Indiana watchdogs: ‘Our fears are coming true’ on utilities and efficiency

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 24, 2015  /   Posted in 2014 Indiana General Assembly, 2015 Indiana General Assembly, Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO), Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC), Uncategorized  /   No Comments
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Indiana watchdogs: ‘Our fears are coming true’ on utilities and efficiency

More than a year after Indiana lawmakers repealed the state's energy efficiency standard, utilities are scaling back their efforts while – advocates argue – seeking to overcharge ratepayers for their plans.

Last year Indiana passed legislation eliminating the state’s Energy Efficiency Resource Standard (EERS) and also killing its Energizing Indiana program, which had led to substantial energy efficiency investments and energy savings.

To replace the EERS, the legislature passed Senate Bill 412, calling for utilities to file energy efficiency and demand side management (DSM) plans with the state utility commission every three years.

Now Duke Energy Indiana and NIPSCO (Northern Indiana Public Service Company) have filed these plans for 2016-2018 with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. And the Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana (CAC) watchdog organization says the proposals show just how inadequate the new requirement is, especially compared to the sizable efficiency improvements that were being made before.

For example, NIPSCO’s proposed energy savings in 2018 are 114 GWh. Under the EERS, they would have had to save 339 GWh. Natalie Mims, an expert witness who testified on behalf of CAC before the utility commission, said that NIPSCO’s proposed spending on energy efficiency in 2016-2018 is only 40 percent of its 2014 spending.

“Our fears are coming true or being confirmed,” said CAC executive director Kerwin Olson. “The legislation allows the utility companies to establish their own goals. It puts the utilities in the drivers’ seat in terms of how much energy efficiency they’re going to do.

‘It’s widely accepted and understood that energy efficiency requires policy to drive the investment.’“But it’s widely accepted and understood that energy efficiency requires policy to drive the investment; that energy efficiency is not in the utility company’s best interest and in order to drive utility companies to invest in efficiency you need a little bit of a stick behind it.”

Both the CAC and the Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counsel (OUCC), a governmental agency, are calling on the commission to reject Duke’s and NIPSCO’s plans and demand they be revamped to include greater energy efficiency and conservation measures.

Overcharging and opting out

While the CAC laments how the utilities are not bolstering energy efficiency, testimony filed by the CAC and the OUCC complain that Duke and NIPSCO are also trying to charge ratepayers too much for “lost revenue” that the company expects because of lower demand.

Utilities are allowed to recoup revenue they lose because less energy is purchased after efficiency measures are taken. But the testimony says that the utilities want to charge way too much for such lost revenue, and that their plans are causing many large industrial customers to opt out of the energy efficiency program altogether.

Duke and NIPSCO did not respond to questions or requests for comment for this story.

A group of industrial customers filed testimony in the NIPSCO case charging that the amount NIPSCO is trying to gain through lost revenue “substantially exceeds” the money it would lose due to electricity conservation.

NIPSCO wants to collect $72.7 million in lost revenue, which makes up more than half its DSM program’s total budget. Duke’s plan proposes to collect $77.6 million in lost revenue for 2016-2018, making up 40 percent of the DSM budget.

The legislation that ultimately ended the EERS started out as a much narrower provision meant to give industrial customers the right to opt out of energy efficiency programs. This remains an option, even though the energy efficiency programs are much less ambitious going forward. Opting out can free industrial customers from paying the lost revenue charges that they say are way too high.

The CAC’s testimony argues that while utilities are required to give industrial users the choice of opting out, they should try harder to convince those users to stay involved in the program.

“The Company should modify the language to focus on the benefits the customer is declining when it opts out of efficiency programs,” said Mims in her NIPSCO testimony. “Currently, the language focuses on the ease with which the customer can opt out of the program.”

Almost half of the industrial customers eligible for opting out have done so, according to the CAC.

