Indiana Governor Pence Reappoints Carol Stephan as Chair of Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC)

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   February 01, 2016  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Governor Pence Reappoints Carol Stephan as Chair of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission

Indianapolis – Governor Mike Pence today reappointed Carol Stephan as chairperson of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC).

“Throughout Carol Stephen’s tenure at the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, she has shown that she is a leader with integrity and I am pleased to reappoint her today,” said Governor Pence. “Her deep understanding and commitment to the commission’s work make her uniquely qualified for this role.”

Stephan, of Indianapolis, was appointed to the IURC in February of 2014 and became the first female Chair of the Commission in May 2014. Before her role as Chair, Stephan served as Assistant General Counsel for the IURC and has extensive experience in state government, having worked as General Counsel for the Indiana office of Utility Consumer Counselor, Interim Deputy Commissioner and Director of Partner Services for the Indiana Department of Workforce Development, and Deputy Attorney General in the Bankruptcy/Inheritance Tax Division in the Office of the Attorney General of Indiana. She also spent time working with Goodwill Industries. Stephan earned her undergraduate degree from Indiana University and her law degree from the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law.

To see a list and bios of the other four (4) members of the IURC, please see: 

Joint Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Stakeholder Presentation Feb. 3, 2016

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   February 01, 2016  /   Posted in Indiana Michigan Power Company (I&M), Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO), Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC)  /   No Comments

Joint Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Stakeholder Presentation Feb. 3, 2016

Download Agenda HERE> Joint Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Stakeholder Presentation_Meeting Agenda (1)

Meeting Agenda

8:30 – 9:00 am Registration/Refreshments

9:00 – 9:15am Welcome – Safety Message – IPL Mark Maassel, Indiana Electric Association (IEA)

9:15 – 9:30 am Presentation 1 – Director’s Report Development Process – IURC, Bob Pauley 9:30 – 9:45 am Presentation 2 – IRP Public Advisory Process Overview – OUCC, Barbara Smith 9:45 – 10:00am Presentation 3 – IRP Building Blocks – IPL, Joan Soller, Director, Resource Planning

10:00 – 10:15am Break

10:15 – 10:45am Presentation 4 – Load Forecasting – Vectren, Matt Rice, Manager, Market Research & Analysis

10:45 – 11:30pm Presentation 5 – Resources – Duke, Scott Park, Director-IRP & Analytics, Midwest

11:30 – 12:15pm Lunch

12:15 – 1:00pm Presentation 6 – Scenarios & Sensitivities – IPL, Ted Leffler, Senior Risk Management Analyst

1:00 – 1:45pm Presentation 7 – RTOs 101 – NIPSCO, Paul Kelly, Director, Federal Regulatory Policy and Bill SeDoris, Director, Federal Policy

1:45 – 2:00pm Break

2:00 – 2:45pm Presentation 8 – Resource Modeling – I&M, Ismael Martinez, Jr., Senior Resource Planning Analyst

2:45 – 3:15 pm Day in Review/Feedback – Mark Maassel, IEA

3:15 – 3:30 pm Closing Remarks – Mark Maassel, IEA

Joint Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Stakeholder Session_Combined Presentation (1)

OUCC recommends substantial reduction to NIPSCO’s proposed electric rate increase

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   January 23, 2016  /   Posted in Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO), Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC), Uncategorized  /   No Comments


For Immediate Release: January 22, 2016

News Media Contact: Anthony Swinger, (317) 233-2747 or

OUCC recommends substantial reduction

to NIPSCO’s proposed electric rate increase

The Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC) is recommending a substantial reduction to the electric rate increase requested by Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO).

In a pending case before the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC), NIPSCO is seeking nearly $126.6 million in new annual operating revenues for its electric utility. The OUCC, which represents consumer interests in IURC cases, has filed testimony recommending that the increase be limited to approximately $15.6 million.

“Between the base rates that were approved in 2011 and the multiple trackers that have effectively allowed NIPSCO to increase its rates since then, the facts show that NIPSCO’s electric utility is essentially financially healthy,” said Indiana Utility Consumer Counselor David Stippler. “The modest rate increase which we recommend today will help ensure that the utility has the revenue necessary to provide safe, reliable electric service throughout northern Indiana. However, in our view the increase should be fairly limited as demonstrated by the OUCC’s thorough analysis of NIPSCO’s request.”

