Dear IDEA Blog Readers:
I received this on October 26, 2010 via email. My quick review indicates positive changes made to the draft Proposed Rule circulated by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) on September 1, 2010. IDEA plans to coordinate responses to the fiscal impact questions listed below.
Please contact me if you are interested in joining IDEA's Net Metering Task Force. or call (317) 635-1701.
Laura Ann Arnold
Dear Stakeholder,
Attached please find the latest draft of the proposed amendments to the net metering rule. This encompasses changes made as a result of the recent technical conference. As you may know, part of administrative rulemaking involves drafting a fiscal impact statement. That is where the Commission needs your help. As experts in your field, we need to know how you believe the changes to this rule (from the original rule) will affect customers, utilities, businesses, government, and small businesses (> or = 50% of working days, ≤ 150 employees, the majority working in Indiana). When providing your comments, please denote if comments are specifically related to small businesses or government.
If you could answer the eight questions below by no later than close of business on Tuesday, November 16, 2010, I would really appreciate it. When providing any statistics, please cite to the study/expert used to derive those numbers.
Your fiscal impact should be regarding ONLY the impact from the changes to the rule (i.e. not the fiscal impact of requiring a minimum of 1 MW, but the impact of now requiring 1 MW instead of 10 kW). Please let me know if you have any questions. I do not need a formal document; it is sufficient to reply to this email with your answers typed below.
1. Generally, what additional costs or savings will you experience as a result of the changes to this rule?
2. Estimated number of your customers and your business type (i.e. utility, solar installer, etc.)?
3. Compliance costs to comply with the rule?
4. Administrative costs to comply with the rule?
5. Reduction of costs to comply with the rule?
6. Types of costs and benefits (money or non-money) from complying with the rule (especially cost/benefit to state and local government and small businesses)?
7. Secondary or indirect benefits from complying with the rule?
8. (required if providing fiscal impact) Sources used to determine the amounts above, such as studies, insurance quotes, etc.
Please note, if we do not receive your response by close of business on November 16th, we will assume you see no fiscal impact from this rule. Thanks in advance for your assistance!
DeAnna L. Poon
Administrative Law Judge
Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission
(317) 232-6735