‘The utility feels like it is upon them to make opt-out as easy as possible.’“The opt out forms the utilities are using are just pathetic,” said CAC attorney Jennifer Washburn. “We joke that the industrial customer just has to whisper the word ‘opt-out’ and they’re done. The utility feels like it is upon them to make opt-out as easy as possible. And good luck getting any big guys to participate in any of these programs with lost revenues [they must pay the utility] so out of control.”

OUCC utility analyst Edward Rutter’s testimony indicated that the amount Duke seeks to recover from ratepayers as compensation for lost revenue is disingenuous. He noted that if Duke had to build a new power plant to serve customers instead of simply reducing electricity demand, it would have massive costs up front with slow recovery and the risk that the plant would not be financially viable.

“Duke faces no disincentive,” to invest in reducing demand, Rutter’s testimony says. “Instead, the opposite is true.”

Lack of data

Both the OUCC and CAC comments criticize Duke for not providing data to show how much revenue they will be losing because of energy efficiency improvements.

Among other things, they say the company has a seriously inflated number for how much it will spend on “energy measurement and verification,” or EM&V, for its demand side management programs. Such measurement and evaluation usually costs about five percent of the total program cost, Olson said.

In testimony for the OUCC in the Duke case, utility analyst April Paronish noted that Duke’s former CEO, James Rogers, chaired a public-private initiative that recommended EM&V should make up three to six percent of the overall DSM costs.

Duke proposes instead to spend about nine percent of its total DSM program costs, or $9 million a year, on EM&V.

“EM&V is incredibly important –we strongly support it,” said Olson. “But Duke’s budget for EM&V is outrageous. If it costs that much to evaluate a program, something is wrong. Either the number is inflated or there’s an inherent problem in the design of program. Either way, that budget is absurd.”

Paronish’s testimony notes that Duke proposes to reduce the rebates it pays consumers for replacing inefficient appliances, from $50 to less than $30, with no explanation.

“There is no information explaining the decrease, how many customers are expected to participate or why [Duke] believes this new amount will be sufficient to motivate participation after providing $50 rebates,” Paronish testified.

Olson said that CAC has been fighting for data that sheds light on Duke’s proposals, through Freedom of Information Act requests. But citizens shouldn’t have to go to that length to get data the company should have included in its public filings before the utility commission, Olson said.

Rutter testified that if the company wants to recoup costs for energy efficiency programs and incentives, it should have to provide a cost-benefit analysis of what it is proposing.

‘Is it reasonable to award performance incentives to a utility that sets it own savings targets?’Rutter also questioned the concept of Duke receiving performance incentives for meeting the goals that it sets for itself. Performance incentives are a standard way to ensure that utilities meet energy efficiency targets, but those goals are less meaningful when set by the utility itself.

“Is it reasonable for the Commission to award performance incentives to a utility that sets it own savings targets?” Rutter asked.

In the CAC’s testimony regarding NIPSCO, Mims notes that among other problems, NIPSCO wrongly quantified the value of supply side and demand side resources in the same way, which does a disservice to energy efficiency or other demand reduction programs.

“A single program targeting residential lighting, for example, may not defer or displace a generating unit, where a comprehensive portfolio of programs including residential lighting would,” Mims testified.

Other demands

The CAC’s testimony also makes other requests of Duke and NIPSCO, in part to restore programs that were included in Energizing Indiana.

The CAC asks that the utility make it explicit that single-family manufactured homes qualify for energy efficiency programs. The CAC asks that Duke and NIPSCO offer a $1,000 rebate for people buying manufactured homes certified as efficient, and that real estate agents get a $200 bonus for making such sales.

“Given the amount of Indiana’s housing stock that is comprised of manufactured homes and the use of manufactured homes as affordable housing, it is critical that NIPSCO design successful programs to reach this market,” Mims said in her testimony.

The CAC also asks Duke and NIPSCO to include incentives for efficiency in new home construction, since some important efficiency measures like quality insulation are typically only done during construction.

