CT State Energy Department Approves Two Renewable Energy Projects–One wind and one solar at under 8 cents/kWh

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 22, 2013  /   Posted in solar, Uncategorized, wind  /   No Comments

Wind Farm, Solar Project Chosen For State Clean Energy Push

  • A map of the proposed solar installation in Sprague.
A map of the proposed solar installation in Sprague. (HelioSage Proposal RFP…)
September 20, 2013|By BRIAN DOWLING, bdowling@courant.com, The Hartford Courant

The state energy department on Friday approved two clean energy projects — a wind farm in Maine and a solar array in Sprague and Lisbon — that will help Connecticut reach its accelerating renewable energy goals.

Within two years, the two will generate 3.5 percent of the state's electric load, some 270 megawatts, at prices that are among the lowest from both renewable projects and conventional fossil-fuel plants in the region, state officials said.

Most will be imported into the state, the Maine wind project providing 250 megawatts to the in-state solar project's 20.In Aroostook County, Maine, EDP Renewables North America will build a 250-megawatt wind farm, called the Number Nine Wind Farm, on 94 acres of private land used now for timber production.

Energy officials, in a conference call with reporters, acknowledged that the 400-some miles between Connecticut and the project in northern Maine poses a transmission concern, one under close consideration by the region's electric grid. Last week, ISO-New England identified parts of northern New England, including Maine, as a region with significant bottled-in energy, which means there's more power plants than transmission capacity.

In Sprague and Lisbon, Heliosage Energy will build a 20-megawatt solar farm, called the Fusion Solar Center, on 180 acres off of Potash Hill Road. In its application, the company said it has secured financing from an unnamed Fortune 500 utility.

Including clean energy subsidies, both projects priced in at under 8 cents per kilowatt hour, including subsidies, a surprisingly low mark for renewable energy in the state. The average bid came in at 12.8 cents per kilowatt hour, and the highest was 20 cents.

One reason for the low rate was that developers will likely qualify for a federal production tax credit that expires at the end of the year. Others include scale and competition, according to officials.

"These projects bring real benefits — cleaner power with no air emissions and improved reliability by diversifying our energy portfolio — all at a cost comparable to electricity generated from conventional power plants," Gov. Dannel P. Malloy said in a written statement.

The energy department, in July, posted a request for proposals for clean energy projects in New England, searching for low-cost renewable power that could be contracted for up to 20 years. Developers responded with 47 proposals, mostly wind-powered, for projects throughout New England, including a high-profile biomass-, solar- and fuel cell-project planned for Montville by NRG Energy.

To choose, energy officials scored the projects on: price, weighted at 80 percent; reliability, at 15 percent; and feasibility, at 5 percent.

The developers of the two projects have signed long-term agreements to sell the power to Connecticut Light & Power and United Illuminating, EDP a 15-year deal, and Heliosage a 20-year. The agreements will next be sent to state regulators for approval.

Delay on Presentation of Agreements for Logansport (IN) proposed new refuse-derived fuel (RDF) powerplant

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 20, 2013  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

September 20, 2013

Presentation of power plant agreements moved to December

LMU super: More time needed for negotiations

by Mitchell Kirk Pharos-Tribune Pharos-Tribune

The presentation of agreements between the city and the company proposing to build a power plant have been extended from its originally anticipated release next month to sometime in December, Logansport Municipal Utilities Superintendent Paul Hartman announced in an email Wednesday.

Negotiations between the city and Pyrolyzer LLC, out of Boca Raton, Fla., over a generating plant that would be powered by refuse-derived fuel began earlier this spring. A power purchase agreement is expected to result from the talks. The agreement would establish electric rates.

A build-operate-transfer agreement, which will determine how long the company will own the plant before transferring it to the city, is also expected to come out of the talks.

Hartman said at last month’s Logansport Utility Service Board meeting that the agreements would be presented at a board meeting scheduled for Oct. 1.

In an email, he wrote the release is being moved to December because more time is needed for Pyrolyzer, the plant’s investors and the consultants hired by the city to assist with the project to complete and review the agreements.

“This meeting is later than presented to the [utility service board] in previous discussions, however, as you can appreciate, the development of these documents in Indiana is precedent-setting,” he states in the message.

