Does Indiana need CWIP for new nuclear plants? CAC: nukes too risky, too expensive and Wall Street won’t support without CWIP

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   January 15, 2014  /   Posted in 2014 Indiana General Assembly, Edwardsport IGCC Plant, Indiana Michigan Power Company (I&M), Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO), Uncategorized  /   No Comments

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Nuclear power for Indiana?

[To read a copy of SB 302 visit]


The Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana said CWIP financing has stung Indiana ratepayers in the Edwardsport case and should be avoided for nuclear plants.

"The only reason utility companies need CWIP is because those investments are too risky, too expensive, and Wall Street won't support them, similar to the Edwardsport (plant)," said Kerwin Olson, the group's executive director. "If an investment is sound, then CWIP isn't needed. If it's not a good investment for shareholders, why is it a good investment for consumers?"


Indiana Gov. Pence State of State address at 7 p.m. Tues. 1/14/14; Watch on-line tonight! Tweet using #INSOTS

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   January 14, 2014  /   Posted in 2014 Indiana General Assembly, Uncategorized  /   No Comments

By Erika Brock

INDIANAPOLIS – Gov. Mike Pence is scheduled to talk about property taxes and preschool when he give his second State of State address at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the House chambers during a joint session of the General Assembly.

Gov. Mike Pence told lawmakers in his first State of the State address in 2013 on Tuesday that an income tax cut would bolster the state's economy. Lawmakers eventually agreed to give him half the cut he wanted. Photo by Lindsay Wenning,

Gov. Mike Pence told lawmakers in his first State of the State address in 2013 on Tuesday that an income tax cut would bolster the state’s economy. Lawmakers eventually agreed to give him half the cut he wanted. Photo by Lindsay Wenning,

The address will be live-streamed at

“My message is going to be that we need to build on momentum,” Pence said recently as he was working on the address. “Indiana is strong and growing stronger.”

The governor’s office is urging listeners to tweet about the speech using #INSOTS.

Pence has already announced the major pieces of his agenda. He plans to ask lawmakers to release $400 million in transportation funds that the General Assembly set aside last year for future road projects, create a voucher program to pay for preschool for low-income children, and phase out the property tax on business equipment.

The vouchers for preschools would be available to children of families whose household income is up to 185 percent of the federal poverty level, which is currently $43,567 for a family of four.

The business personal property tax provides $1 billion for local governments and schools. Pence has not released a plan to replace the revenue. He said it’s up to lawmakers to create a “tax reform” package that doesn’t unduly hurt local governments.

Erika Brock is a reporter for a news website powered by Franklin College journalism students.

Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) Nominating Committee Accepting Applications for Two Commission Vacancies

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   January 07, 2014  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments
January 6, 2014
Contact: Christy Denault

IURC Nominating Committee Accepting Applications for Commission

INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission Nominating Committee is soliciting applications from persons interested in filling two current vacancies on the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) created by the resignations of Commissioners Kari Bennett and Larry Landis.
Applications will be accepted today through close of business on January 21, 2014.  Applications must be received in the Governor’s Office by close of business on January 21, 2014.  After the close of the application period, the nominating committee will schedule and conduct a public meeting on January 31, 2014 to interview applicants.  The committee will present Governor Mike Pence with a list of six qualified candidates from which he will select two to fill the remainder of Bennett and Landis’ terms.  Commissioner Bennett’s term expires March 31, 2014.  Commissioner Landis’ term expires December 31, 2015.
Members of the nominating committee include Committee Chair Gwen Horth, Eric Scroggins, John Blevins, Larry Buell, Win Moses, and Michael Mullett.
Applications for the position may be obtained by emailing, by calling 317-232-4567, by hard copy in Statehouse, Room 206, or by visiting Completed applications should be returned to:  Gwen Horth, Chair, IURC Nominating Committee, c/o Office of the Governor, Statehouse, Room 206, Indianapolis, IN  46204.

Columbus Dispatch: AEP’s power play: de-emphasizing electricity plants; Focus on expanding transmission system

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   January 06, 2014  /   Posted in Indiana Michigan Power Company (I&M)  /   No Comments

AEP's power play: de-emphasizing electricity plants

Nick Akins, president, CEO, and soon to be chairman, of Columbus-based American Electric Power

By  Dan Gearino

The Columbus Dispatch Sunday December 29, 2013 6:07 AM

American Electric Power is in the middle of rapid change, and the man at the controls is just getting started. • Nick Akins, president and CEO of the Columbus-based utility, has been in charge for two years, presiding over a transformation of the company’s structure and a shifting notion of what AEP needs to do to remain relevant in a changing energy landscape.

In doing so, the company is de-emphasizing what was once a crown jewel, the fleet of Ohio power plants, and putting a greater focus on developing an interstate network of power lines.