In testimony filed today, the OUCC recommends:

• Keeping the utility’s flat, monthly electric residential and small commercial customer charges at their current levels. NIPSCO is proposing to raise the monthly residential charge from $11.00 to $20.00 while raising the monthly small commercial customer charge from $20.00 to $30.00. The OUCC’s testimony notes that the proposed customer charge increases would discourage energy efficiency, among other arguments against the changes.

• Lowering NIPSCO’s authorized return on equity to 8.7 percent. The utility’s current authorized return is 10.2 percent, and it is requesting an increase to 10.75 percent in this case.

• Denying the utility’s proposed early retirement date for Bailly Generating Station Unit 8 and corresponding depreciation costs.

• Modifying various line items pertaining to the electric utility’s operating expenses including personnel costs, operations of environmental compliance equipment, planned outage expenses, and vegetation management.

• Modifying NIPSCO’s proposed low-income electric assistance program by advocating for the creation of an assistance fund. NIPSCO customers, employees, and shareholders would be able to contribute to the fund voluntarily with the company matching the voluntary contributions.

In addition, the OUCC today filed written comments from 170 NIPSCO customers to be included in the case’s formal record. The IURC held a public field hearing in Hammond on December 14, 2015.

The utility’s rebuttal testimony is due February 12, 2016 with an IURC evidentiary hearing scheduled to start on February 29, 2016 in Indianapolis. While evidentiary hearings are open to the public, participation is typically limited to attorney and Commission questioning of technical witnesses who have filed testimony on behalf of the case’s formal parties.

NIPSCO provides electric utility service to approximately 461,000 customers in 20 northern Indiana counties. Its current electric base rates were approved in 2011.

Natural gas rates and charges are not at issue in this case.

In a separately pending case, NIPSCO is requesting IURC approval of a $1.33 billion infrastructure plan, to be accompanied by rate increases over the next seven years. The OUCC has not yet taken a position in that case and anticipates filing testimony in late March.

IURC Cause No. 44688

The Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC) represents Indiana consumer interests before state and federal bodies that regulate utilities. As a state agency, the OUCC’s mission is to represent all Indiana consumers to ensure quality, reliable utility services at the most reasonable prices possible through dedicated advocacy, consumer education, and creative problem solving.

Visit us at,, or


NOTE: Other parties also prefiled testimony in this case on 1/22/16. IndianaDG will report on additional testimony as soon as it becomes available.

Tonight: Gov. Pence State of the State 7 pm; President Obama State of the Union 9 pm

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   January 12, 2016  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Indiana Governor Mike Pence will give his annual State of the State address to a joint session of the Indiana House and Indiana Senate beginning at 7:00 pm EST. Many local TV stations will cover the speech but you can also watch on-line HERE: 

2016 State of the State

Stay tuned and then watch President Obama give his annual State of the Union address to the Congress at 9:00 pm EST. Local TV stations will cover or you can watch on-line HERE:


Later let us know what you thought about the two speeches.

Utility Dive: What utilities need to know about solar growth after the ITC extension

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   January 12, 2016  /   Posted in solar, Uncategorized  /   No Comments

What utilities need to know about solar growth after the ITC extension

The tax credit extension and the plummeting solar prices add up to unprecedented growth and new opportunities for power companies

With a five year extension and slow phase-down of the industry’s federal investment tax credit (ITC) now in place, the bubble that was building for 2016 — the final year credits would have been available before the extension — has harmlessly deflated.

Instead, there will be strong, steady growth far into the 2020s, beginning with the 7.4 GW of new PV installations forecast to come online in 2015 by most recent U.S. Solar Market Insight (USSMI) report from the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and GTM Research.

Some of the 15 GW of new PV previously forecast for 2016 will be delayed to 2017, according to GTM Research Senior Solar Analyst and report lead author Cory Honeyman.

An earlier forecast of over 40 GW for cumulative U.S. PV installation will also not be reached by the end of 2016, he now expects. But that number will seem trivial by 2020 in comparison to the additional 25 GW of installed capacity that will come from the tax credit’s extension, 54% more solar than there would have been without it, according to Honeyman.

"The ITC extension will result in a 20 GW annual solar market in the U.S. by 2020," said GTM Research Senior Vice President Shayle Kann. "At that rate, more solar will be installed each year than was added to the grid cumulatively through 2014."

An earlier report from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) in October substantiated the new GTM Research projections. It predicted that without the full ITC, the U.S. would likely have built about 73 GW of solar PV by year-end 2022 as annual build rates fell from 8 GW per year to 6 GW per year from 2017-22.