Hartman went on to write the power purchase agreement is being reviewed by investors and that their feedback to the consultants is expected by the middle of October.

The build-operate-transfer agreement is currently undergoing “final development” by the consultants and will be presented to Pyrolyzer in two weeks, he continued.

The contract between the city and the consultants will take the parties through the remainder of the negotiations.

The ordinance passed by Logansport City Council in March authorizing Mayor Ted Franklin to negotiate with Pyrolyzer on behalf of the city states talks must conclude by the end of this year.

John Molitor, an Indianapolis-based attorney working as special counsel for the city, said while the ordinance states negotiations must conclude by the end of the year, the other requirements can come afterward. The presentation, any committee meetings, public hearing and city council votes on the agreements can take place in the months that follow, he said.

The Indiana Supreme Court is currently considering the validity of the ordinance authorizing the negotiations in a lawsuit first filed in Cass County Superior Court II by Logansport citizen Julie Kitchell.

Molitor, who represented city council in the case, said he would be surprised if a ruling wasn’t made by the end of November.

Logansport Councilman Bob Bishop, a supporter of the power plant project, said he expects council members and the public will have a month or two to consider the contracts after they are finished.

“It’s going to be a pretty good-sized agreement,” he said. “They can’t bring that to us expecting a vote on it in a couple days.”

Mitchell Kirk is a staff reporter at the Pharos-Tribune. He can be reached at 574-732-5130 or mitchell.kirk@pharostribune.com.

IEA Feed-in Tariff Presentation to Indiana Regulatory Flexibility Committee

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 18, 2013  /   Posted in Feed-in Tariffs (FiT), IPL Rate REP, Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO), Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Tim Caister and John Haselden

Tim Caister with NIPSCO (left) at the podium and John Haselden with IPL (right) making presentation to the members of the Regulatory Flexibility Committee.

The Indiana Energy Association, the trade association for the Indiana investor-owned electric and natural gas utilities, made a presentation to the Regulatory Flexibility Committee 9/18/13 in the Senate Chamber of the Indiana State Capitol.

After an introduction by Ed Simcox, the presentation was made jointly by Tim Caister with Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO) and John Haselden with Indianapolis Power and Light (IPL).

John Haselden

John Haselden with IPL testifying in Indiana Senate Chambers about IPL's feed-in tariff called Rate REP.

Download a copy of their slides HERE:

IEA_Reg Flex FIT presentation v091513wo

Caperton says properly designed feed-in tariff can lower cost of capital; Keep rates down

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 18, 2013  /   Posted in Feed-in Tariffs (FiT)  /   No Comments

A Properly Designed Feed-in Tariff Can Lower the Cost of Capital and Keep Electric Rates Down

by Richard W. Caperton

Conversations about building new renewable energy almost always come back to the electricity from these projects being more expensive than fossil fuel energy.  This may be the case (although it’s almost certainly overstated), but this shouldn’t lead to the conclusion that the way to minimize rate impacts is simply to use less renewable energy.  In fact, there are policy tools that can help lower the cost of renewable energy, letting us meet renewables goals at a lower price.

One of these policies is a feed-in tariff, also known as “CLEAN Contracts.”  Perhaps most famous for its successful implementation in Germany, a feed-in tariff is a policy tool that guarantees a fixed price at which renewable generators can sell the electricity they produce.  The tool works by requiring that utilities offer a standardized, long-term contract to clean energy developers, with a price determined by a public body or regulatory authority.  Feed-in tariffs provide the transparency, longevity, and certainty that banks need to finance projects, which leads to significant investment.  Indeed, feed-in tariffs are responsible for 75 percent of the solar photovoltaic power installed worldwide, as well as 45 percent of the wind energy.

The key element of a feed-in tariff is to set a price that reflects the cost of generating the energy, including a reasonable rate of return that is fair and equitable to both investors and ratepayers.  This is generally the same way that regulators set electricity rates, by looking at a utility’s costs – including investments in new generation – and setting rates at a level to recover those costs plus a reasonable rate of return to their investors.  The rate of return is critical, because there is evidence that the necessary rate of return under a feed-in tariff program can be lower than the typical rate of return that utilities require.  This means that renewable energy is cheaper with a feed-in tariff than without.