“The less we have to spend on centralized generation, the better off we are,” he said in a recent interview.

When he says “centralized generation,” he means big power plants. AEP will be closing more plants than it is building.

The company is shifting resources so it can expand its transmission system, made up of the high-voltage power lines that carry electricity across state lines and between metro areas. AEP already has the largest transmission system in the country, with 38,964 miles of lines in 11 states. Its new projects, including several joint ventures, include several stretches of 765-kilovolt lines, which are the equivalent of a superhighway.

Akins, 53, has worked his entire career for AEP and the former Central and South West Corp., which merged with AEP.

In November, he said the company would spend $4.5 billion on transmission projects from 2014 to 2016, which is a substantial share of the parent company’s $11.4 billion capital budget for those years. He estimated that earnings from the transmission activities would nearly double from 2013 to 2014.

AEP’s focus on transmission began under Akins’ predecessor, Michael Morris, and then was clarified and broadened in the first few months of Akins’ tenure. The company has developed a series of transmission projects that will provide reliable financial returns at a time when the industry’s main sources of income are flat.

“They’re ahead of their pack in terms of jumping on the transmission bandwagon,” said Julien Dumoulin-Smith, a utility analyst for UBS Securities.

And now, other utilities — including Akron-based FirstEnergy — have followed this year with their own strategy shifts to invest more in interstate power-line projects. AEP’s advantage is that it is already deep into the process of financing and gaining regulatory approval for the projects, while others are just beginning.

“These guys have been in the kitchen for a large number of projects for a large number of years,” Dumoulin-Smith said.

Shifting focus

While the company pumps money into interstate power lines, it is de-emphasizing its Ohio power plants.

At the behest of Ohio regulators in 2011, the company agreed to split its Ohio operations into two companies: one that delivers power and handles billing, and one that owns and operates power plants.

The separation means that AEP’s power plants will no longer directly serve the utility’s customers in the state. Instead, the plants will sell electricity on the open market, while the delivery business will purchase electricity on the market for its customers. AEP’s power plants probably will serve a portion of the company’s customers, but only through a competitive-bidding process in which other companies have the opportunity to offer a lower price.

AEP, which was reluctant to split its Ohio operations, has responded by focusing on the delivery business.

Meanwhile, the Ohio power plants are a shrinking asset. Because of environmental rules and the age of some of the plants, the company has announced a series of shutdowns that will occur over the next few years.

Also, AEP is in the process of transferring two plants away from Ohio regulation. The plants, both of which are in West Virginia near the Ohio line, will be regulated in nearby states that allow a utility to sell electricity directly to consumers.

Once the moves are complete, AEP will have 8,668 megawatts of power-plant capacity in the new Ohio power-plant subsidiary, which will be down from 11,652 megawatts today.

Akins says the company is responding to an economic climate in which there is little reason to build power plants in Ohio. The state’s electricity demand has been flat, and the regulatory structure provides no clear way to pay for plant construction.

“You wind up with what I call ‘the big doughnut,’ ” Akins said. “Ohio is essentially the hole in the middle because there hasn’t been any support for generation in that region.”

Todd Snitchler, chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, does not see any reason for alarm about the wave of power-plant shut-downs.

“From the short-term perspective, I think what we’re seeing is that the market forces are wringing out some of the inefficiencies that have been in the (power-plant) fleet,” he said.

That said, his agency is monitoring the schedule of plant shutdowns and working with various companies to make sure that changes in the electricity supply are gradual.

AEP’s power plants will be spun off into their own subsidiary on Tuesday. Ohio customers probably won’t notice any change for a while, as rates have been set through mid-2015.

Considering the company’s lack of emphasis on the Ohio plants, many observers are asking if AEP plans to sell these assets. Akins isn’t ruling out a sale.

“I think the verdict is still out,” he said.

Market conditions mean there is little downside to selling the plants, according to analysts. The wholesale price of electricity is so low that power-plant operators are struggling to meet their sales targets.

The risk in selling the plants is that wholesale prices might rebound, and the owners of plants will see a surge in income. If AEP no longer owns plants in Ohio, the new owners will be the beneficiaries of any price increase.

 Taking the lead

Taken as a whole, AEP’s strategic shifts have turned the company into a trend-setter for its industry, said Paul Fremont, an analyst for Jeffries & Co.

“The company has moved from being a follower to, for the first time in a long time, potentially leading on ideas,” he said.

He attributes the shift to Akins’ decisive management style and to the way the market and regulators have forced AEP to make hard choices.

The company’s board of directors rewarded Akins for his efforts by naming him chairman, a move that takes effect on Wednesday. He will continue to hold the titles of president and CEO. He will be replacing Morris, who has served as non-executive chairman for the past two years.

