New poll finds energy policy a low priority for voters; Economy is the #1 issue

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 22, 2014  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Energy policy poll

This poll was conducted from September 12-13 with 2,083 likely 2014 voters. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of likely voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, region, annual household income, home ownership status and marital status. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Morning Consult’s energy poll finds that just 1% of voters rank energy policy as their top issue, suggesting a steep hill for those on either side of the aisle trying to make the election about energy issues.

37% of all voters say their top issue is jobs/economy, while health care and the budget deficit are the next issues of importance— Just 1% of voters rank energy policy as their top issue, suggesting framing the issue as “energy policy” is a loser for Republicans/Democrats waging a fight over it. It is likely the importance of the issue increases when tied to voters’ pocketbooks (e.g., cost of gas, cost of utilities).

Energy policy a low priority for voters, new poll finds

Sep 19, 2014, 11:13am EDT
, Reporter-Columbus Business First
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Ohio’s energy industry is facing many important issues: The environmental impact of oil and gas drilling, the future of renewable energy and the changing face of electric utilities.

Energy policy nationwide is even more formidable.

But politicians who are looking to focus on the topic should take note: Most voters place energy as a low priority.

Really low.

A new poll finds that just one percent of voters say energy is their top issue. Two percent of Democrats, one percent of Republicans and zero independent voters give energy policy top billing, according to the poll from

The Morning Consult, a well-read digital media company that covers “the intersection of Washington and the private industry.”

Nine topics received more interest than energy policy; a plurality, 37 percent, say jobs/the economy is the top issue.

The top issues are directly tied to money: Economy, health care and unemployment are easily felt by voters. Energy policy, on the other hand, is a bit more unwieldy.

The poll sampled 2,188 registered voters.


I think it would be a much different result if it read "cost of energy" rather than "energy policy."

MREA Exec. Dir. Hylla frustrated with WI electric IOU proposals before WPSC; Are they bad for consumers?

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 19, 2014  /   Posted in solar, wind  /   No Comments

Commentary: Five reasons Wisconsin utility plans are bad for business

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Nick Hylla is the executive director of the Midwest Renewable Energy Association.

By Nick Hylla

It is hard to argue against the merits of energy efficiency for your home or business. The old adage “A penny saved is a penny earned” applies fully in this regard.

Beyond the immediate positive influence on our budgets, efficiency measures have social and environmental benefits since the less electricity we waste, the less we have to produce from increasingly expensive fossil fuel resources. Wise energy use increases the affordability of both current and future electric rates. And, as we begin to understand the costs of pushing the frontiers of fossil fuel extraction, it seems obvious that we should be using our resources wisely.

If this argument seems logical to you, then you will be as frustrated as I am at the current proposals that three investor-owned electric utilities have pending before the Wisconsin Public Service Commission (WPSC). Madison Gas & Electric, Wisconsin Public Service, and WE Energies (all regulated utilities) are advancing separate, but similar, proposals that would dramatically increase the fixed cost that each of us pay to have an electric meter, while at the same time, slightly reducing the per unit costs of the energy we use.

In addition, these and other pending utility proposals contain measures that add on extra fees for customers with renewable energy systems, restrict the leasing of solar electric systems, and pay less for customer production over consumption on a monthly basis.

If this is the first you’ve heard about this, it will be worth your time to research further. If you need convincing, here are five reasons why the proposals are a bad deal for Wisconsin electric users:

  1. The majority of residential customers will see their bills increase with the biggest impact on low-energy-use households.

Not only will the rate changes punish homes and business that have made investments in energy efficiency or renewables, it will also raise monthly bills for people who are conscious of their energy use because they have limited household budgets. It is quite revealing to compare the proposed fixed charges that would appear each month on our future electric bills with the same charges currently in place throughout the Midwest today. For example, Wisconsin Public Service is requesting to increase the monthly fee to $25, which is double the average fee currently charged by utilities in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, and Indiana.

For people who use little energy each month, this means a dramatic increase in annual expenses. Under this new rule, even if a customer did not use a single kilowatt-hour of electricity for the year, they would pay more than $300. In addition, this fee would apply to every meter associated with your account. Farms, municipalities, and businesses with multiple meters should look at this new billing scheme very closely as it may significantly increase future energy costs.

  1. The new rate structures and fees would decrease our ability to produce local, clean energy.

In 2013, more wind and solar energy generation was built in the US than any other energy source (yes, more even than natural gas). And In the first 7 months of 2014, solar and wind energy systems accounted for more than half of all new electrical generation built in the US over that time period. In addition to being our nation’s leading choice for new electricity generation, much of the expansion was due to investments by home and business owners.

