Hundreds call for commitment to clean energy from NIPSCO; Please implement and expand NIPSCO Feed-in tariff and net metering

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   October 14, 2011  /   Posted in Feed-in Tariffs (FiT), Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO)  /   No Comments

Original article:

Sierra Club members and friends hosted a call-in day urging NIPSCO to move beyond coal to a clean energy future. Local citizens called to thank NIPSCO for taking the lead on clean energy and asking NIPSCO’s CEO James Staton to make a strong public statement committing to implementing and expanding their clean energy programs and offer alternatives to coal generated electricity and its associated impacts to human health.

“We have an incredible opportunity where our utility, NIPSCO, has taken a lead on clean energy in Indiana by launching pilot feed-in tariff and expanded net metering programs” said Michigan City Sierra Club organizer Virginia Shannon. “It is important that NIPSCO knows that as customers we support these clean energy programs and we want a strong action plan for how they will continue to move towards renewable energy.”

The club organized call-in events in downtown Michigan City and on Valparaiso University campus, where concerned citizens logged calls to NIPSCO’s CEO asking him to commit the company to implement and expand these clean energy programs.

“We urge NIPSCO to continue as a leader in Indiana,” said Shannon, “and make decisions to move towards clean energy that will help protect our communities and boost the economy- benefiting both today’s ratepayers and tomorrow’s children.”

The club is actively working to encourage NIPSCO’s CEO James Staton to publicly commit NIPSCO to implementing and expanding its pilot feed-in tariff and net metering programs.

Posted 10/10/2011

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