Lansing (MI) municipal utility seeking partners for 5 MW solar program

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   June 06, 2014  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

BWL seeking solar power partners for largest solar energy installation in state

Utility wants to add 5 megawatts

 Jun. 5, 2014   | Written by Steven R. Reed

LANSING The Board of Water & Light said Thursday it wants to add five megawatts of solar power to its energy portfolio.

BWL said it is seeking proposals for partners to build one large solar array, a distributed solar program, a community based solar project or another format.

A five-megawatt solar energy installation would be the largest in Michigan and would be approximately five times larger than the next largest array in the state, BWL said.

The city-owned utility would enter into a long-term, power-purchase agreement with the winning bidder and plans to have the project online by the summer of 2016.

BWL General Manager Peter Lark said he was looking forward to seeing “the innovative projects that are submitted.”

BWL said it was the first Michigan utility to develop a renewable portfolio standard. Adding solar generation would keep BWL on track to meet the state-mandated 10 percent renewable energy goal by 2015, the company said.

BWL’s renewable energy portfolio includes the Moores Park hydroelectric unit along and the Cedar Street solar array in Lansing. BWL REO Town headquarters and cogeneration plant has solar panels on the roof and a regenerative hydrogen fuel cell.

BWL also buys electricity from landfill-gas projects operated by Granger in Lansing. BWL said it is adding a wind component, which will begin production this fall.


CAC Kerwin Olson: We shot ourselves in the foot in Indiana eliminating DSM programs

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   June 04, 2014  /   Posted in 2014 Indiana General Assembly, Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Watchdog: Ending energy-efficiency 'short-sighted'

Posted: Tuesday, June 3, 2014 6:21 pm | Updated: 9:02 pm, Tue Jun 3, 2014.

Associated Press 

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — The leader of a consumer watchdog group said Tuesday that Indiana lawmakers put the state at a disadvantage when they passed a bill killing an energy-efficiency program that could have helped the state meet the new federal carbon-emission goal by 2030.

Lawmakers approved a bill in March that will halt the state's fledging Energizing Indiana program on Dec. 31, ending its energy-saving efforts such as low-income home weatherizations.

Citizens Action Coalition executive director Kerwin Olson said lawmakers were "short-sighted" in light of Monday's announcement by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which said coal-dependent Indiana has three years to come up with a plan to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 20 percent over the next 16 years as part of a sweeping national push to combat global warming. Energy-efficiency programs are among the tools states can use to reach their carbon-reduction goal.

"We kind of shot ourselves in the foot here in Indiana by eliminating these programs. It was a short-sighted decision and more so now that we've seen these carbon rules that would allow efficiency programs to be used as a tool to meet these goals," Olson said.

Although Gov. Mike Pence said in March he was disappointed lawmakers killed the program without offering a replacement, he nonetheless allowed the law to take effect. The Republican governor said he would propose an alternative program for lawmakers to consider next year.

Indiana's five largest electric utilities have all filed proposals outlining energy-efficiency programs they hope to implement after the Energizing Indiana program ends. The plans by Duke Energy, Vectren, Indiana Michigan Power, Northern Indiana Public Service Co. and Indianapolis Power & Light need the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission's approval.

IURC spokeswoman Danielle McGrath said the commission will consider those plans as it drafts recommendations that Pence had requested for a successor to the Energizing Indiana program. The panel is also working to prepare an assessment for lawmakers by Aug. 15 on Indiana's efficiency programs — findings that could factor in legislation next session.

The IURC is also accepting public input until Monday on Indiana's future energy-efficiency programs.

See how to comment HERE>

"So there are kind of three different tracks going on, but all under that same umbrella," McGrath said.

Energizing Indiana, which began in 2012, has saved enough energy to power nearly 93,000 Indiana homes, according to its website. Its goal was achieving a 2 percent annual savings in total electric sales by 2019.

Supporters, including businesses and environmental groups, said it has employed hundreds of workers and saved money for consumers who receive free in-home energy audits. But Indiana's manufacturing and utility interests argued the program, financed through a fee on monthly electricity bills, had proven too costly and industrial users saw few benefits.