This new economy, driven by rapidly falling prices for technologies like solar, is giving choice to consumers and business and bringing new capital and innovation to our national effort to develop clean, domestic energy. This is particularly good for Wisconsin since all of our fossil fuel is imported from out-of-state. It is also good for local employment; especially considering the solar industry now employs more Americans than the coal industry does.

With a clear need to develop domestic energy and create jobs, coupled with the recent Supreme Court ruling setting the framework for regulating carbon emissions, it would be irresponsible to forward rate structures that decrease the financial performance of local investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. Yet, the increased monthly charges, reduced compensation for renewable energy production, and additional fees levied in these proposals would do just that.

  1. The proposals are unjustified.

The central argument that the utilities are making contends that ratepayers who don’t own renewable energy systems are paying for the excess energy produced by those who do. Since this energy is paid for at the retail rate, it is more expensive and thus unfair. Sounds like they might have a good point. So, how much extra are we paying?

If you are looking for the answer from the utilities, you won’t get it. The reason they do not have the answer is pretty simple: This isn’t actually happening. The utilities concede this point, but, they claim, it could.

Ignoring the fact that the utilities are proposing a dramatic shift in rate structures based on something that isn’t actually happening, it would be wise to study whether the owners of solar, wind, and biodigesters are being subsidized by other ratepayers.

Public Utilities Commissions in MinnesotaVermont, and Nevada have all commissioned studies to determine the value that solar energy systems provide to the utility. As it turns out, customer-owned solar energy provides distinct advantages to the utility including the production of electricity during times of peak use, the generation of power at the location of use, protection from future spikes in fossil fuel cost, and inherent security and environmental advantages.

Each of these studies showed that the value of solar electricity to the utility exceeded the current retail rate. In addition, the Public Service Commission of Utah just decided against a similar utility proposal, ruling that the utility failed to prove that fees on owners of solar electric systems were justified.

Put simply, if the WPSC accepts these proposals as presented, the decision would ignore the research and precedent set by public utility commissions from around the country. It would even beg the question, “Is Wisconsin’s regulated electric market corrupt beyond repair?” This is a loaded, but important question since a regulated monopoly without regulators is just, well, a monopoly.

If you think I’m just trying to kick-up dust here, take the words of Charles Cicchetti, former chair of the WPSC, in his testimony concerning the current WE Energies (WEPCO) rate case:
“I urge the Commission to reject such a transparentabuse of market power over customers that are effectively held hostage after makinggood faith commitments to follow both price signals and public policy to expand theirgeneration resources.”

And he continues:
“WEPCO invokes mostly outdated and previouslyrejected logic in an attempt to convince the Commission to let it use its utility monopolyand mostly very limited customer choice to force customers to absorb risks in an unjustand unreasonable manner, which is contrary to economic and public policy objectives.”


  1. It is simply bad politics.

In recent years, political support for energy efficiency and renewable energy policy in Wisconsin has dried up. There is plenty of voiced support, but little will to be found in the majority party that controls all branches of government.

However, it is becoming more obvious that some within the party view the choice to not buy power and the choice to produce your own power as matters of economic liberty. The bipartisan efforts gaining momentum in neighboring states, strong public support, and recent quotes from national figures may also serve as a wake up call for fiscal conservatives and supporters of free enterprise.

As Barry Goldwater Jr. recently wrote:
“Utilities have added market barriers that prohibit businesses and homeowners from entering the market. They want to limit how people can use their property to generate their own electricity. And, they are attempting to tax the businesses and homeowners that do. These attacks are a blatant attempt to stifle competition in order to protect their monopolies and their bottom lines.”

The principal result of this lack of political will is poor planning. By ignoring the benefits of private investment in renewable energy and efficiency, we are missing opportunities and falling behind states and nations with a more reasoned approach. The proposals under consideration by the commission will lead us to a future with more limited options for how our electricity is produced and more limited influence over rules and regulations that define our energy choices.

  1. There are reasons to think that the proposals will be approved and utilities will pursue similar rules in other states.

Households, small businesses, and large industries have often been on the same side when it comes to utility rate proposals before public utilities commissions. Utility shareholders are constantly pushing for rate increases (for them, higher rates translate to higher revenues). And energy users are constantly pushing for stable, predictable rates that facilitate good business planning.

