Fox News: Abound Solar left toxic mess at Colorado plant after filing bankrupt; Had planned Indiana plant that never materialized

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   November 01, 2013  /   Posted in solar, Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Bankrupt solar panel firm took stimulus money, left a toxic mess, says report
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A Colorado-based solar company that got hundreds of millions of dollars in federal loan guarantees before going belly-up didn't just empty taxpayers' wallets - it left behind a toxic mess of carcinogens, broken glass and contaminated water, according to a new report.

The Abound Solar plant, which got $400 million in federal loan guarantees in 2010, when the Obama administration sought to use stimulus funds to promote green energy, filed for bankruptcy two years later. Now its Longmont, Colo., facility sits unoccupied, its 37,000 square feet littered with hazardous waste, broken glass and contaminated water. The Northern Colorado Business Report estimates it will cost up to $3.7 million to clean and repair the building so it can again be leased.

“As lawyers, regulators, bankruptcy officials and the landlord spar over the case, the building lies in disrepair, too contaminated to lease,” the report stated.


"If a coal, oil or gas company pulled something like that the EPA would send out SWAT teams and the U.S. Marshals to track down the offenders, bankrupt or not."

- National Legal and Policy Center, a think tank


The owner of the property tried to force a bankruptcy trustee to clean the facility, but the report said it would "place humans at imminent and significant health risk." One of the hazards is the presence of cadmium, a cancer-causing agent that is used to produce the film on the solar panels, the report said.

While the loan guarantees exposed taxpayers to hundreds of millions of dollars, the federal government lost a total of $70 million backing the failed company. Unsold inventory which should have been used to offset those losses, including 2,000 solar panels, mysteriously disappeared, according to the National Legal and Policy Center.

"If a coal, oil or gas company pulled something like that the EPA would send out SWAT teams and the U.S. Marshals to track down the offenders, bankrupt or not," the center said in a report of its own.

President Obama touted Abound in a July 3, 2010 announcement of a $2 billion “investment” in green energy projects.

"The second company is Abound Solar Manufacturing, which will manufacture advanced solar panels at two new plants, creating more than 2,000 construction jobs and 1,500 permanent jobs," Obama said. "A Colorado plant is already underway, and an Indiana plant will be built in what’s now an empty Chrysler factory. When fully operational, these plants will produce millions of state-of-the-art solar panels each year."

But less than two years later, the company laid off half of its 400 workers, and then, in the summer of 2012, filed for bankruptcy. It became the third clean-energy company to seek bankruptcy protection after receiving a loan from the Energy Department under the economic stimulus law. California solar panel maker Solyndra and Beacon Power, a Massachusetts energy-storage firm, also declared bankruptcy. Solyndra received a $528 million federal loan, while Beacon Power got a $43 million loan guarantee.

While solar energy is touted as clean, The Associated Press reported that many panel makers are grappling with a hazardous waste problem. Fueled partly by billions in government incentives, the industry is creating millions of solar panels each year and, in the process, millions of pounds of toxic sludge and contaminated water.

To dispose of the material, the companies must transport it by truck or rail far from their own plants to waste facilities hundreds and, in some cases, thousands of miles away.

The fossil fuels used to transport that waste, experts say, is not typically considered in calculating solar's carbon footprint, giving scientists and consumers who use the measurement to gauge a product's impact on global warming the impression that solar is cleaner than it is.

After installing a solar panel, "it would take one to three months of generating electricity to pay off the energy invested in driving those hazardous waste emissions out of state," said Dustin Mulvaney, a San Jose State University environmental studies professor who conducts carbon footprint analyses of solar, biofuel and natural gas production.

The waste from manufacturing has raised concerns within the industry, which fears that the problem, if left unchecked, could undermine solar's green image at a time when companies are facing stiff competition from each other and from low-cost panel manufacturers from China and elsewhere.

The Associated Press contributed to this report 

Clinton County (MI) judge struck down tonwnship ordinances aimed at stopping Forest Hill Energy-Fowler Farms wind project.

