Indianapolis Power and Light (IPL) filed a petition with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) on 12/29/2008 concerning their Demand Side Management (DSM) activities which included proposed changes to their net metering tariff and creation of a new feed-in tariff (FIT).
IPL's FIT proposal unfolded slowly, however, in Cause No. 43623. The company witness sponsoring the FIT proposal called Rate REP was John E. Haselden. Haselden initially filed his testimony addressing both net metering and Rate REP on 02/02/09. His initial pre-filed testimony did not provide specific information on the actual FIT rates proposed. In Petitioner's Exhibit JEH-4, the proposed tariff merely states "x cents per kWh" for solar, wind and biomass.
See an excerpt from the original direct testimony of John E. Haselden. 43623_JEH_2Feb2009
See an excerpt from the revised direct testimony of John E. Haselden. 43623_JEHrevised_1May2009
Testimony was filed by Jenny Sumner with the Office of the Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC) supporting Rate REP. Sumner does not address the specific rates proposed by IPL in Rate REP. Sumner no longer works for the OUCC and now is at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). 43623-OUCC_Jenny_Sumner_060209[1]
A public hearing was held on June 25, 2009.
The IURC issued an Order in Phase I in this case on February 10, 2010. Read the order HERE.
Rate REP became effective March 30, 2010.
Now 8-9 months later, only one contract has been approved under Rate REP.
UPDATE 8/15/2011: Two IPL Rate REP contracts have been approved.