Please find listed below resources and information about Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs), Advanced Renewable Energy Contracts (ARECs), IPL's approved Rate REP and NIPSCO's proposed feed-in tariff or Experimental Rate 849.
Subpages contain information pertaining to specific feed-in tariffs as follows:
- 43623--IPL first FIT or Rate REP as part of a DSM case.
- 43922--NIPSCO net metering and FIT case.
- 43960--IPL new DSM case with proposed changes in Rate REP.
- 44018--newest IPL case only addressing proposed changes to their feed-in tariff called Rate REP
Please see Subpages listed on the right for more details including copies of actual documents filed with the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) in these cases.
For a quick comparison of NIPSCO proposed feed-in tariff to IPL's existing feed-in tariff, please see