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   October 31, 2013  /   Posted in Uncategorized, wind  /   No Comments

Judge voids township ordinances in Clinton County that limited $120M wind project

3 Clinton County ordinances restricted $120M wind project

Wind turbines pierce the sky at the Harvest Wind Farm in Oliver Township in Huron County. A ruling by Clinton County Circuit Judge Randy Tahvonen strikes down ordinances passed by three townships in the county that would have placed restrictions on a proposed $120 million wind energy project and clears the way for the project to begin.(AP Photo/Al Goldis, file)

Wind turbines pierce the sky at the Harvest Wind Farm in Oliver Township in Huron County. A ruling by Clinton County Circuit Judge Randy Tahvonen strikes down ordinances passed by three townships in the county that would have placed restrictions on a proposed $120 million wind energy project and clears the way for the project to begin.(AP Photo/Al Goldis, file) / AP

ST. JOHNS — Three townships did not have the authority to enact and enforce the ordinances they passed last year to restrict a $120 million wind energy project, a Clinton County circuit judge has ruled.

“Each township’s wind turbine ordinance is invalid, unenforceable, and therefore, void,” Judge Randy Tahvonen wrote in a six-page decision he signed Monday. The ruling was released Tuesday.

Ordinances adopted last year by Dallas, Essex and Bengal townships in northern Clinton County “are more restrictive zoning ordinances masquerading as police power regulations,” Tahvonen said.

With the ruling, the 39-turbine project that has divided residents since it was proposed in 2008 moved a big step closer to starting.

“We have a special use permit to construct this project and we intend to go forward,” said Grand Rapids attorney Jon Bylsma, who represented Forest Hill Energy-Fowler Farms LLC in its lawsuit against the townships.

“It certainly sounds like good news,” said project developer Tim Brown of Chicago. He was traveling Tuesday an declined to elaborate until he was able to read the decision.

Farmer Bob Boettger, who plans to host eight turbines on 2,450 acres of land he owns or rents, welcomed the ruling.

“That’s terrific, that’s wonderful,” Boettger said. “We’ve been working nearly four years and thought we’d be up and spinning by now. But, you just take every step as it comes and it will work out. The process has worked well even though at times it’s been frustrating.”

Okemos attorney Bill Fahey, who represented Dallas Township in writing its ordinance and who argued the case before Tahvonen in July and earlier this month, said each township has the right to appeal the ruling.

The township boards must decide and file any appeals within 21 days, Fahey said.

The project calls for each of the 39 turbines to reach a height of 427 feet at the highest point of the blade rotation.

Only 14 Michigan skyscrapers are taller. At 345 feet, the Boji Tower in downtown Lansing is the area’s tallest building. The state Capitol tops out at 267 feet.

Farmer Ken Wieber was among residents who opposed the project in recent years, often expressing concern about the impact of the turbines on residents’ health and property values.

“We thoroughly disagree with this decision and we encourage the townships to appeal this incorrect ruling,” he said.

“I still think the townships will try to stall it,” Boettger said. “But once they run out of money, I guess it’s over with. The insurance companies have paid the attorneys fees or most of them to this point. Hopefully the insurance companies will tell them, ‘you’re on your own now.’ ”

Judge's ruling on $120 million Clinton County wind project Link to decision

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TUSK: Immediate Past Arizona Republican Party Chairman Tom Morrissey To Co-Chair TUSK

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   October 29, 2013  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

October 29, 2013
Contact: Michael Scerbo
Work: 480.423.1414
Mobile: 602.615.6523


Immediate Past Arizona Republican Party Chairman Tom Morrissey To Co-Chair TUSK; Effort To Stop APS From Eliminating Rooftop Solar, Electric Competition In AZ
(SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.)  Former Arizona Republican Party Chairman Tom Morrissey is now co-chairman of TUSK (Tell Utilities Solar won't be Killed). He joins TUSK Chairman Barry Goldwater Jr. in leading this organization, which is fighting for energy choice in Arizona.

