IndianaDG one of many groups opposing HB 1414

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   February 03, 2020  /   Posted in 2020 Indiana General Assembly  /   No Comments

IndianaDG one of many groups opposing HB 1414

Indiana House of Representatives
Indiana State House
200 W. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Dear Representative,

We, the undersigned, represent a diverse range of stakeholders who are united by our collective interest in advancing sound energy policy in Indiana.

Although our concerns regarding HB 1414 may be diverse, we are united in our opposition to HB 1414 and ask you to vote “no” on this bill.


Indiana Manufacturers Association (IMA)
Indiana Petroleum Council (IPC)
Indiana Industrial Energy Consumers, Inc. (INDIEC)
National Taxpayers Union (NTU)
Advanced Energy Economy (AEE)
Indiana Conservative Alliance for Energy
Indiana Technology & Innovation Association (ITIA)
Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions
Conservative Energy Network (CEN)
Evangelical Environmental Network
Solar United Neighbors of Indiana
Indiana Distributed Energy Alliance
Hoosier Interfaith Power & Light
Hoosier Environmental Council
Indiana State Conference of the NAACP
Citizens Action Coalition
Sierra Club, Hoosier Chapter
Beyond Coal Campaign
Earth Charter Indiana

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