The CAC also asks Duke and NIPSCO to revive a schools program that previously existed, known as School Audit and Direct Install (SADI) that includes LED exit signs, occupancy sensors for power strips and whole classrooms, vending machine timers and other energy-saving measures. In 2014 that program saved 547 net MWh.

A silver lining?

When Energizing Indiana was still in place, utilities were required to enlist independent auditors to develop action plans for improving energy efficiency. The CAC’s testimony includes charts showing how much lower the utilities’ proposed energy efficiency goals are compared with the action plans that had been formulated under the old rules.

For example, Duke’s proposed goal calls for saving 196 GWh, or 0.6 percent of sales, in 2018. The action plan had called for saving 445 GWh, at 1.6 percent of sales. Those action plan numbers are adapted to reflect the industrial customers opting out of the program; with fewer opt-outs, the energy savings could be even greater.

For 2016-2018, Duke’s proposed goal for low-income energy efficiency programs is 9.7 gross GWh, whereas the action plan called for 50.8 gross GWh. For appliance recycling, the plan was 40 GWh compared to just 2 GWh in the proposed goal.

Washburn noted that the Energizing Indiana program was developed in part by the utility regulatory commission, and she is hopeful that the commission could still try to hold utilities to their previous action plans, which can be even more ambitious than the now-defunct EERS.

“All that’s required under Senate Bill 412 is that [the proposed goal] has to be reasonably achievable,” and in keeping with the company’s integrated resource plan, she said. “We’re saying what’s reasonably achievable is what the action plan said they could do.

“We hope the commission will be proud enough [of what they had accomplished before] to make lemonade out of these horrible lemons we were given,” Washburn continued. “The silver lining could be if the commission says they have to follow these independent action plans, we might get something that looks really good.”

The Indiana Lawyer: Duke rate hike from Edwardsport plant remanded

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 23, 2015  /   Posted in Edwardsport IGCC Plant  /   No Comments

Duke rate hike from Edwardsport plant remanded 

Dave Stafford

September 23, 2015

The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission must weigh for the third time rate increases for Duke Energy consumers connected to delays in opening the Edwardsport coal gasification plant in Knox County.

The Indiana Court of Appeals sent the matter back to the IURC in a suit brought by intervening interest groups,Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana, Inc., Save the Valley, Inc., Sierra Club, Inc., and Valley Watch, Inc. v. Duke Energy Indiana, Inc., Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, 93A02-1503-EX-184. The appeals court held the commission erred by not reopening the record after a prior remand and relied on evidence not in the record in determining the reasonableness of rate increases. The panel affirmed IURC rulings that a three-month delay in the plant’s commissioning was not caused by unreasonable actions by Duke, and therefore the cost could be calculated to ratepayers. The panel also affirmed the commission’s determination that the plant was partially in service for federal tax purposes before the in-service operational date in the settlement agreement.

“Based on our review of the record, there was ample evidence regarding the three-month delay and its impact upon Duke’s petition for cost recovery, and there was no need for additional evidence on remand to address that issue,” wrote Senior Judge Betty Barteau. “By contrast, there are insufficient findings as to the value of the rate increases caused by Duke’s declaration that the plant was partially in-service for tax purposes, and whether the increases were reasonable.

“Furthermore, the Intervenors did not have an opportunity to seek discovery on the rate increases, due to Duke’s late clarification of the issue. In addition, the Commission on remand considered additional evidence in the form of orders from ECR 19 and ECR 20, although those orders were not part of the record in IGCC-9 and the Commission did not follow the procedure for taking administrative notice of prior orders. The Commission’s consideration of these orders sharply contradicts its determination that it did not need to reopen the record on remand to receive additional evidence,” Barteau wrote.

“Under these circumstances, on remand the Commission should reopen the record, receive additional evidence … and issue findings of fact on these issues:  (1) quantifying the impact upon Duke’s proposed rate increases in this case resulting from Duke’s declaration that the plant was partially in-service for tax purposes; and (2) determining whether the proposed increases were reasonable per Indiana Code section 8-1-8.8-12(d)."