Tom Morrissey was elected Arizona Republican Party Chairman in 2011 to a two year term, at the end of which, Republicans held all statewide offices, maintained the majorities in both houses of the Arizona Legislature, and won the state for Governor Romney.

Morrissey served in the United States Marshal's office from 1975 to 1995. He retired as Chief Deputy US Marshal District of Arizona. From 1996 to 2008 he served as Chief of the Office of Special Investigations for the Arizona Department of Economic Security.

Morrissey joins a growing list of conservatives who believe that energy choice is just as important as school choice and healthcare choice.

Morrissey hopes APS will one day "see the light"  and understand that the proper use of solar power can help them and also help our nation to get somewhat closer to energy independence, and consequently, economic recovery, by keeping our energy dollars in the U.S.

“This debate isn’t about subsidies. All energy sources and energy providers receive subsidies. That’s just how the electricity market is structured, unfortunately. This is about whether we are going to have at least some competition in this state for the monopoly utilities. I strongly believe we should. Also, individuals should have the right to make private investments in technology that benefits them and their fellow Arizonans. The government should not hamper that right,” Morrissey said.

Arizona Public Service has called on the Arizona Corporation Commission to tax the sun by ending solar savings for rooftop solar customers. That plan would essentially end energy choice and result in a new $2 billion subsidy for the utility monopoly on top of the many subsidies they and their shareholders already receive.

Morrissey continued, "Conservatives who support school choice and healthcare choice should join me in supporting energy choice. As conservatives, we are morally obligated to fight new tax proposals. APS' request to end net metering amounts to a tax on solar savings. It also seeks to line the pockets of a regulated monopoly through government intervention. I am proud to join Barry Goldwater Jr. in leading the charge towards more energy competition and private investment."

TUSK Chairman Barry Goldwater Jr. stated, “Conservatives embrace solar energy because it represents ratepayers taking control of their energy choices. I welcome Tom Morrissey to TUSK and to the ever growing list of conservative solar supporters.”

T.U.S.K. (Tell Utilities Solar won’t be Killed) was formed to stand for energy choice and rooftop solar savings. The position has been supported by diverse groups ranging from The Arizona Republic and The Rec Center Board of Sun City to town and city councils in Cave Creek, Clarkdale and Guadalupe.

To learn more about T.U.S.K. visit

T.U.S.K. believes that rooftop solar is similar to a charter school—it provides a competitive alternative to the monopoly. Monopoly utilities aren’t known for reducing costs or for driving business innovation, but the Arizona solar industry is. Solar companies have a track record of aggressive cost reduction in Arizona. The more people use rooftop solar, the less power they need to buy from the utilities. Energy independence for Arizonans means smaller profits for the utilities, so APS is doing everything it can to stop the spread of independent solar.



Bloomberg: EBay, Ellison Embrace Microgrids in Threat to Utilities; Do you support microgrids?

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   October 18, 2013  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

EBay, Ellison Embrace Microgrids in Threat to Utilities

By Ken Wells & Mark Chediak - Oct 17, 2013 9:34 AM ET

Simon Dawson/Bloomberg
Microgrids are emerging as a credible threat to the dominance of America’s 100-year-old-plus utility monopoly, possibly making these electricity power transmission lines obsolete.

Oracle Corp. Chief Executive Officer Larry Ellison plans to build one to power the Hawaiian island he bought last year. EBay Inc. has one to run a data center. The University of California at San Diego and the federal government have invested tens of millions of dollars in the technology.

NRG Energy Inc. CEO David Crane

The 3,200 U.S. utilities are already facing what NRG Energy Inc. CEO David Crane calls a “mortal threat” to the industry. Photographer: Jin Lee/Bloomberg

Microgrids are emerging as a credible threat to the dominance of America’s 100-year-old-plus utility monopoly. The small-scale versions of centralized power systems, once just used against blackouts, are now gaining thousands of customers as homeowners in states with high power costs turn to them as a way to manage rooftop solar systems, cut electricity bills and, in some cases, say goodbye to their power companies.

