IREC/IDEA Comments on Proposed Net Metering Rule

IDEA joined with a coalition of groups to support the comments submitted by Jason Keyes with Keyes and Fox on behalf of the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC). You can download these below.

IDEA Comments to IURC on Net Metering_30Sept2010

IREC Indiana Net Metering Comments Sep 30 2010

IREC redline of Indiana draft NEM rule Sep 30 2010

Public Hearing on Net Metering Rule Held 3/11/2011

The IURC held a public hearing 3/11/2011 on the proposed net metering rule. Written comments on the proposed rule were due 3/25/2011.

IDEA, again, endorsed the written remarks submitted by IREC.

IREC Opening Comments re Net Metering RM 09-10 LSA 10-662 March 24 2011 FINAL[1]

Approval of a final net metering rule will follow after an internal review by various state agencies and the final rule will be published in the Indiana Register in 3-4 months. Watch this blog for further details.

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