I-70 Solar Array Puts Co-ops Center Stage, 1 MW solar PV project built by Hoosier Energy

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 23, 2015  /   Posted in Hoosier Energy (HE), solar  /   No Comments

I-70 Solar Array Puts Co-ops Center Stage

By Derrill Holly | ECT Staff WriterPublished: September 23rd, 2015

At one megawatt, it’s not very large. But being on the side of a freeway helps a new Indiana co-op solar array make quite a statement.

Representatives of Hoosier Energy, three member co-ops and local officials dedicate a new solar array along I-70. (Photo By: Hoosier Energy)

“Interstate 70 brings about 40,000 vehicles through Henry County every day, traveling past the new solar farm,” said Ed Yanos, president of the Henry County Board of Commissioners. “The high visibility of the farm highlights Henry County’s and Hoosier Energy’s commitment to progress.”

The array is the first of 10 being built across Hoosier Energy’s service territory to supply electricity to the Bloomington, Ind.-based G&T’s 18 member distribution co-ops in central Indiana and southeastern Illinois.

“Renewable energy projects, including landfill gas to energy, solar and biomass resources, are part of the Hoosier Energy’s ‘all-of-the-above’ energy portfolio strategy,” said Mary Lynn Beaver, the G&T’s communications specialist.

The 4,320 panels, mounted on racks secured to 720 posts, are spread across 10 acres, easily seen from Interstate 70. Among those traveling the east-west route between Dayton, Ohio, and Indianapolis are commuters served by three of Hoosier Energy’s distribution co-ops.

“This project will benefit the members of the REMCs and the communities of east-central Indiana,” said Shannon Thom, CEO of Henry County Rural Electric Membership Corp., headquartered in New Castle.

The array, south of New Castle, will also help reinforce the image of electric co-ops as knowledgeable sources of information on the technology, said Terry Jobe, CEO of Manilla-based RushShelby Energy. “It puts us in a better position to give advice to our member-consumers on the operational issues, costs and benefits of solar as a renewable energy resource.”

Hoosier Energy is working with its member co-ops to develop nine other arrays with a goal of completing the projects by mid-2017. The G&T plans to site the projects throughout its service territory, providing renewable power to its member co-ops locally.

“Where electricity comes from is as important as how it gets to homes and businesses,” said Mary Jo Thomas, CEO of Whitewater Valley REMC, headquartered in Liberty.

Dispersing the arrays will provide more co-ops with opportunities to add solar facilities maintenance to the skills of their operations staffs, said Thomas. “The more we learn, the better we can take advantage of this important resource.”

Ouster: Is CEO David Crane part of NRG restructuring fallout?

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 22, 2015  /   Posted in solar  /   No Comments

Ouster: Is CEO David Crane part of NRG restructuring fallout?

By Barbara Vergetis Lundin

NRG Energy said it would shuffle several of its clean energy businesses into a subsidiary that could ultimately be sold or otherwise spun off.

NRG Energy CEO David Crane

The plan was announced on Friday morning by Chief Executive Officer David Crane during a conference call with investors.

Over the past year, NRG Energy, the biggest U.S. independent power producer, has reported the worst financial performance of any member of the S&P 500 Utilities Index. Rather than rebounding, the problems seem to be worsening. In the past four months, as energy prices remained low, the Princeton, New Jersey-based company's stock price has shed almost 30 percent of its value.

At the beginning of next year, NRG Energy will put its distributed solar and electric-vehicle charging businesses in a unit tentatively called GreenCo. NRG will provide the new subsidiary company with $125 million in working capital -- but no more.

"NRG financial support will not be provided beyond the $125 million," Crane said. "In the event that the financial projections for GreenCo are not achieved and GreenCo cannot reduce its burn rate in order to live within the limits of the intercompany revolver, GreenCo will have to find other ways to fund itself or shut down one or more of its businesses."