But a five year extension of a 30% ITC, broadly similar to the one just enacted, would boost average build rates to about 10 GW per year from 2017-2022 and result in a cumulative installed capacity of over 95 GW, according to the report.

The extension just passed by Congress will add $30-$40 billion in incremental investment in the industry and bring the industry’s job total to 420,000 by 2020, according to SEIA President/CEO Rhone Resch.

It will also drive the installed cost of solar down 40%, he added. “That will make solar more cost-effective than fossil-generated electricity and make it easier for states to comply with the Clean Power Plan.”

Extension details

Since 2009, the ITC has returned 30% of the investment in any solar installation as a tax credit at the end of the first year of the installation’s service. That benefit was scheduled to drop to 10% for business investments and zero for residential investments at the end of 2016.

Instead, explained Gregory Jenner, partner and energy team co-chair at the law firm Stoel Rives, Congress has extended it through the end of 2021 for both utility-scale and residential installations, though at a diminished rate in its last two years. It also has a “commence construction” provision for utility-scale installations that will make the tax credit available beyond its date of termination.

If construction of a solar installation begins before 2020, 30% of the investment will continue to be returned, assuming the project goes into service within two years. If construction begins in 2020, there is a 26% tax credit. If construction begins in 2021, the tax credit is for 22% of the investment. If construction begins after 2021, the tax credit is 10%.

The commence construction provision also allows a 10% tax credit for installations that meet the criteria for being in construction before 2022 but are not placed in service before 2024.

Utility-scale solar, the most sensitive to the ITC step down, will see deployments increase 73% through 2020," GTM's Honeyman said.

BNEF's estimates again broadly backed up the GTM Research numbers. It calculated that a five year extension of the 30% credit — without the incentive step-down toward the end — would boost utility-scale solar installations between 2015 and 2022 by 10 GW, to 36 GW.

“Without the artificial deadline, we expect more projects to come online, we expect the build to be smoother, we expect fewer bottlenecks in 2016 as a result of the rush, and we expect second tier developers to have greater access to capital,” BNEF analyst and study co-author Maddy Yozwiak told Utility Dive at the time.

Given price trends, Honeyman said, utility-scale solar contracts will likely come in regularly over the next two years at less than $0.04/kWh.

The ITC extension will also lead to 35% more residential installations and 51% more non-residential installations between 2016 and 2020, according to GTM Research. And it will be “a critical policy bridge, as demand heats up in 2020 and beyond due to the Clean Power Plan,” he added.

The ITC extension will help drive a 20 GW annual solar market by 2020, according to GTM.
Credit: SEIA/GTM Research USSMI update

Back to 2015

In 2015’s third quarter, the U.S. brought 1,361 MW of solar PV online, according GTM's Solar Market Insight Report. In the year’s first three quarters, the U.S. brought 4.1 GW online, which was 30% of all new U.S. electricity generating capacity in those quarters.

Before the news of the ITC extension, the report forecast a record-breaking 3 GW-plus in Q4 2015 and a cumulative 7.4 GW for the year.

Q3 2015 residential PV installation was up 12% over the previous quarter and 69% over Q3 2014. California lost some market share but was still 48% of installations. New York also fell off but Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Maryland continued to grow and Nevada nearly quadrupled its installations over Q2 2015 to move into the top five states for cumulative 2015 installed capacity.

Non-residential installations — such as commerical and industrial systems — were up 19% over Q2 2015 and 4% from Q3 2014, but remained solar’s weakest segment. Only the California, Hawaii, and New Jersey markets grew in Q3.

The utility-scale PV pipeline of projects with contracts is now 18.7 GW, which is more than the cumulative U.S. installed capacity through the end of 2014, according to the USSMI. The utility-scale segment, at 42% of all new Q3 2015 installed capacity, continues to be “a bedrock driver of installation growth,” it reports. Though its 2016 total may not reach the 10 GW-plus foreseen before the ITC extension, growth will continue to be driven by cost-competitiveness.

The concentrating solar power segment of the U.S. solar industry, by contrast, seems to be sputtering. After a record-setting 767 MW performance in 2014, it has not added installed capacity this year. SolarReserve’s 110 MW Crescent Dunes installation is expected to be fully operational by early 2016.

Estimates on an ITC extension from BNEF in October substantiate findings from GTM and SEIA on the impact of the tax credits.
Credit: From BNEF (used with permission)

Four important trends

The four important trends shaping the national solar market at the state level are geographic diversification, rate design reforms, new buyers and sellers, and cost-competitive solar, Honeyman said.