The systems use computer software and remote measuring devices to control energy sources such as rooftop solar panels and natural gas-fueled power generators. They allow a home or business owner, a college systems engineer or a farmer on a mountainside to generate, distribute and regulate their locally produced power with an ease and sophistication that only utilities had a few years ago.

Not much of a factor a decade ago, microgrids are expected to explode into a $40 billion-a-year global business by 2020, according to Navigant Research, a clean-technology data and consulting company. In the U.S., about 6 gigawatts of electricity -- enough to power as many as 4.8 million homes -- will flow through microgrids by 2020, Navigant said.

Utility Leapfrog

“Microgrids are going from evolutionary to revolutionary,” said Jon Creyts, a program director at the Rocky Mountain Institute, a nonprofit energy and environmental think tank. While microgrids control a sliver of generation in relation to the overall grid, they are being built with a speed and projected scale that is cause for utilities to worry, according to Creyts.

In the developing world, they may leapfrog the need for conventional utilities -- the same way mobile phones leapfrogged the need for landlines -- and bring power almost half of the 1.3 billion people on Earth who don’t have it.

While the earliest microgrids controlled simple generator backup systems, they have evolved into sophisticated smart grids. Operators can remain tethered to the larger grid and switch seamlessly between the electricity they generate and utility power, whichever is cheaper. They can even sell surplus electricity back to the utilities through a process known as net metering.

If the main grid goes down, a flip of a switch or automated computer program deploys their mix of green energy, backup generators and storage batteries to keep the lights on.

Eating Revenue

Microgrids have the potential to radically change the U.S. electricity paradigm as they proliferate and begin to eat into the utility revenue stream. For example, U.C. San Diego saves an estimated $850,000 a month on its electricity bill by self-generating and using its microgrid to fine-tune campus power consumption.

The 3,200 U.S. utilities are already facing what NRG Energy Inc. CEO David Crane calls a “mortal threat” to the industry. Forces including deregulation, green politics and an explosion of rooftop solar and other homemade energy -- known as distributed generation -- mean a reduction in the fossil-fuel electricity utilities sell.

Microgrids may be the mechanism through which this revolution in clean distributed generation will be carried out - - a portal for leaving the traditional power grid.

Mixed Reaction

For utilities, which sell $400 billion worth of electricity a year delivered by 2.7 million miles (4.3 million kilometers) of power lines, the reaction is mixed.

In California, epicenter of the rooftop solar revolution, utility executives have begun to complain to regulators that microgrid operators who remain tied to power lines should shoulder some of the costs of keeping the grid stable, perhaps through connection fees. Sempra Energy and American Electric Power Co. are considering microgrid investments as a way to hedge the threat.

While only about 30 commercial-scale systems like those used by EBay and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration exist now, that number is projected to climb to 300 in just two years, said Steve Pullins, chief strategic officer for Green Energy Corp., a Tennessee-based builder of commercial-scale microgrids.

His company estimates that 24,000 U.S. commercial and industrial sites are ripe for large-scale microgrid conversions. Globally, about 400 additional big microgrid projects are under way. Lockheed Martin Corp. completed in May the U.S. Army’s first domestic microgrid at Fort Bliss in Texas. The military is already using them at sites in other countries to reduce fuel consumption.

Requests Increase

“We are seeing requests for proposals going up significantly, 30 to 40 percent higher than last year,” said Paul Orzeske, president of the Honeywell International Inc. unit that designs and builds commercial-scale microgrids. Honeywell built a $71 million microgrid for an FDA research center in Maryland and the agency is in the midst of a $213 million addition that will be online early next year.

On the consumer level, San Francisco-based Gen110, which installs leased microgrid systems with no out-of-pocket costs to homeowners, is attracting utility customers put off by tiered pricing that penalizes them when their use exceeds a certain level.

Gen110, which was acquired in September by franchiser Solar Universe Inc., harvests rooftop solar for its microgrids, then sells power back to its 6,000 customers at rates 10 percent to 30 percent below grid prices. Gen110’s users remain tethered to the grid, from which they draw about 10 percent of their power.

