IPL 44018

Indianapolis Power and Light (IPL) filed a petition on 4/11/2011 with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) to initiate a new proceeding to address their current feed-in tariff called Rate REP.



44018_IPL Petition Rate REP_11April2011


Read IDEA's  petition to intervene here: 44018 IDEA Petition_to_Intervene_26April2011

Read Ecos Energy's petition to intervene here: 44018 Ecos Energy Petition-to-Intervene_5May2011

Read the  IURC Legal Notice for a prehearing conference: 44018 IURC Legal Notice for PreHearingConference

Read IPL's Case-in-chief here: Direct Testimony of John Haselden [1]

The pre-hearing conference was held and a procedural schedule was established as follows:

Date Filed Submitted by Comments
04/11/2011 IPL Petition requesting changes in Rate REP
04/25/2011 IURC Legal notice of prehearing conference
04/28/2011 IDEA IDEA Petition to Intervene
05/02/2011 IPL IPL Submission of Case-in-Chief; Testimony of John Haselden
05/05/2011 Ecos Energy Ecos Energy’s Petition to Intervene
05/17/2011 IURC Prehearing conference & Preliminary Hearing
06/30/2011 Intervenors Intervenors prefile Case-in-chief
08/23/2011 OUCC OUCC prefiles Case-in-chief
09/07/2011 IPL IPL files Rebuttal Testimony
09/19/2011 All parties Evidentiary hearing for all parties @ 9:30 am
09/21/2011 All parties Continuation of evidentiary hearing—if needed
10/05/2011 IPL IPL Files Proposed Order
10/12/2011 OUCC et al. OUCC & Intervenors File Proposed Order
10/19/2011 IPL Reply by IPL

The IURC prehearing conference order outlines the procedural schedule and ground rules for the case. Prehearing Conference Order_25May2011

IDEA and Intervenors Pre-file Testimony on IPL's Rate REP on 6/30/2011

Intervenors which now include Indiana Distributed Energy Advocates (IDEA), Ecos Energy and Horizon Wind, prefiled testimony 6/30/2011  as follows:

Testimony filed by IDEA:

44018_Verified_Testimony_Laura_Ann_Arnold_Exhibit_IDEA Exhibits LAA-001 & 002[1]

44018_Verified_Testimony_C._Eric_Cotton_IDEA Exhibit_CEC-001[1]

44018 Testimony of Dean C. Leischow-IDEA Exhibits DCL-001-005[1]

Testimony filed by Ecos Energy--Thomas Melone:

44018 Submission of Verified Direct Testimony of Thomas Melone 6.30.11[1]

Testimony filed by Horizon Wind--Peter Park:

Submission of Direct Testimony -- Horizon (Peter Park)[1]

OUCC Pre-files Testimony on 08/22/2011

The Indiana Office of the Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC) pre-filed the testimony of four (4) staff witnesses in this proceeding on 08/22/2011 as follows:

  • Ronald L. Keen --Public's RLK Exhibit No. 1
  • Brendon J. Baatz--Public's BJB Exhibit No. 2
  • Stacie R. Gruca--Public's SRG Exhibit No. 3
  • Ray L. Snyder--Public's RLS Exhibit No. 4

To read the entire testimony see: 44018- OUCC Testimonies of R.Keen B.Baatz S.Gruca and R.Snyder

44018 RLK pages 18-20 These pages were omitted from the original filing and should be inserted into Ron Keen's testimony.

IPL Files Rebuttal Testimony and Hearing Brief on 9/7/2011

Rebuttal Testimony of John Haselden Petitioner's Submission of Rebuttal Testimony (1)

IPL's Hearing Brief on Federal Issues Associated with Rate REP

ECOS Energy Files Answering Brief on Federal Issues Associated with Rate REP on 9/14/2011

The Brief filed on 9/14/2011 by Ecos Energy attorney Anne Becker with Stewart & Irwin is a must read for anyone interested in the fate of IPL's Rate REP. Download and read it HERE 44018 Ecos Answering Brief on Federal Issues Associated wtih Rate REP 9.14.11

Ecos Energy also filed on 9/14/2011 a motion to strike portions of the prefiled testimony of John Haselden. This motion is short and sweet.  The motion states:

"Given Mr. Haselden's own admission that he is not an attorney and thus not competent to offer a legal opinion regarding state and federal jurisdiction over the transactions and tariffs at issue..Ecos Energy moves to strike the Direct Testimony in which Mr. Haselden provides a legal opinion regarding FERC's authority."

44018 Ecos Motion to Strike

If you are interested in becoming a member of IDEA and participating in this proceeding, you will need to sign a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA). Download here. 44018-Member NDA[1]

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