IPL W/D Rate REP Revisions from DSM Case; Temp. Suspends Rate REP; Plans to Re-file w/i 90 days

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   February 07, 2011  /   Posted in CLEAN Indiana, Feed-in Tariffs (FiT), Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Indianapolis Power and Light (IPL) filed an important motion impacting renewable energy and distributed energy today (2/7/2011) in their Demand Side Management (DSM) case in Cause No. 43960 today with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC). Indiana Distributed Energy Advocates (IDEA) is an intervenor in this case and was preparing to pre-file its testimony regarding Rate REP on 2/14/2011. Rate REP is IPL's new feed-in tariff approved by the IURC a year ago in Cause No. 43623.

IDEA and other renewable energy advocates are now referring to Feed-in Tariffs (FiT) as

CLEAN  =  Clean Local Energy Accessible Now.

Here is a brief summary of the motion filed today.

  • IPL is withdrawing revisions to Rate REP from their current DSM case.
  • IPL is temporarily suspending Rate REP to new customers;.
  • IPL anticipates initiating a separate proceeding addressing Rate REP within 90 days of the IURC's ruling on their motion.

Read the details HERE. IPLs Motion to Withdraw Proposed Revisions[1]

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