‘Plug and Play’

Other consumers, like Drew Barber of Petrolia, California, have deployed microgrids to cut ties to their power companies altogether. While cost is still a factor, the technology isn’t.

More than a decade ago “it required an electrical engineer to get you off the grid,” said Barber, who decided on a microgrid when he factored in the relative cost of bringing electrical lines to his remote Northern California neighborhood. These days, “it’s plug and play.”

Meanwhile, some developers are putting microgrids into new construction. In Sacramento, California, a 34-unit residential complex is being purpose-built with an integrated microgrid designed by Sunverge Energy Inc. The system will automatically switch residents to the cheapest power source, whether solar or conventional, while storing backup power for use if the grid goes down.

Recent power failures that have affected millions of customers help fuel demand for microgrids. Hurricane Sandy knocked out electricity for 8.5 million customers, showing just how vulnerable utility infrastructure is to storms. A 2006 heat wave across the U.S. caused 36 major power failures, including a blackout that left tens of thousands of Queens, New York, residents without power for a week.

Modernizing Grid

A 2012 report by the American Society of Civil Engineers estimated that utilities need to raise cumulative spending by $763 billion by 2040 if the grid is to be properly modernized and hardened against natural disasters.

Indeed, Sandy proved a powerful endorsement of microgrids. While millions languished in the dark, microgrids at the FDA’s research center and Co-Op City, a 45,000-resident housing cooperative in Bronx, New York, kept the power flowing by disconnecting from the stricken grid and running in what’s called “island mode.”

“There is no question that microgrids breaking the grid down into smaller sections can prevent millions of people being knocked out of power by a major circuit going down,” said Honeywell’s Orzeske.

Rising Prices

Besides blackout protection, Honeywell’s corporate and institutional customers are looking to offset rising conventional electricity rates -- retail power prices have climbed 34 percent since 2003, according to the Energy Information Administration.

The annual U.S. electric bill for businesses is around $200 billion. Lost business continuity from outages and power quality issues adds another $80 billion to $150 billion to the tab, according to data from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

In response, U.S. commercial and industrial customers spend about $5 billion to $6 billion a year on self-generation and energy efficiency programs, increasingly employing microgrids to manage them.

“Our clients start out seeking maximum savings,” said Pullins. “But the difference between achieving maximum savings and grid independence is not that big of a leap in terms of capital costs.”

Power Reliability

The U.C. San Diego microgrid, which has evolved into a mix of green and conventional energy from an early generator-backup system, provides a picture of the rationale.

“Our campus does $1 billion a year in research,” said Byron Washom, the university’s director of strategic energy initiatives. “We have an electron microscope that every time we have a supply disruption, it takes six weeks to recalibrate. We can’t let that happen.”

The conventional grid simply can’t provide that reliability, and all manner of institutions and companies that have “a high-reliability requirement” now understand that, he said. “Look at credit-card processors -- for every hour they can’t process it costs them money. That’s where the high-end, energy-intensive market for microgrids is going.”

And then there’s that $850,000 a month in cost savings, achieved because the campus is able to generate 92 percent of its own power. The microgrid manages a peak load demand of 42 megawatts with power produced from 1.5 megawatts of solar, a 2.8-megawatt fuel-cell generator powered by methane from a wastewater treatment plant, two 13.5-megawatt gas turbines and a 3-megawatt steam turbine. Any additional power needs are met through a contract with the local utility.

‘Economic Incentives’

All this is managed by a cutting-edge microgrid controller made by San Diego-based Power Analytics Corp.

These savings aren’t an anomaly. The FDA estimates it’s already cutting about $11 million a year off its electric bill through both self-generation and the ability to sell power back to the grid -- savings that will rise to $25 million a year when an addition is completed in 2014.

“When you start layering in the ability to do that, there’s even better economic incentives to build a microgrid,” said Orzeske.

Powering Villages

Microgrids also may be a solution for thousands of the world’s remote villages that subsist without electricity. The Washington-based nonprofit EarthSpark International has built a microgrid that runs off a diesel generator, bringing power for the first time to 54 inhabitants of the village of Les Anglais. It will soon add solar and backup storage to serve others in the village center.

