IURC: Opportunity for public comment on Indiana state energy savings program; After SEA 340 Gov. Pence wants recommendations for 2015

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   April 09, 2014  /   Posted in 2014 Indiana General Assembly, Uncategorized  /   No Comments


Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission
Media Advisory

101 W. Washington Street, Suite 1500E, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

Media Contact: Danielle McGrath 317.232.2297

Opportunity for public comment
on State energy savings program



What: Following the enactment of Senate Enrolled Act 340, Governor Pence issued a letter to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) requesting that the agency make recommendations on demand side management (DSM) and energy efficiency (EE) policies and programs, so that they may serve as a framework for potential legislation in the upcoming 2015 session of the Indiana General Assembly.


Specifically, the Governor asked that the IURC's recommendations accomplish the following:


  • ·         Include appropriate EE goals for Indiana;
  • ·         Reflect an examination of the overall effectiveness of current DSM programs in the state;
  • ·         Reflect any and all issues that may improve current DSM programs;
  • ·         Reflect a thorough benefit-cost analysis of the cost impact to ratepayers of possible DSM programs; and
  • ·         Allow for an opt-out whereby large electricity consumers can decide not to participate in a DSM program.


When: From April 9, 2014 to June 9, 2014, the IURC will collect comments to ensure transparency and the opportunity for public participation.


Why: In 2009, the IURC issued a decision that required the state's investor-owned electric utilities (e.g., Northern Indiana Public Service Company, Vectren South, Indianapolis Power and Light, Duke Energy, and Indiana Michigan Power) to achieve an energy savings target of 2% within 10 years.


Since the issuance of the IURC's decision, interested stakeholders, under the umbrella of the Demand Side Management Coordinating Committee, have worked collaboratively to implement and publicize the programs. However, this past year, concerns were raised about its overall expense. Consequently, during the 2014 legislative session, Senate Enrolled Act 340 was enacted into law so that the General Assembly could examine the IURC's program. Although the law allows Indiana utilities to continue offering DSM programs, it lets the statewide program, run by a third-party administrator, expire on December 31, 2014.


To aid the public in obtaining information related to this program and the Governor’s request, the IURC has created a webpage dedicated to the issue. On this site, readers can find a copy of the Governor’s letter, as well as brief overviews and reference materials related to the case. For more information, please visit: www.in.gov/iurc/2802.htm.


How: Comments on DSM and EE policies and programs may be submitted to the IURC in writing. Details are provided below. The deadline for the submission of written comments is June 9, 2014.


Email: urccomments@urc.in.gov


Mail: General Counsel Beth Krogel Roads
Re: IURC's EE/DSM Recommendations
Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission
101 West Washington Street, Ste. 1500 E
Indianapolis, IN 46204


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The Commission is a fact-finding body that hears evidence in cases filed before it and makes decisions based on the evidence presented in those cases. An advocate of neither the public nor the utilities, the IURC is required by state statute to make decisions that balance the interests of all parties to ensure the utilities provide adequate and reliable service at reasonable prices.
For more information, please visit: www.in.gov/iurc.



Danielle McGrath, APR

Executive Director of External Affairs


Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission

101 West Washington Street, Suite 1500 East

Indianapolis, IN  46204


Tel:        317-232-2297

E-mail:  dmcgrath@urc.in.gov


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