Akins says he’s having fun and is eager to see the work of the past two years come to fruition.

“We are now at a point where we can start defining our success,” he said. “Before, we had a huge anvil we were dragging around, whether it be environmental expense or whether it be other things we were dealing with that were reactionary. We’re finally at a point where we can map out the strategy of this company going forward. It is exhilarating.”



Duke Energy Jim Rogers leaves as Chairman of the Board but will his influence continue to be felt? Is that good or bad?

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   January 01, 2014  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Duke Energy’s Rogers leaves a mark on his industry

BY BRUCE HENDERSON December 28, 2013

Rogers Exit

Jim Rogers’ seven-year run atop Duke Energy ends this month in a rush of industry tributes, legacy look-backs and, like a retiring Super Bowl champion, a trip to Disney World. Rogers is 66. MARK HAMES —

CHARLOTTE — Jim Rogers’ seven-year run atop Duke Energy ends this month in a rush of industry tributes, legacy look-backs and, like a retiring Super Bowl champion, a trip to Disney World.

Rogers, 66, is as remarkable for his longevity as for the 12 percent annual shareholder return he claims over his career or the three major mergers he engineered. The last, with Raleigh-based Progress Energy, made Duke the nation’s biggest electric utility.

He was a chief executive in the energy industry for 25 years; the average CEO lasts 5.5 years. He leaves Duke as chairman of the board.

Harder to measure is Rogers’ influence over an industry that is, by their scale and reliance on fossil fuels, one of the country’s largest polluters.

Coal-fired power plants like Duke’s release chemicals that are major components of the ozone that chokes asthmatic children. Sulfur compounds from coal blanket the Smokies in a fog of haze. Mercury poisons blackwater rivers on North Carolina’s coast.

Even as technology makes power plants cleaner, they billow billions of tons a year of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas linked to climate change.

Rogers, perhaps more than any major utility leader, stands at the crossroads of energy and environment. The self-described “maverick” has been an early adopter of green measures for his industry, often while finding a way to make money from them.

“When you approach stuff where you are compromising, you find yourself in the unenviable place where people who don’t want any environmental legislation don’t like you, and where people who don’t think you’ve done enough, the environmentalists, don’t like you,” he said in a recent interview. “But compromise is the way forward.”

At congressional hearings, industry meetings and global forums, Rogers has championed emission controls, energy efficiency and new technology leading to a low-carbon future. Sunny and self-confident, with experience as a federal regulator and as a lawyer in private practice, Rogers moves easily between overlapping worlds.

Duke University’s Tim Profeta, a former Senate staff member who worked on carbon legislation, said Rogers was the rare CEO willing to tackle utilities’ environmental footprint. Rogers, he said, has a knack for finding positions that benefit both the environment and shareholders.

“A single CEO cannot change the entire economic system and what it prioritizes – only policy can,” said Profeta, director of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, where Rogers serves on the board. “I think it could be fairly said that he made substantial effort, and more effort than many of his peers, to move the needle in the right direction.”

But Rogers’ high profile, and Duke’s growing size, led his toughest environmental critics to make him a personal target. Greenpeace, the international group, opened a Charlotte office and regularly protests outside Duke’s uptown headquarters.

“All you really need to do to understand Rogers’ legacy is to look at the new coal-fired power plant that has been renamed in his honor,” said the group’s energy campaign director, Gabe Wisniewski, referring to the former Cliffside plant west of Charlotte. “The impacts of that investment and the millions that Duke has spent on fossil fuels is going to last a lot longer than the talking points that Rogers put out.”

Collaboration and planning

Rogers said his approach, which he describes as based on collaboration and compromise, turns the extremes of opposing sides against him.

“I’ve always said to myself, run to the problem, embrace it, find a way to transform what appears to be a challenge or problem into an opportunity for your customers as well as your investors,” he said.

That pattern began in 1990, when Rogers became one of the few utility CEOs to embrace a market-based federal crackdown on power plant emissions that cause acid rain.

Then at Public Service Company of Indiana, Rogers shifted his power plants to low-sulfur coal and installed scrubbers. He took advantage of the program’s emissions-trading component to reduce costs.

Years later, at the start of President Barack Obama’s first term, Rogers was part of a business-environmental coalition that supported a similar market-driven plan to control carbon dioxide. The legislation known as cap-and-trade failed, but Rogers argued it would help utilities plan for the future, and smooth out costs, as they began to replace aging power plants.

In 2009, Duke won North Carolina’s approval for its save-a-watt program. Designed to boost energy efficiency among customers, it also allowed Duke to earn a return on its investment in the program.

The Platts Global Energy Awards, the Oscars of the energy world, honored Rogers for lifetime achievement at a swank ceremony in New York this month. In November, readers of the trade journal Power Engineering voted Rogers the most influential person in the industry.