Similar groups are at work in Africa, India and Latin America, deploying microgrids that mix fossil-fuel generators with solar and wind power. In most cases they’re replacing sooty kerosene or wood stoves, bringing cheaper and cleaner energy to the poor.

“It’s fairly evident that a central station utility model is not really viable in many less developed countries” where the low-income customer predominates, said Daniel Schnitzer, founder and executive director of EarthSpark.

Hawaiian Grids

Remote microgrids aren’t just proliferating for the poor. Northern Power Systems, a Barre, Vermont-based maker of wind turbines, in April crafted a microgrid for a group of farmers in the North Kohala region of Hawaii’s Big Island, using wind and solar power to help irrigate 400 acres of land.

Ellison, the billionaire Oracle CEO who bought 98 percent of the Hawaiian island of Lanai from Castle & Cooke Inc. last year for an undisclosed price, has hired U.C. San Diego’s Washom to design a microgrid that will be powered by multiple renewable energy technologies. Lori Teranishi, a spokeswoman for Pulama Lanai LLC, the island operator, said project costs haven’t been determined yet.

Some utilities have responded to microgrids the same way they reacted to the rapid growth of solar and other forms of distributed generation: denial that the threat is serious, push back that the technology is still too unreliable and calls for regulators to clamp down on expansion until the industry can sort out economic and technical issues.

Grid Charge

Tony Earley, chairman and CEO of San Francisco-based PG&E Corp., makes the same argument that he makes about the surge of solar users on PG&E’s grid.

“To make microgrids work, you also have to upgrade the existing grid,” he said in an interview. “It was designed to push power one way, not to take power back in, and not to have variable flows of power.” Builders of microgrids “need to pay for that through some sort of charge.”

Self-generating microgrids are taking some of the load off the conventional grid, aggregating power that’s sold back to utilities and potentially sparing them from having to build costly new plants and transmission lines down the road.

“When you think about the overall grid, it’s sized for the worst-case scenario,” said Orzeske. “If you can pull down or slow down the rate of growth, then you don’t have to be adding peaking plants into the mix.”

Some utility executives don’t see microgrids becoming a big deal.

No Proliferation

“You might have a microgrid but you still need good infrastructure supporting it,” said Michael Montoya, director of grid advancement at Edison International’s Southern California Edison.

Michael Niggli, chief operating officer of Sempra’s San Diego Gas & Electric, agrees. Military bases, universities and a smattering of remote customers will adopt them “but I don’t think they will proliferate.”

Orzeske and most microgrid builders aren’t lobbying for an end to the grid. They simply think it won’t play as prominent a role as it does now in a microgrid-saturated future.

Utilities by necessity are likely to switch from being entities that primarily generate power to companies that help manage the surge in distributed generation that will be flowing their way via microgrids, perhaps finding a way to collect revenue for keeping the grid stable.

What’s changed is the concept that goes to Earley’s point - - power is already flowing both ways whether utilities like it or not.

‘Hard Pill’

“It’s a hard pill to swallow,” said Pullins, likening utility resistance to microgrids to that of U.S. car companies in the 1970s when the federal government first imposed mileage standards. “When those rules came out, Toyota went out and hired 1,000 engineers to figure out how to meet them. GM went out and hired 1,000 lobbyists to figure out how to beat them. There is some of that going on. With a few exceptions, the utility industry hasn’t embraced microgrids.”

Some utilities are hedging their bets. With the help of $10 million in U.S. Energy Department and state grants, SDG&E has set up a microgrid in the remote desert town of Borrego Springs, about 90 miles northwest of San Diego. When a severe rainstorm knocked out utility power to the town last month, the microgrid’s collection of rooftop solar panels, micro-turbines and batteries was able to keep electricity flowing to nearly half the town’s customers, including buildings sheltering the elderly and ill from the desert heat.

