Harris Poll Says Energy Policy More Influential than Environment on Presidential Candidate; Energy 77% to Environment 67%

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   November 05, 2012  /   Posted in 2012 General Election  /   No Comments

Dear IndianaDG Readers:

I thought this Harris Poll presents some interesting information on the relative priorities of various issues in the Presidential Election tomorrow.

What do your customers and/or prospective customers tell you about why they are looking at renewable energy and distributed generation?

Laura Ann Arnold
Americans split on safety of many energy sources and viability of “fracking”

NEW YORK, N.Y. – October 29, 2012 – With the presidential campaign in its final days each candidate’s policies are under constant review.  While every individual American has his or her own set of priorities as to which policies contribute most to their support of one candidate over another, Americans as a whole seem to be placing higher importance on energy policy (with 77% rating it either very important or important) than on its frequent sparring partner, environmental policy (67%); in fact, among the policy areas tested, environmental
policy appears to be the least influential over Americans’ likely presidential choice.
This is not to say that environmental policy is unimportant to voters; rather, all policy types measured are considered either very important or important by strong majorities of Americans, and it is simply influencing a smaller majority than other policy areas; top influencers include economic/budget (88%), tax (86%), jobs (86) and healthcare (85%) policies.

To see some of the results of The Harris Poll of 2,562 adults surveyed online between September 17 and 24, 2012 by Harris Interactive, DOWNLOAD HERE:

Harris Poll 60 - Energy Issues_10 29 12

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