Push for green

Prompted by North Carolina’s 2002 Clean Smokestacks Act, Duke has slashed in-state emissions of two chronic pollutants, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, by 89 percent and 83 percent, respectively, from 1998 levels.

Upcoming federal air standards led Duke to retire seven of its 14 N.C. coal plants as part of a $9 billion modernization program. Its two N.C. utilities have raised rates a total of four times since 2009 to pay for six new plants.

Duke’s rapid move to natural gas, a cleaner-burning fuel whose price has plummeted, helped it meet an internal carbon-reduction goal eight years early. But carbon emissions could climb again if electric demand goes up and natural gas prices rise.

Duke still ranked second in carbon emissions among U.S. utilities in 2012, behind Columbus, Ohio-based American Electric Power.

And of the seven new power plants built on Rogers’ watch, two were fueled by coal.

Green-energy advocates say the billions spent on the new plants could have been spent on solar power, which has plummeting costs, and wind energy.

“All of Jim Rogers’ many talking points about ‘passing the grandchildren test’ and ‘moving at China speed’ move the hearts of investors and environmentalists alike,” said Greenpeace’s Wisniewski, “and he just utterly failed to deliver.”

At least not at the scale or speed Greenpeace and its allies expect.

Duke launched a program to install solar arrays on North Carolina rooftops in 2009, and this month won state approval to sell green energy to large customers such as data centers. It will meet the tiny solar portion of the state’s 2007 green-energy mandate years ahead of schedule.

Duke Energy Renewables, a non-regulated business that operates mostly outside of North Carolina, is among the nation’s largest wind and solar developers. Illustrating the downside of renewable energy, Duke agreed in November to pay $1 million for killing 14 golden eagles at its Wyoming wind farms.

“I put more than $3.5 billion into solar and wind, but I built it where the wind blows and the sun shines and sold it to other utilities and municipals around the country,” Rogers said. “So I haven’t done it here, but I have done it.”

After years of butting heads with Duke, Jim Warren of the Durham green-energy group NC WARN still isn’t sure how to read Rogers.

“My best guess is that Jim Rogers is someone who wanted to do more toward clean energy than he ever found a way to make happen during his time,” Warren said. “I favor that over a more cynical approach that he was more a figment of corporate PR or greenwashing.”

Warren acknowledges the problems in refocusing a company of Duke’s $49 billion bulk while growing stock dividends and meeting state demands for cheap electricity. He also points out the political and financial clout the nation’s largest utility can wield – the heft, Warren maintains, to reshape the industry.

“To his credit, he’s patient, he listens, I think he’s thoughtful,” Warren said.

“I certainly don’t dislike him as a person. I would have to say that I’m still rooting for him to do something heroic.”

Rapidly changing world

Rogers envisions a different energy industry than the one he rose through.

New technologies and policies, such as North Carolina’s green energy law, will continue to erode utility monopolies. Ever-cheaper solar arrays will steal market share from billion-dollar power plants. Mergers and acquisitions will continue to shrink the number of companies like Duke. Demand for power, flat in recent years, could continue to wobble or shrink.

Rogers said Duke is positioned to adapt because of its mergers, cost-cutting and internal streamlining. After combining five companies into one since 1988, Duke says its workforce is 40 percent smaller but generates 130 percent more electricity per worker.

“I feel like I’m really leaving the company in a good place, a strong place,” he said. “It’s a leader in the industry, and a lot of that 12 percent in (annual shareholder) value I’ve created has really come from doing these combinations along the way.”

The last merger, which folded Progress Energy into Duke last year, was hard-won. Duke’s directors ditched Progress CEO Bill Johnson as Duke’s new chief executive, leading to a pair of state investigations and rattling investors.

“In the utility industry it can take 18 months or longer to close a deal, and in this world a lot can change in 18 months,” Rogers said. “And a lot did.”

Duke learned too late, he said, of growing troubles with Progress’ nuclear fleet as its earnings stumbled. Directors “dealt with those issues.”

Now he’s ready to reinvent himself.

He and wife Mary Anne will stay in Charlotte. He will also maintain, for three years, his office in Duke’s former Church Street headquarters.

“I’m kind of curious as to what comes and I’m excited about the possibilities,” he said.

Rogers has been paid solely in stock throughout his time at Duke. He and his wife own about 1 million shares, according to securities filings, that are worth $72 million. More stock awards will vest in future years.

He serves on a half-dozen boards and is weighing offers to teach at two universities. He’s also researching a book, on the 1.2 billion people without electricity, that he says could lead to a collaboration to address the problem.

“The most interesting thing about Jim,” said Duke University’s Tim Profeta, “is what he’s going to do from here.”

Henderson: 704-358-5051; Twitter: @bhender


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