With the current proposals, both the investor-owned utilities and the large industries will see financial benefits as costs are shifted to residential and small commercial customers. This new ‘team’ of big utility and big industry will manage the vast majority of political influence in this new debate.

With these proposals set to provide rate reductions to Wisconsin’s biggest energy users, it is worth noting that the top ranking aide at the WPSC moved to his current appointment directly from his job as head lobbyist for Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, Wisconsin’s largest industry lobbying group.

If these reasons have you concerned about the future of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and the regulation of utilities in Wisconsin, now is a good time to take action by filing a public comment with the PSC, calling your local representative, and writing a letter to your local paper. Ask them to commission a study to determine the real value of efficiency and renewable energy for Wisconsin utilities and ratepayers. Other states have done so and have forwarded win-win policies that benefit all electric customers.

The Midwest Renewable Energy Association is a member of RE-AMP, which also publishes Midwest Energy News.

Comments (3)

Your article states that the value of solar studies in MN have identified a VOS higher than retail rate. I disagree with this assertion. While the formula has been agreed too, there is yet to be a VOS tariff approved by the commission for any utility. Furthermore, the most recent VOS calculation put forward by the Department of Commerce in Xcel’s Docket 13-867 asserts of a VOS for 2014 of .0984 per Kwh while the 2014 Xcel Retail Rate is .12 kwh per kwh.

By Tim smith on Sep 3, 2014

Tim – Point taken. I was using the preliminary finding as described in this ILSR publication I understand that the tariff is still being negotiated and could end up at a lesser or higher rate. Preliminary results, however, show that the methodology yielded a tariff higher than the current retail rate.

By Nick on Sep 3, 2014

Thanks for your clarification. Much appreciated. I would think however, that the Department’s most recent calculation, which is lower, would hold more credence than a preliminary finding. However, I understand that this would not play as well with the premise of your argument.

 By Tim smith on Sep 4, 2014

Duke Energy Solar in NC–Greenpeace Says Good But Not Good Enough + Stop Lobbying Against Net Metering

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 16, 2014  /   Posted in solar  /   No Comments

Image result for duke energy

Duke Energy Invests Heavily in Solar

The company commits $500 million to solar power in North Carolina, increases solar power capacity in the state by 60 percent. Editors 
September 15, 2014  |  3 Comments

New Hampshire -- An RFP issued in February 2014 is paying off in spades for the solar industry with Duke Energy today announcing that it is making a $500 million commitment to solar power in North Carolina. Duke said that the announcement furthers its commitment to renewable energy, helps diversify its energy portfolio and helps it meet North Carolina’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS).

The solar capacity will also provide customers greater access to renewable energy in a cost-effective manner, said Duke.

The company will acquire and construct three solar facilities — totaling 128 megawatts (MW) of capacity — including the largest solar photovoltaic (PV) facility east of the Mississippi River. The three facilities will be located in Bladen, Duplin and Wilson counties.

Duke Energy also signed power-purchase agreements with five new solar projects in the state, representing 150 MW of capacity. Together, the eight projects will have a capacity of 278 MW. The $500 million commitment includes the investment in the three facilities and the value of the five long-term power-purchase contracts.

“This is Duke Energy’s largest single announcement for solar power and represents a 60 percent increase in the amount of solar power for our North Carolina customers,” said Rob Caldwell, senior vice president, Distributed Energy Resources. “We are bringing large amounts of renewable energy onto our system in the most cost-effective way possible.”

The Projects

Duke Energy will own the following projects:

  • 65 MW – Warsaw Solar Facility, Duplin County (developed by Strata Solar), which will be the largest PV plant east of the Mississippi River.
  • 40 MW – Elm City Solar Facility, Wilson County (developed by HelioSage Energy)
  • 23 MW – Fayetteville Solar Facility, Bladen County, near Cumberland County line (developed by Tangent Energy Solutions)

Duke Energy will purchase power from these new projects:

  • 48 MW – Bladen County (developed by Innovative Solar Systems)
  • 48 MW – Richmond County (developed by FLS Energy)
  • 20 MW – Scotland County (developed by Birdseye Renewable Energy)
  • 19 MW – Cleveland County (developed by Birdseye Renewable Energy)
  • 15 MW – Beaufort County (developed by Element Power US)

In addition to these five power-purchase agreements, Duke Energy has signed 33 other agreements in North Carolina in 2014 for projects totaling 109 MW of capacity.

Good But Not Good Enough, Says Greenpeace

In response to the news, Greenpeace Climate and Energy Campaigner Monica Embrey said that her organization was “encouraged” by the news but criticized the investment as not a large enough.