Duke Energy is Indiana's largest electric utility, with about 800,000 customers in 69 of Indiana's 92 counties. Spokesman Lew Middleton said Duke Energy's energy-efficiency proposal would restore programs it offered to its customers from 1991 until the Energizing Indiana program began.

"Instead of mandated targets what we're doing is simply saying to our customers, 'We've got this portfolio of energy-efficiency programs we can offer and we encourage you to take advantage of those — you can save energy and save money," he said.

Olson, of the Citizens Action Coalition, said the utilities' plans are "not bad" but all but one of them would cover only a single year. He said the consumer watchdog group would prefer utilities offer 3-year programs.

Two anti-wind candidates win in Tipton (IN) primary election; What will impact be on wind farms?

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   June 04, 2014  /   Posted in Uncategorized, wind  /   No Comments

May 7, 2014

Two anti-wind candidates win in Tipton primary

Shuck, Leffler win nominations in Tipton primary

By Martin Slagter Kokomo Tribune Kokomo Tribune

TIPTON — Residents of Tipton County voted for change on Tuesday, with a pair of anti-wind candidates coming out of the primary election victorious.

Gerald Shuck beat out incumbent Republican County Commissioner Phil Heron, 1,817-1,266, to win a key seat, while Republican Jim Leffler edged fellow challenger Mike Orr for the District No. 3 County Council seat, 452-373.

Shuck said he thought Tuesday’s primary served as a notice that citizens are not only looking for change regarding the development of wind energy in the county, but for more transparent officials.

“I believe that it wasn’t just about the wind issue as much as it was people wanting to see some change,” he said.

Shuck, who is retired after spending 31 years with Haynes International, said economic development will be a huge issue he is looking forward to working on in office, should he win the seat in the November.

“Economic development is one of the most important issues facing the county,” he said. “We’ve declined in population over the last few years. It’s going to take new businesses to attract new families to Tipton County.”

Leffler, who has been one of the most vocal opponents of wind farm development in the county, said Tuesday’s vote showed that residents are looking to stunt the development of wind farms.

“What it means to me is that the wind people sent a message and want to change things, as far as abatements are concerned,” he said. “We should have swept, but we lost a couple of seats, but we couldn’t get them all. It’s all about wind, we’re going to change that issue in this county if I have anything to do with it.”

Incumbent Republican Dennis Henderson was able to retain his District No. 4 County Council seat by defeating challenger Eric Parent, 352-287, in the county’s other contested race.

Henderson, who has also served as a county commissioner, said he is looking forward to his second term on the county council.

“I’ve been here my whole life and I think that’s important to the voters here,” he said. “So many of them I’ve met over the years in one way or another.”

Henderson said he is happy to put the primary election behind him with a number of important things to tackle as a council member in the months ahead.

“Maybe we can have some peace and not so much turmoil,” he said. “It’s almost budget time, so there won’t be a lot of time to think about this. We’ll need to get working on that soon.”

Martin Slagter can be reached at 765-454-8570, or on Twitter @slagterm.

NIPSCO Files DSM Plan with IURC in Cause No. 44496; Download Petition and Direct Testimony

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   June 02, 2014  /   Posted in Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO), Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC), Uncategorized  /   No Comments

June 2, 2014

News Release

MERRILLVILLE, Ind. - Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO) renewed its commitment to helping customers save energy and money in a filing made with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) to extend the availability of electric energy efficiency programs.

The programs outlined in the plan – available to all NIPSCO electric customers - will replace the state-wide Energizing Indiana programs which are set to expire at the end of 2014.

"Continuing to offer ways for our customers to help save energy and manage their bills is important," said Jim Stanley, NIPSCO CEO. "This proposal outlines a variety of cost-effective programs that are tailored to meet the diverse needs of our customers across northern Indiana."

NIPSCO has been providing electric energy efficiency programs since 2009. Under the new plan, popular residential programs such as the Energy Efficiency Rebate Program, the New Construction Program and Low Income Weatherization Program will continue.

NIPSCO is proposing to combine the Home Energy Assessment and Weatherization Program in an effort to streamline these offerings, making it easier for customers to participate. An expanded pilot program for income-qualified customers is also part of the plan.

Through these programs, NIPSCO expects residential customers to save 49.5 million kilowatt hours (hWh) in 2015.