Publicly-available data on utility rates of return, feed-in tariff policies, and costs of renewable energy can give important insights into just how big this difference can be.


[JR:  Warning -- This is a wonky post, which is why I like it!]

To start, we need to determine what rate of return utilities generally get on their investments.  There are some exceptions, but theorists generally agree that the rate of return a utility should get is the same as their cost of capital (that is, how much their investors expect to earn on their investment). According to data compiled by the Edison Electric Institute, investor-owned electric utilities can expect to earn a return on equity of just over ten percent.  Of course, this can vary by utility, with some utilities earning rates of return of closer to eleven percent.  (Non-profit electric companies, such as electric cooperatives and municipal utilities, likely have a different cost of capital, so this analysis is specific to investor-owned utilities.)

The average investor owned utility has a capital structure that is roughly 50 percent equity and 50 percent debt, and faces an effective tax rate of about 33 percent.  If we assume that their cost of equity is ten percent and cost of debt is five percent, then the “weighted average cost of capital” for a utility is 6.7 percent.  Ultimately, this is the cost of capital that will be passed on to ratepayers on every investment.

Now, let’s consider two ways that a feed-in tariff can lower this cost of capital.  First, the capital structure can change, because a feed-in tariff adds certainty to a project that makes it desirable to banks.  Second, some investors will require a lower return on equity, because they have non-financial reasons to make the investment.

Under the first example, we can simply change the expected capital structure to 70 percent debt and 30 percent equity.  In fact, this is the capital structure that the province of Ontario used in calculating their feed-in tariff rates.  Keeping the cost of equity, cost of debt, and tax rate the same as above, this has the effect of lowering the weighted average cost of capital to 5.4 percent.  The only thing that has changed is that the project is being built in a policy environment that includes a feed-in tariff, which has allowed the project developer to attract more debt.

With this information on rates of return, we can use Dr. James White’s“Renewable Energy Payment/Feed-In Tariff Calculator” to estimate what price this implies for a hypothetical feed-in tariff.  Dr. White’s model only covers the United States, but we can use it to calculate the required feed-in tariffs just across the Great Lakes, in Michigan.  There, a utility installing a large wind turbine would require 10.72 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) to make the appropriate return on their investment.  However, if Michigan had a feed-in tariff, the exact same project would only require a rate of 9.8 cents per kWh, due to the change in capital structure.  (These rates are purely hypothetical and are meant to serve as examples.  Any feed-in tariff rate setting procedure should involve a careful analysis of the cost of owning and operating a renewable generation system, which has not been done in this paper.)

This difference of .92 cents may seem like a little, but it adds up fairly quickly.  As of June, Michigan had generated 157 million kilowatt-hours of electricity from wind.  If Michigan had had a feed-in tariff in place for the first half of 2010, Michigan’s ratepayers could have saved over $1.4 million.

The other way that a feed-in tariff can save ratepayers money is by encouraging renewable development by investors who will be satisfied with a lower return on equity than traditional electricity infrastructure investors.  The primary reason why someone would accept a lower return is that utilities see investments primarily as financial investments, whereas small developers – such as a homeowner installing rooftop solar – have some non-financial motivations, including the desire to take personal action against climate change.

Now, we can calculate the cost of capital for a small investor.  Gainesville, Florida, has implemented a feed-in tariff through their municipal utility and will attract rooftop solar installations.  Depending on the project specifications, Gainesville projects that renewable developers will earn returns of up to 4.99 percent.  For simplicity’s sake, let’s say that the return on equity in Gainesville is five percent.  Financing structures for small installations tend to be more complicated than a simple debt/equity mix, such as financing models involving leases.  Rather than trying to account for these effects on the cost of capital, let’s just assume that the project is paid for entirely with cash by the homeowner.  (Effectively, this is a 100 percent equity capital structure, so the weighted average cost of capital is the same as the cost of equity.

For a small solar project in Florida, Dr. White’s calculator suggests that a utility with a 6.7 percent cost of capital would need to receive about 34.72 cents per kilowatt-hour on their investment.  An investor who only expected a rate of return of five percent, however, would need to receive just 30.40 cents per kWh to make the same investment.  (Again, these rates are only intended to serve as examples.)