“Duke Energy's long term plans still call for renewable energy like solar to account for a mere 4 percent of its energy portfolio 15 years from now,” she said. "North Carolina's customers, ranging from families to the largest electricity users in the state like Google, Apple, Facebook and the University of North Carolina, have all demanded more renewable energy from Duke,” she continued. “Those customers could benefit from even more solar power in North Carolina if Duke Energy would stop lobbying against policies like net metering that would help more residents and community leaders put solar on our homes, schools, and businesses."

Not The End, Says Duke

Duke Energy’s RFP targeted solar facilities greater than 5 MW that were in the company's current transmission and distribution queue.

“We were able to pursue the most promising projects in North Carolina,” said Caldwell who said that the RFP was a big step in the company being more aggressive at adding renewable energy to Duke Energy’s generating mix.

“We will continue to seek opportunities to add renewable energy to our diverse energy portfolio,” he said. “Through the years, Duke Energy’s strength has been owning and operating generation assets reliably and safely for the benefit of our customers. Renewable energy is the next step in that evolution.”

Duke Energy to invest $500M in solar in NC to meet 6% by 2015 state RPS; Wouldn’t that be nice in Indiana?

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 16, 2014  /   Posted in solar  /   No Comments

Duke Energy to invest $500M in solar

 By  | September 15, 2014

Dive Brief:

  • Duke Energy announced on Monday it is committing $500 million to solar energy in North Carolina.
  • As part of the commitment, Duke said it will buy three utility-scale solar projects totaling 128 megawatts of capacity.
  • Duke said it has also signed five power purchasing agreements (PPA) with solar developers totaling 150 megawatts of capacity.

Dive Insight:

Duke Energy's big solar deal will help the utility meet North Carolina's 6%-by-2015 renewable energy standard.

The solar industry in the state is thriving, with North Carolina ranking fourth nationally in terms of installed capacity at 627 megawatts. Duke already has contracts for 470 megawatts of solar capacity in the state and has signed contracts totaling another 109 megawatts. Duke owns another 10 megawatts of solar.

Duke did not disclose the terms of the deals, only saying that the three solar projects it is buying will cost approximately $250 million. Among the new projects, perhaps the most notable is a 65 megawatt solar farm being built by Strata Solar, which Duke Energy claims will be the largest solar project east of the Mississippi River.

The $500 million investment “demonstrates our commitment to solar and renewables on the regulated side of the utility, and in doing so in a way that benefits our customers,” said Rob Caldwell, senior vice president for distributed generation at Duke.

Recommended Reading

Charlotte Observer: Duke Energy to spend $500 million on N.C. solar
Seeking Alpha: Duke Energy commits $500 million to North Carolina solar power expansion

Indiana Court of Appeals Remands Duke Energy rate increase back to IURC

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 11, 2014  /   Posted in Edwardsport IGCC Plant, Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC)  /   No Comments

Appeals Court Questions Approval Of Utility Rate Increase


Posted September 8, 2014

The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission recently allowed Duke Energy to pass the costs of building its Edwardsport plant on to its customers.

the Duke Energy coal gasification plant in Edwardsport

Photo: Duke Energy (Flickr)

The construction of the Duke Energy coal gasification plant in Edwardsport has gone significantly over budget, prompting questions from environmental and consumer advocacy groups about the cost-sharing burden the company is putting on consumers.

A state appeals court is asking the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission for more information on why it’s allowing Duke Energy to pass on costs of one of its power plants to consumers.

To cover the costs of building its coal gasification plant in Edwardsport, Duke Energy has asked the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to let it make up those costs in the form of rate increases. Those requests typically come in the form of requests for six month periods.

After hearing testimony from environmental groups and Duke Energy, the IURC has granted those requests.

But environmentalists are challenging those decision and, in a recent court ruling, the Indiana appeals court says the commission did not provide a convincing reasoning for why it approved one of the rate increases.

Specifically, the court questioned the reasonableness of Duke Energy’s three-month construction delay and the company’s statement that 50 percent of the Edwardsport plant was deemed to be in-service at that time of the request back in 2012.

Citizens Action Coalition Executive Director Kerwin Olson says the commission has been “rubberstamping” the energy companies’ requests without actually considering the facts.

“This is a good sign, hopefully, that the court of appeals will send a signal to the commission that they do have to respect the process and they do have to do more than just merely summarize the evidence before them,” Olson says.

Officials at the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission say they are reviewing the case.


Download a copy of the decision HERE>


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