Ind. House Utilities Agenda for 1/21/15 Posts Hearings on HB 1101 and HB 1318 NOT HB 1320

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   January 20, 2015  /   Posted in 2015 Indiana General Assembly  /   No Comments

Just a quick update to let everyone know that the agenda for the House Utilities Committee was announced from the floor of the Indiana House before they adjourned for the day and HB 1320 concerning distributed generation and net metering is NOT on the agenda for 1/21/15.

The House Utilities Committee will be hearing

HB 1101 on broadband 

Synopsis:Broadband ready communities. Establishes the broadband ready communities development center (center) within the Indiana economic development corporation to facilitate certain communications projects. Provides that the center may designate a unit of local government as a broadband ready community if the unit establishes a procedure to review applications and issue permits for th ecommunications projects

HB 1318 concerning communications services

Synopsis:Communications services and providers. Eliminates the requirement that a communications service provider allow a physical connection by other providers to its system. Establishes a uniform statewide procedure for applications for and issuance of permits for the construction and modification of structures and facilities for the provision of wireless communications service. Defines "utility" forpurposes of IC 14-18-10 (the law concerning utility easements) toinclude a communications service provider. Provides that the director of the department of natural resources may not impose a charge to issue a permit to erect or construct a utility line upon or across a public highway right-of-way that passes through state land.

It is still highly recommended that you watch the committee hearing on-line so you get a better idea of how this works, especially if you are interested in testifying and/or attending the hearing on HB 1320.



Rep. Koch presents HB 1423 to House Utilities Committee_2014-01-27

This photo shows Rep. Eric Koch (R-Bedford) presenting HB 1423 (2014) to the House Utilities Committee. The House Committee hearings are held in a group of meeting rooms in the basement of the State House. No fancy nor spacious meeting rooms.



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