This difference of 4.3 cents per kwh can turn into significant savings for ratepayers.  Suppose this hypothetical utility sold 2.1 million megawatt-hours of electricity (as Gainesville Regional Utilities did in 2009).  If half of a percent of their power was generated from solar, that would be 10,500,000 kWh of solar power sales.  With a feed-in tariff system that saves 4.3 cents per kWh, this utility would have saved $450,000, savings which can be passed on to their consumers.

In both of these scenarios, the only thing that’s changed is the existence of a feed-in tariff.  With this tool in place, some renewable energy will be built by people who demand a smaller financial return on their investment, because they benefit from non-financial returns.  Even the traditional infrastructure investors – who demand the same return on equity as investor-owned utilities – will be able to sell power more cheaply, because a feed-in tariff allows them to leverage their investment with more debt.  This means that the exact same amount of renewable generation can get built, but consumers will pay less for it.  Building clean energy and saving money: this is the optimal solution.

Richard Caperton is the director of clean energy finance at the Center for American Progress

WSJ: Companies Unplug From the Electric Grid, Delivering a Jolt to Utilities; How will this impact Indiana?

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 18, 2013  /   Posted in Indiana Michigan Power Company (I&M), Uncategorized  /   No Comments

This quote seems very timely given that I am currently attending the Indiana Michigan Power Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) meeting today (9/18/13) in Indianapolis.

"Utility executives, meanwhile, are asking themselves a disquieting question: "Am I going to just sit here and take it and ultimately be a caretaker of a museum, or am I going to be part of that business" that's emerging, said Nick Akins, chief executive of American Electric Power Co., AEP -0.02% a big Ohio-based utility. AEP is considering helping its customers install their own generating facilities."

Companies Unplug From the Electric Grid, Delivering a Jolt to Utilities




  • [image]Michal Czerwonka for The Wall Street JournalAt Kroger's food-distribution center in Compton, Calif., a tank system converts organic waste into biogas to produce electricity used by the facility

On a hill overlooking the Susquehanna River, two big wind turbines crank out electricity for Kroger Co.'s KR -0.64% Turkey Hill Dairy in rural Lancaster County, Pa., allowing it to save 25% on its power bill for the past two years.

Across the country, at a big food-distribution center Kroger also owns in Compton, Calif., a tank system installed this year uses bacteria to convert 150 tons a day of damaged produce, bread and other organic waste into a biogas that is burned on site to produce 20% of the electricity the facility uses.

These two projects, plus the electric output of solar panels at four Kroger grocery stores, and some energy-conservation efforts are saving the Cincinnati-based grocery chain $160 million a year on electricity, said Denis George, its energy manager. That is a lot of money that isn't going into the pockets of utilities.

From big-box retailers to high-tech manufacturers, more companies across the country are producing their own power. Since 2006, the number of electricity-generation units at commercial and industrial sites has more than quadrupled to roughly 40,000 from about 10,000, according to federal statistics.

Experts say the trend is gaining momentum, spurred by falling prices for solar panels and natural gas, as well as a fear that power outages caused by major storms will become more common.


Michal Czerwonka for The Wall Street JournalOrganic waste

"The battle cry is Hurricane Sandy," said Rick Fioravanti, vice president of energy-storage technology at DNV Kema, a Netherlands-based consulting company.

The growing number of companies that are at least partly energy self-sufficient is sending a shudder through the utility industry, threatening its revenues and growth prospects, according to a report earlier this year by the Edison Electric Institute, a trade association for investor-owned electric companies.

State and federal regulators say they are worried that utilities could end up with fewer customers to pay for costly transmission lines and power plants.

Utility executives, meanwhile, are asking themselves a disquieting question: "Am I going to just sit here and take it and ultimately be a caretaker of a museum, or am I going to be part of that business" that's emerging, said Nick Akins, chief executive of American Electric Power Co., AEP -0.07% a big Ohio-based utility. AEP is considering helping its customers install their own generating facilities.

On-site generation still accounts for less than 5% of U.S. electricity production. But it is peeling off some of the bulk sales that utilities find especially profitable. And some of the companies getting into the business think it is approaching a tipping point called "grid parity," at which point power would be as cheap to make as to buy from a utility.

