Joint CESA/State-Federal RPS Collaborative Webinar 3/30/12: Solar Thermal Trends, Performance-Based Incentives, and RPS

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   March 23, 2012  /   Posted in Feed-in Tariffs (FiT), Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Dear Blog Readers:

I have participated in several webinars by this group as well as attending a couple of their conferences. I would highly recommend. Although this webinar addresses solar thermal, I will bet there will be information presented that will be transferrable to CHP and geothermal systems. Just guessing though on that. I am signed up!

Laura Ann Arnold

Click this link to register: Joint CESA/State-Federal RPS Collaborative Webinar: Solar Thermal Trends, Performance-Based Incentives, and RPS.

March 30, 2012

1:00pm — 2:30pm Eastern Daylight Time

In recent years, more states have instituted incentives and programs to encourage solar thermal energy installations. Additional states are considering doing this, either through a renewable portfolio standard (RPS), through a clean energy fund, or with a utility-based program. One important consideration has been whether and how to link any incentives to the performance of the systems.

This webinar will feature three presentations looking at solar thermal from different vantage points. Les Nelson of the International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials will summarize market and costs trends for solar thermal technologies. James Critchfield will discuss US EPA’s initiative to work with stakeholders to create a US Heat Meter Standard, which will set requirements for the instrumentation and application of equipment used to measure the energy generation of thermal energy systems. Sam Watson of the North Carolina Utilities Commission will describe his state’s experiences with including solar thermal in its RPS, and will provide lessons learned.

Time will be allotted for Q&A from the audience. The webinar will be hosted by CESA Senior Advisor Warren Leon.


• James Critchfield, Director for Clean Energy Market Transformation at U.S. EPA

• Les Nelson, Director of Solar Heating & Cooling Programs for the International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials

• Sam Watson, General Counsel of the North Carolina Utilities Commission

This event is supported by The Energy Foundation, Clean Energy States Alliance, and the U.S. Department of Energy. The webinar is free to attend, but regstration is required.

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