Indiana Ranks 17th in US Solar Market Insight by SEIA and Wood Mackenzie

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   June 27, 2019  /   Posted in solar, Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Figure 1.3 State Solar PV Installation Rankings, Q1 2019

State 2017 2018 Q1 2019
Florida 3 4 1
California 1 1 2
Nevada 9 5 3
North Carolina 2 3 4
South Carolina 8 12 5
New York 12 6 6
New Jersey 11 7 7
Arizona 7 9 8
Minnesota 6 8 9
Massachusetts 5 10 10
Virginia 10 19 11
Colorado 20 11 12
Hawaii 17 16 13
Texas 4 2 14
Maryland 13 13 15
Connecticut 21 15 16
Indiana 24 29 17
Pennsylvania 26 26 18
Washington 34 24 19
Illinois 41 33 20
Utah 19 27 21
Rhode Island 30 25 22
New Mexico 27 21 23
Ohio 29 32 24
Missouri 37 30 25
iowa 35 34 26
Idaho 16 22 27
Oregon 14 14 28
Vermont 31 23 29
Washington, DC 40 36 30
Delaware 38 39 31
New Hampshire 39 38 32
Michigan 23 31 33
Louisiana 42 40 34
Arkansas 43 18 35
Wisconsin 33 37 36
Kentucky 36 43 37
Montana 28 44 38
Oklahoma 32 42 39
Wyoming 44 20 40
Georgia 22 35 41
Tennessee 25 17 42
Mississippi 15 41 43
Alabama 18 28 44



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