Since 2007, when the first solar arrays went up on its store roofs in California, the installed costs of Wal-Mart Stores Inc.'s WMT -0.11% solar systems have dropped from $6 or $8 per watt of capacity to about $3.50 per watt, said David Ozment, the company's senior director of energy management. He said he expects the retailer to be paying as little for solar power as utility power "in less than three years," opening the floodgates to solar expansion.



Wal-Mart produces about 4% of the electricity it uses but intends to make 20% by 2020, taking advantage of idle acreage on thousands of store rooftops.

On-site generation isn't a new idea. It existed before the electric grid—the interconnected system of power plants, substations and transmission lines that ferry power thousands of miles—was stitched together beginning in the 1920s.

But for most of the past 50 years, the practice was associated mostly with remote locations like Alaska fish canneries or industrial facilities like oil refineries that generated lots of waste heat that could be harnessed for power production.

Almost overnight, that niche market has gone decidedly mainstream. Six years ago ,Google Inc. GOOG -0.06% attracted attention by installing big solar arrays atop its Silicon Valley complex in California. Other tech companies followed suit, worried about ensuring power supplies for energy-hungry server farms and achieving sustainability objectives.

Apple Inc. AAPL +2.08% now gets 16% of its electricity from solar panels and fuel cells that run on biogas. Apple's data center in Maiden, N.C., makes all the power it consumes, a company spokeswoman said.

BMW AG's BMW.XE -0.22% assembly plant in South Carolina, which made 300,000 vehicles last year, gets half its electricity from an on-site energy center that burns methane piped to it from a nearby garbage dump. Drugstore chain Walgreen Co.,WAG +0.24% which has solar panels at 155 stores, plans to install them at 200 more.

Falling equipment prices make on-site generation increasingly attractive. From 2002 to 2012, the cost of installed solar systems fell by half, according to an August report from the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. Companies also have the option of leasing big solar systems, rather than incurring the capital cost of buying them.

Many "clean energy" projects also qualify for federal and state subsidies. In the case of solar installations, there is a 30% federal tax credit, which is set to drop to 10% in 2017. Government officials say a shift to greener energy resources is good since it reduces the output from coal-fueled power plants, which produce about 40% of the nation's electricity and are the most polluting.

But analysts say the importance of subsidies has been waning, overshadowed by steep declines in the cost of power-generating equipment. For example, the cost of solar modules—the biggest single component in a rooftop solar system—has dropped about 80% in the past four years, to about 65 cents a watt from about $4 a watt, said Galen Barbose, a senior researcher at the lab.

Companies also are turning to wind turbines and technologies like fuel cells, batteries, small natural-gas turbines and reciprocating engines, which are natural-gas-fueled cousins of the auto's internal combustion engine.

Engineering and technology company SAIC Inc. SAI -0.13% is installing enough generating capacity at a data center outside New York to meet the center's core needs, with batteries for backup power. The system uses reciprocating engines burning natural gas, an option considered reliable in storms because gas pipelines are buried.

A report released by the White House in August estimated that power outages caused by bad weather cost the U.S. economy $18 billion to $52 billion a year in lost productivity from 2003 to 2012.

Demand for fuel cells in the U.S. is coming primarily from telecom companies, hotels and universities, said David Wright, CEO of ClearEdge Power Inc., a manufacturer in Hillsboro, Ore. Many buyers want reliable on-site generation as a hedge against storm-related outages.

By next year, Verizon Communications Inc. VZ -0.54% plans to install $100 million worth of fuel cells from ClearEdge and Bloom Energy, as well as solar panels, at 19 data centers and other facilities in seven states, including New York and New Jersey.

Some traditional utility companies are edging into the on-site generation business.

Edison InternationalEIX +0.15% which owns big utility Southern California Edison, recently bought a Chicago-based developer of rooftop solar projects, SoCore Energy LLC, and it is an investor in solar-finance company Clean Power Finance.

As power production becomes more decentralized, "I want to make sure the company is deeply involved," said Edison CEO Ted Craver.

Write to Rebecca Smith at rebecca.smith@wsj.com and Cassandra Sweet atcassandra.sweet@dowjones.com

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