Next 106 Years

Nick Akins, the CEO of American Electric, said some of his customers, including the U.S. military, have expressed interest in setting up microgrids. American Electric is amenable.

“I think you have to embrace what’s going on,” he said in an interview. “It’s a different way of doing business but it’s still part of the energy infrastructure business.”

The company, based in Columbus, Ohio, has existed for 106 years, he said. “We’ve got to think about what we have to do to stick around another 106 years.”

The wild card is the prospect of millions of homeowners building microgrids and kissing their power companies goodbye. Cost is still a barrier for most ordinary consumers, particularly in states with low power prices.

A typical 10 kilowatt rooftop solar system serving a three-bedroom house still costs about $15,000 to $20,000 after subsidies and state incentives, according to a survey of various solar groups and installers. That works out to about 15 cents to 20 cents a kilowatt-hour. Adding battery storage and a generator to complete a microgrid can bring that cost to about 25 cents a kilowatt-hour.

In a state like Arkansas, where electricity sells for 10 cents a kilowatt-hour, microgrids aren’t likely to be much of a factor except among ardent environmentalists or people needing to power remote cabins far from the grid.

Gen110’s model works because its lease structure lets homeowners get in with no money down and the company takes care of maintenance. Efficiencies of scale allow it to price microgrid-produced power at about 17 cents a kilowatt-hour, targeting high-usage California consumers who pay 19 to 35 cents because of a state rate structure that climbs as usage goes up.

Battery Costs

That 17-cent pricing is not far from 11 other states that have electricity rates above 15 cents a kilowatt-hour, topped out by Hawaii at 37 cents. As those rates continue to rise, solar costs continue to plummet -- panels are 60 percent cheaper today than they were in 2011 and installed costs are dropping by about 10 percent to 15 percent a year, according to solar industry data.

One holdup in wider adoption is the high cost of battery storage for home microgrids that makes the final step to grid independence unattractive if not unaffordable to most consumers.

Research may change that. The Joint Center for Energy Storage Research, a project within Chicago-based Argonne National Laboratory, is using a $120 million federal grant for a five-year plan to improve battery efficiency by an order of five. Such a breakthrough would dramatically improve the economics of both electric cars and microgrids.

Gen110 CEO Jason Brown thinks the picture is clear. “Ten years down the road, I think a substantial portion of consumers who can opt for low-cost onsite power will have already made the switch,” he said.

To contact the reporters on this story: Ken Wells in New York at; Mark Chediak in San Francisco at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Susan Warren at

Al Gore London, England Headquarters to use fuel cell CHP

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   October 16, 2013  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Former US vice-president Al Gore’s new London, England headquarters is to be powered by fuel cell combined heat and power technology.

The fuel cell has already been installed at the crown estate development on Regent Street in central London, where Mr Gore’s sustainable investment company, Generation Investment Management is sited.

The cost of the new system, the first of its kind to be installed in the UK, has not been revealed but the crown estate's head of development, Alastair Smart told the Guardian, "It offers a commercially viable and sustainable source of energy. One of the main reasons for this is that the infrastructure lasts for 20 years, a lot longer than traditional systems."

Al Gore
Climate campaigner Gore said the £400m Quadrant 3 redevelopment showed a "sophisticated commitment to sustainability".

The cell was developed by US company FuelCell Energy and will emit 38 per cent less carbon dioxide than using electricity from the grid and heat from gas-fired boilers, according to the crown estate, which says 350 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions will be saved per year. Unlike fossil-fuel-burning power plants, the fuel cell produces power with virtually no nitrogen oxide (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SOx) or particulate matter (PM) pollution.

The new plant forms part of the central energy system that serves 500,000 sq ft of offices, shops, flats, restaurants and hotels in the Quadrant development.

Also quoted in the Guardian, Mike Rinker, at the US department of energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, said: "We anticipate this type of (CHP) system could reduce the fuel costs and carbon footprint of a commercial building by approximately 40 per cent, compared with conventional electricity and heat use." PNNL is testing its fuel cell system at 10 businesses in California and Oregon in the US.

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