Lindsay Shipps with Onward and Upward from Minneapolis: Conservative Approaches to Clean Energy

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   July 25, 2016  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Displaying image1.JPGCitizens League Energy Conference_Minneapolis

Photo by Lindsay Shipps, Onward and Upward, Special Correspondent to IndianaDG

Conservative Approaches to Clean Energy: Innovative Solutions for the 21st Century

Date(s) - 07/25/2016
2:30 pm - 5:30 pm

You don’t often hear the terms “clean energy” and “conservative” in the same sentence, but that hides the fact that a new generation of conservative policy thinkers have turned their attention to the economics of the energy marketplace. Both nationally and here in Minnesota conservatives have been putting some meat on the bones of their “all of the above” strategy, coming up with innovative solutions to building a 21st century energy marketplace.

They argue that technological innovations in energy generation can have the same effect in the energy marketplace as mobile phones did in telecommunications, and that it is time conservatives embrace the possibilities.

On July 25th the Citizens League will be joining with the Minnesota Conservative Energy Forum to host an event featuring both national and state policy thinkers to explore the growing movement of conservatives embracing both technological and marketplace innovations in delivering energy to consumers. Join us for what will prove to be a surprising and interesting conversation.

Moderated by Paul Douglas, Meteorologist

Confirmed Panelists Include:
Dario Anselmo, GOP Candidate for Minnesota House of Representatives
Keith den Hollander, Chairman of the Christian Coalition of Michigan
Pat Garofalo, Republican Chair of Job Growth & Energy Affordability Policy and Finance Committee, Minnesota House of Representatives
Ryan Hodum, Vice President, David Gardiner & Associates
Amy Koch, former Majority Leader of the Minnesota Senate and Chair of the Minnesota Conservative Energy Forum
Mark Pischea, Conservative Energy Network.
Catrina Rorke, State Programs Director, R-Street
David Strom, Executive Director, MnCEF

Conservative Approaches to Clean Energy:
Innovative Solutions for the 21st Century
Monday, July 25, 2016

2:30 – 4:30pm  – Panel Discussion
4:30 – 5:30pm – Complimentary Social Hour

Minneapolis Event Center
212 2nd St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414 (map)

IndianaDG is posting this while the meeting is still on-going. Watch for further updates from Lindsay Shipps with Onward and Upward who is reporting from Minneapolis.

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