An opt-out provision for larger commercial and industrial customers is also included, as many of NIPSCO's large customers have already implemented and continue to invest in energy efficiency measures outside of the standard utility programs. However, NIPSCO will continue to offer interested industrial customers incentive programs for saving electricity, including the Commercial & Industrial Custom Program, the Commercial & Industrial Prescriptive Program and a Small Business Direct Install Program for NIPSCO's smaller commercial customers.

Changes to NIPSCO's energy efficiency programs for gas customers are not being proposed in this filing.

The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) must review and approve the plan, in addition to input from other customer stakeholder groups, including the Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC).

For information about all energy efficiency offerings available to NIPSCO customers, visit

Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO) has served the energy needs of Northern Indiana since 1912. NIPSCO, with headquarters in Merrillville, Ind., is one of the seven energy distribution companies of NiSource Inc. (NYSE: NI). With more than 821,000 natural gas customers and 468,000 electric customers across the northern third of Indiana, NIPSCO is the largest natural gas distribution company, and the second largest electric distribution company, in the state. NiSource distribution companies serve 3.8 million natural gas and electric customers primarily in seven states. More information about NIPSCO is available at

Source: Northern Indiana Public Service Co.

To learn more download the petition and direct testimony:

44496 NIPSCO DSM Petition filed 2014-05-29

44496 NIPSCO DSM Direct Testimony and Exhibits_2014-05-30

IPL Files new DSM Plan with IURC in Cause No. 44497; Download Petition and Testimony

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   June 02, 2014  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

IPL files plan for 2015-2016 Energy Efficiency Programs

IPL has a long history of providing energy efficiency programs, resources and education

June 2, 2014

Indianapolis – Indianapolis Power & Light Company (IPL) announced today the utility has filed its 2015-2016 Demand Side Management and Energy Efficiency plan with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC).

IPL has a long history of implementing and delivering cost–effective Demand Side Management and Energy Efficiency programs for its customers. Energy efficiency is an important element of IPL’s overall resource plan and will allow for deferred capacity needs, reduced energy costs and the opportunity for customers to have more control over their energy usage and costs.

IPL is seeking approval to continue to offer the following programs for residential customers:

  • Residential Lighting: Offers point of purchase rebates for certain high efficiency lighting products such as LED and CFL bulbs.
  • Residential Income Qualified Weatherization: Provides energy audits, including the installation of energy-saving measures and weatherization improvements for income-qualified customers.
  • Residential Air Conditioning Load Management: Pays incentives to customers who allow IPL to manage their air conditioner energy use during critical times in the summer months.
  • Home Energy Assessment:  Provides walk-through energy assessments including the installation of energy saving measures and recommendations for improving a home’s energy efficiency.
  • Multi Family Direct Install: Offers the direct installation of a variety of energy efficiency measures in multi-family housing units.
  • School Energy Efficiency Education:  Informs and educates elementary aged students by providing them a take-home energy efficiency kit.
  • Online Energy Assessment:  Residential customers can use this online energy assessment tool that includes delivery of an energy efficiency kit.
  • Residential Appliance Recycling:  Provides incentives to homeowners to recycle older, less efficient refrigerators, freezers and window AC units.
  • Residential Peer Comparison Reports:  Informs customers about their household’s energy use, including a comparison to similar homes in their area.

If the current plan is approved, these programs as well as a number of offerings for Commercial and Industrial customers will begin on January 1, 2015.

Complete details on IPL’s current energy efficiency programs for residential and business customers, called Power ToolsSM, can be found at Current IPL energy efficiency programs, as well as those offered by Energizing Indiana, will continue through Dec. 31, 2014.


About Indianapolis Power & Light Company (IPL): Indianapolis Power & Light Company provides retail electric service to more than 470,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in Indianapolis, as well as portions of other Central Indiana communities surrounding Marion County. During its long history, IPL has supplied its customers with some of the lowest-cost, most reliable power in the country. For more information about the company, please visit or connect with us at, or

Media Contact:

Brandi Davis-Handy
Indianapolis Power & Light Company

If you are interested in more details, download these documents:

44497 IPL DSM Petition filed 2014-05-30

44497 IPL DSM Case-in-chief_2014-06-02

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