IURC Approves IPL’s Second Feed-in Tariff Contract Under Rate REP With GSA Emmett Bean Solar PV Project 6/16/2011

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   June 21, 2011  /   Posted in IPL Rate REP, Uncategorized  /   No Comments

The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) approved only the second Indianapolis Power and Light (IPL) feed-in tariff (FIT) under Rate REP since the three year pilot program became effective March 30, 2010.

The first Rate REP contract was last summer with the Time Factory for a 50 kW wind turbine.

See IPL 30 Day Filing_Rate REP_Time Factory_06.24.10[1]

The IURC order in Cause No. 43623 provides that all Rate REP contracts must be filed under the Commission's thirty (30) day filing procedure. The IURC 30-day filing No. 2856 was received on May 13, 2011.

The approved contract was for a Solar PV system with a nameplate capacity of 2.012 MW. The system was installed at the General Services Administration (GSA) Major General Emmett J. Bean Federal Center at 8899 E. 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46249.

The Rate REP contract was signed for GSA on 4/21/2011 by Shanta Maldonado, Contracting Officer, GSA and on 5/2/2011 by William H. Henley, VP Corporate Affairs, IPL.

IPL 30 Day Filing_ Rate REP_ GSA_2856_051311_approved 16June2011

The terms and conditions of IPL's Rate REP are the subject of a new case currently pending before the IURC in Cause No. 44018. Indiana Distributed Energy Advocates (IDEA) is an intervenor is this proceeding and will be filing testimony by June 30, 2011. For more information on this new proceeding and the proposed changes to Rate REP, please contact Laura Arnold at (317) 635-1701 or laura.arnold@indianadg.org.

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