CenterPoint, IEA and IURC request Indiana Supreme Court overturn Indiana Court of Appeals EDG Decision

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   March 15, 2022  /   Posted in Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC), solar, Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Somewhat as expected, yesterday (3/14/2022) CenterPoint/Vectren filed a petition for transfer with the Indiana Supreme Court to overturn the Indiana Court of Appeals Excess Distributed Generation (EDG) decision and support monthly netting.


The Indiana Energy Association (IEA) representing Indiana investor owned electric utilities (IOUs) filed an Amicus Curiae or friend of the court legal brief supporting transfer to the Indiana Supreme Court.

Brief of Amicus Curiae Indiana Energy Association in Support of Transfer

The Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) also filed a Petition to Transfer to the Indiana Supreme Court.

Petition to Transfer of Appellee Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission

The parties--the Office of Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC), Indiana Distributed Energy Alliance (IndianaDG), Solarize Indiana, Citizens Action Coalition, Environmental Law & Policy Center (ELPC), Vote Solar and Solar United Neighbors (SUN)--have 20 days to respond to the petitions to transfer.

For more details on the Indiana Court of Appeals decision please see:

BIG WIN! Court of Appeals of Indiana Reverses and Remands IURC order in CenterPoint/Vectren EDG Case…vectren-edg-case/ ‎

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