reductions in soft costs are attainable in the United States,” says report co-author, Naïm Darghouth, also with Berkeley Lab.  He adds further that, “Reductions in soft costs may naturally accompany growth in market size, as we’ve seen in some of the largest markets such as Germany and Italy, though other factors are also clearly important.”

Price Declines for PV System Owners in 2012 Offset by Falling Incentives

Rebates and other forms of cash incentives for residential and commercial PV systems are offered by state agencies and utilities in many regions.  These incentives have declined significantly over time, falling by roughly 85 percent over the past decade.  Within the span of just 2011 to 2012, median cash incentives from state and utility programs fell by $0.40/W to $0.60/W, depending on PV system size.
States and utilities have reduced incentives both in response to, and to encourage further, installed price declines.  Cash incentives provided through state and utility programs have also fallen over time as other sources of financial support for PV projects – most notably, increases in federal tax incentives and the emergence of solar renewable energy certificate (or SREC) markets in a number of states – have become more widely available or lucrative.

Wide Variability in PV System Pricing Observed

The study also highlights the significant variability in PV system pricing.  For example, among PV systems less than 10 kW in size and completed in 2012, 20 percent of systems had an installed price less than $4.50/W while another 20 percent were priced above $6.50/W.
This variability is partly associated with differences in pricing across states, where the median installed price of PV systems less than 10 kW ranged from $3.90/W to $5.90/W in 2012.  The report points to an array of potential underlying drivers for these cross-state pricing differences, including market size, the size of incentives available and level of competition among installers, labor costs, customer characteristics, administrative and regulatory compliance costs, and sales tax exemptions for PV.
The report also examines the variation in PV system pricing across various types of applications and technologies, including: systems with microinverters vs. central inverters, systems with Chinese vs. non-Chinese modules, systems with varying module efficiencies, residential new construction vs. residential retrofit, building-integrated vs. rack-mounted systems, rooftop vs. ground-mounted systems, and tracking vs. fixed-tilt systems.
The report, Tracking the Sun VI: An Historical Summary of the Installed Price of Photovoltaics in the United States from 1998 to 2012, by Galen Barbose, Naïm Darghouth, Samantha Weaver, and Ryan Wiser, may be downloaded from: http://emp.lbl.gov/sites/all/files/lbnl-6350e.pdf.
A webinar presentation of key findings from the report will be conducted on Friday, August 16th at 11:00 am PDT.  
Registration for the webinar is at:
The research was supported by funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory addresses the world’s most urgent scientific challenges by advancing sustainable energy, protecting human health, creating new materials, and revealing the origin and fate of the universe. Founded in 1931, Berkeley Lab’s scientific expertise has been recognized with 13 Nobel prizes. The University of California manages Berkeley Lab for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. For more, visit www.lbl.gov.


Galen Barbose
Electricity Markets and Policy Group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Supreme Court to Hear Dubuque Solar Panel Case; What are the implications in your state?

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   August 09, 2013  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Supreme Court to Hear Dubuque Solar Panel Case

by Katie Wiedemann, Reporter

Story Created: Aug 7, 2013 at 6:59 PM CDT

Story Updated: Aug 8, 2013 at 11:10 AM CDT

DUBUQUE, Iowa - A battle over how to pay for solar power will soon pit Alliant Energy and the Iowa Utilities Board against a Dubuque Company that installs solar panels. The argument centers around competition and the rules surrounding who can provide power to a consumer. Earlier this year, a district court judge ruled in favor of Eagle Point Solar. But the Iowa Utilities Board appealed that ruling and the Iowa Supreme has now agreed to hear the case.On top of Dubuque's Municipal Operations building, solar panels take in the sun.City leaders say the decided to install solar panels as part of its green initiatives plan.

Eagle Point Solar C.E.O. Barry Shear said, "you're avoiding greenhouse gas emissions and basically you're doing something that's good for the domestic economy as well. "

Shear sold the solar panels to the city. Shear says in order to give Dubuque the best deal he used what's called a 3rd Party Power Purchase agreement.

"It's not economically feasible without these incentives, "said Shear.

Because a city is a non-tax paying entity, it can't receive tax credits. A 3rd party, in this case a bank, buys the actual solar panels using tax credits, and sells the energy they create to the city.

Alliant Spokesperson Justin Foss says Eagle Point was acting as a utility provider. And that's against the rules.

Foss said, "The Iowa utilities board has said that each utility is assigned customers and has the responsibility to serve those customers. "

And the board says no competition allowed.

"Part of the reason the policy and procedure are in place is to make sure that customers who don't use the technology aren't subsidizing those who do," said Foss.

Back at Eagle Point, Shear simply says, that rule isn't fair.

"The utilities are preventing municipalities, schools, universities and churches from adopting renewable energy technologies inside the meter on their properties," said Shear.

And energetic battle expected to play out in court later this summer.

See original article to view video story: http://www.kcrg.com/news/local/Supreme-Court-to-Hear-Dubuque-Solar-Panel-Case-218765111.html

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