IURC Approves 1st IPL Feed-in Tariff Contract Under Rate REP

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   August 04, 2010  /   Posted in Feed-in Tariffs (FiT), Uncategorized  /   No Comments

At its regularly scheduled weekly conference on 07/28/10, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) approved the first Indianapolis Power and Light Co. (IPL) feed-in tariff contract under Rate REP. The 30-day Filing ID No. 2725 pursuant to IURC Order in Cause No. 43623 was filed 06/24/10 for the agreement between IPL and the Time Factory.

The Engineering Minutes describe the customer impact as follows:

"Although the costs of power purchased via this agreement will be recovered by IPL through its fuel rider, customers' bills will not be significantly impacted."

For those interested or thinking about installing a renewable energy system in the IPL service territory, you might want to take a look at the paperwork IPL filed under Rate REP.  Although renewable energy advocates would have preferred that this additional step was not required, it appears that the first contract approval proceeded without a hitch.

IPL 30 Day Filing_Rate REP_Time Factory_06.24.10[1]


Congratulations to the Time Factory on becoming the first IPL customer to be approved under Rate REP.

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