The GreenCo plan was intended to alleviate concerns expressed by investors about how the company would be able to fund its forays into distributed energy while maintaining a portfolio of about 48,000 megawatts of conventional, mostly coal and gas fired power plants (53 MW total). On Friday, NRG's stock price fell 6.2 percent to $17.98 on the New York Stock Exchange.

The restructuring may result in management changes at NRG Energy. In fact, one highly credible Wall Street analyst, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, claims to have inside information that suggests the ouster of NRG Energy CEO David Crane.

Speculation aside, it seems likely that NRG's senior management team has damaged their credibility with investors.

Crane was an outspoken booster for many of the same energy businesses that NRG is now rolling into GreenCo. For example, in a quarterly earnings conference call in 2014, Crane told investors there was an "inexorable trend toward a distributed generation-centric, disaggregated future featuring individual choice and the empowerment of the American energy consumer."

During the same conference call, Crane added, "That this future is going to occur is, in my opinion, inevitable; that it's going to occur faster than almost every person thinks it's going to occur is highly probable. So at NRG, we are positioning ourselves to succeed during a prolonged period during which the traditional centralized grid-based power system coexists with the fast emerging, high growth distributed sector, much like how fixed line long distance graciously gave way to cellular world dominance only after a couple of decades of relatively peaceful coexistence."

IPMA plans to unveil 3 MW Crawfordsville Solar Park on 9/21/15 at 2:00 pm

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   September 21, 2015  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

IMPA plans to unveil new solar park Monday

One of two of the largest solar parks to date created by Indiana Municipal Power Agency is ready to be unveiled. The public is invited to a ribbon cutting ceremony a 2 p.m. Monday at the Crawfordsville Solar Park on Memorial Drive. The ceremony will be followed by tours of the facility.

The solar park was originally planned to include 8,000 solar panels. In April, IMPA and Crawfordsville Mayor Todd Barton announced the company would increase the size to include a total of 11,850 solar panels equating to a 3-megawatt facility.

Jack Alvey, IMPA senior vice president of generation, said the reason the park was increased was because it would help IMPA meet its own goals for adding solar energy in 2015.

“Without a doubt the relationship we have with the city administration and Mayor Todd Barton, along with Crawfordsville Electric Light & Power and city council is a big factor in increasing our investment,” Alvey said. “We are happy about the progress with our 2015 plan and that we are able to complete this project that the City of Crawfordsville has greatly supported.”

The electricity generated at the park will flow into the Crawfordsville distribution system and will help reduce the amount of electricity purchased from other sources during times of peak energy usage.

The solar park is part of IMPA’s effort to diversify its portfolio of power generation. In an article from the IMPA Wire, IMPA Board Chairman Raj G. Rao said the agency has layered its power supply diversity.

“IMPA’s incremental diversification is also bolstered by the fact that no single generation unit carries the majority of IMPA’s electric load,” Rao said. “Rather, the many sources of generation that make up IMPA’s power supply portfolio — coal, natural gas, nuclear, wind and solar — work together to provide low-cost, reliable and environmentally responsible power.”

IMPA had hoped to have the ribbon cutting in September, but the large amount of spring rainfall placed the project behind by approximately 30 days.

IMPA’s investment is now $5.1 million, which also is the amount of tax abatement the city extended the wholesale electric power supplier.

Alvey said the Crawfordsville solar project is the third one to be completed this year.

“We have also completed the Tell City and Peru projects thus far this year,” Alvey said. “Both of those communities were also very supportive and they have been pleased with having the new projects come online in their communities. The final projects to wrap up 2015 will be in Pendleton, Bainbridge, and Argos. They will all be complete by the end of October.

IMPA is comprised of 59 Indiana members and one Ohio member. Local IMPA community members are Crawfordsville, Darlington, Ladoga and Waynetown. The next IMPA solar park site in Montgomery County is projected  to be in Waynetown with construction taking place early in 2016.

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