Original article: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2012210140330&nclick_check=1
Written by Mary Beth Schneider
Just can't get enough of political debates?
You're in luck this week.
The candidates in the Indiana election for U.S. Senate will meet in their first of two debates Monday, while the candidates for governor will face-off Wednesday in the second of their three debates.
In addition, President Barack Obama and the Republican nominee for president, Mitt Romney, will meet in their second of three debates on Tuesday.
Here's the lineup:
MON., OCT. 15--7 pm: Indiana U.S. Senate Debate
>> U.S. Senate: Democrat U.S. Rep. Joe Donnelly, Republican State Treasurer Richard Mourdock and Libertarian nominee Andrew Horning will meet in a one-hour debate that begins at 7 p.m. tonight.
The debate will be held at WFYI, the public television station in Indianapolis, and will be broadcast on outlets statewide. There will be no live audience for this debate.
TUES., OCT. 16--9 pm: U.S. Presidential Debate
>> President: President Obama and former Massachusetts Gov. Romney will meet at Hofstra University in New York for a town meeting forum, with citizens asking questions on both foreign and domestic issues. The 90-minute debate, which begins at 9 p.m. will be nationally televised.
[LAA: It looks like everyone will be carrying this deate including CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, CNN and MSNBC.]
WED., OCT. 17--7 pm: Indiana Gubernatorial Debate
>> Indiana Governor: Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Pence, Democrat John Gregg and Libertarian Rupert Boneham will meet at the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center in South Bend for their second hour-long debate.
The event will be broadcast on many stations, and people can watch the event live, as the center holds seating for up t o 840 people.
[LAA: In Indianapolis, TV Guide shows this debate will be broacast on FOX 59 and WFYI.]
For more information, go to www.indianadebatecommission.com.
Call Star reporter Mary Beth Schneider at (317) 444-2772.