Geographic diversification: Over half of the nation’s states now have more than 50 MW of cumulative solar PV installed, according to the USSMI. That means a more diversified marketplace. More importantly, it means there are more markets where the customer appeal of solar will sooner or later play out.

Nevada is a prime example, Honeyman said. It jumped from the 14th biggest residential solar market in 2014 to the second biggest state market last year, driven by policy factors and “a number of national installers that have accelerated the sales cycle and installation process."

As the reality of solar grows in new markets, this is likely to happen more often, Honeyman expects.

Rate design reforms: The rate design debate has entered a new phase, Honeyman said. Proposed reforms and net metering policies “are drastically different from a year or two ago."

Regulators, utilities, and renewables advocates are increasingly trying to align policies with the real costs and benefits of solar exported to the grid. The debates are heated but they include the role of peak demand charges, time of use rates, and a more diversified understanding of the value exported solar.

California, New York, Texas, and Hawaii are at the forefront of the discussion but Arizona is also a hotbed and innovative policies and new approaches are coming from very nascent markets in the Southeast like South Carolina, Georgia, and Mississippi.

New approaches to net metering have been political compromises that led to short term net metering policies,” Honeyman said. “It will be interesting to see how residential and commercial installers in new state markets take advantage of policies with net metering for only a finite period and how the market responds.”

New buyers and sellers: In community solar programs, utilities are selling solar to residential customers. In the absence of workable green tariffs, corporate customers and other large energy users are buying directly from independent power producers.

“There is a wave of empowered corporate entities,” Honeyman said. “We are tracking a GW of large centralized projects that have been procured by large corporations, universities, and municipalities.”

Unique interconnection and net metering programs are capturing the attention of buyers and developers who were previously only interested in business-as-usual incentive-funded opportunities. Over the past half year, “just as many corporates have procured large centralized projects as those that have installed rooftop and ground-mount net metered projects,” Honeyman said.

Community solar development is attracting utilities and project developers who are blurring the definitions of solar’s utility-scale, commercial-industrial, and residential segments. Community solar offers access to project finance and economies of scale, like utility-scale solar. But as much as 40% of the buy-in may come from a single big commercial-industrial customer. And there can 500 residential customers involved in filling out the project's subscriptions.

“As the market continues to grow and mature, these clearly distinguished market segments become increasingly less relevant indicators of where the market is heading,” Honeyman said.

Cost-competitive solar: Utility-scale solar projects are increasingly being procured not because utilities have to meet renewables mandates but because they are beating the competition. It has become a driving force in the almost 19 GW utility-scale solar pipeline.

“We are tracking well over 7 GW that have been procured because they werecompetitive with natural gas alternatives,” Honeyman said. In areas where incentives, the solar resource, the cost to build solar, and the price of electricity come together, “we are very much in an era of cost parity for utility-scale solar as a hedge against natural gas price volatility,” Honeyman added.

For utilities facing potential generation shortfalls due to the need to retire coal plants that do not meet EPA pollution regulations, the appeal of cost-competitive utility-scale solar as a hedge will be accentuated, he said.

As solar becomes more cost-competitive, observed Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) President/CEO Julia Hamm, it will “accelerate the deployment of other distributed energy technologies – such as storage, demand response and energy efficiency – which will provide even more opportunities for creating value for both individual consumers and the grid as a whole.”

What utilities should note

Utility leaders, first and foremost, need to think about the solar-related product opportunities that fit their business models, Honeyman said.

A cooperative or a smaller municipal utility has more flexibility in procurement and development, he pointed out. “That fits naturally with building out ambitious community solar programs and with thinking about the utility’s eventual role in a rooftop solar program.”

Investor-owned utility leaders need to think more about the tension between constraints and opportunities. In a market with an ambitious renewables mandate, “it is worth noticing how cost-competitive utility-scale solar has become,” he suggested.

Where there is no near-term mandate obligation, IOU leaders should recognize the widespread expectation that over a utility’s long-term planning horizon,natural gas prices are likely to rise, meaning solar can act as a hedge against price volatility in a power company resource plan. Utilities looking to deeper decarbonization in anticipation of future environmental regulations to meet obligations under the Paris climate treaty can also look to solar for low-cost generation without carbon emissions.

“There is a big value proposition in a $40/MWh to $60/MWh fixed price contract for a large scale solar asset that represents a significant portion of load,” Honeyman said. “That is the business case utilities are considering in states like Arkansas, Alabama, and Mississippi where they have never procured a MW of solar before.”

Copyright 2013 IndianaDG