Author Archives Laura Arnold

Majority of Americans want to see more support for renewable energy

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   January 26, 2017  /   Posted in Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Majority of Americans want to see more support for renewable energy

Renewable Energy Support

Recent survey shows that many people support clean power

A major shift in energy and climate policy may be coming to the United States now that Donald Trump has officially taken presidential office. Trump has vowed to reduce regulations on the coal and oil industries in order to promote economic growth. The Trump Administration is also expected to reduce support for various forms of renewable energy, but many of those living in the United States want the government to continue investing in clean power for the sake of the environment and the economy.

Pew Research Center finds that majority of Americans want renewable energy to become a priority for the US

According to a recent survey from the Pew Research Center, the majority of Americans (65%) believes that renewable energy should be a major priority for the government. The survey found that only 27% would prefer a greater emphasis on expanding the production of fossil-fuel energy systems. Support for renewable energy has become a heavily politicized issue, largely due to the association clean power has to climate change. Despite political division, however, both Democrats and Republicans in the United States believe that renewable energy should receive more support.

Climate change remains a divisive issue

Climate change has become a major issue in the United States, with many politicians suggesting that this phenomenon is either one of the greatest threats facing the country or simply a non-issue. The ideology surrounding climate change often affects the view that people have concerning renewable energy. Those that believe climate change to be a threat tend to show more support for the expansion of renewable energy and limiting the use of fossil-fuels. Those that believe climate change is nothing serious tend to show less support for clean power, according to the survey from the Pew Research Center.

Economic prospects could ensure the growth of the renewable energy space

While any potential changes to the country’s energy policy have not yet been set in stone, energy experts throughout the country have expressed concern that the Trump Administration could have a detrimental impact on the renewable energy space. Some analysts are convinced that the economic prospects of renewable energy will ensure the continued growth of this sector, however, even without government support.

Legislation in Indiana could curtail the growth of the solar energy market

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   January 26, 2017  /   Posted in 2017 Indiana General Assembly, solar  /   No Comments

Legislation in Indiana could curtail the growth of the solar energy market

Solar Energy Market - Sunset in Indiana

Lawmakers seek to remove net metering from the solar energy market

New legislation has been introduced in Indiana that aims to bring about major changes to the state’s solar energy market. The legislation intends to remove net metering, which has long been a major incentive encouraging homeowners and businesses to embrace solar. Solar supporters fear that without net metering, many people may be prevented from using the electricity generated by their own solar panels. This could also limit the number of people able to enter into the solar energy market.

Removal of net metering would come about in 2027

While the legislation does intend to remove net metering, this will not be an immediate action. The removal of net metering would not come until 2027. The legislation also seeks to prevent the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission from replacing net metering with compensation options for solar customers. If successful, the legislation would establish a “buy-all, sell-all” system, which could prevent consumers from using the electricity that their installed solar energy systems produce. This system would force consumers to sell all of this energy to the state’s energy grid at a low rate, only to purchase this electricity again at a higher cost.

Legislation could take away solar ownership

Opponents of the legislation note that it represents a radical change in the state’s energy policy, particularly where the solar energy market is concerned. Laura Arnold, president of the Indiana Distributed Energy Alliance, suggests that the legislation would effectively ensure that homeowners do not own their own solar panels while also dictating how they can use the electricity that their solar panels produce. Supporters of the legislation, however, suggest that it will ensure that solar customers are treated in the same manner as other energy generators and help ensure the stability of the state’s energy grid.

Solar energy market could see major change in the future

Indiana’s solar energy market could experience major upheaval in the near future. Some lawmakers have shown strong support for the solar energy market, but others have expressed concern that there is a major imbalance between solar customers and regular consumers. This imbalance has lead those without solar power systems to pay more for the electricity they consume.

Barry Goldwater, Jr. at Indiana State House with Rep. Mike Speedy; Ryan Zaricki with Whole Sun Designs; Rep. Jerry Torr

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   January 26, 2017  /   Posted in solar, Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Barry Goldwater Jr and Rep. Mike Speedy

Left to right: Barry Goldwater, Jr. and Indiana State Rep. Mike Speedy (R-Indianapolis)



Barry Goldwater Jr and Ryan Zaricki

Left to right: Barry Goldwater, Jr. and IndianaDG member N. Ryan Zaricki with Whole Sun Designs.

Rep Jerry Torr and Barry Goldwater Jr.

Left to right: Rep. Jerry Torr (R-Carmel) and Barry Goldwater. Jr.

If you don't know about Barry Goldwater, Jr.'s work supporting solar, please see a few of these past posts:


TUSK Goldwater: “HB 1320 was a direct utility power grab, an attack on conservative values”

Tell Utilities Solar Won’t Be Killed (TUSK) Joins fight to Oppose Indiana HB 1320

Midwest Energy News: Q&A: Barry Goldwater, Jr.’s fight for solar power

Barry Goldwater Jr. to Michigan conservatives: Rooftop solar is about choice, freedom and liberty

TUSK: Barry Goldwater, Jr. Asks Michigan Legislators to Maintain Energy Choice; Reject SB 438

To see more articles about Barry Goldwater, Jr. and his work as the Chairman of Tell Utilities Won't Be Killed (TUSK), just type "Goldwater" into the Search Box. There is more!

Help us stand up to utility monopolies to ensure solar energy remains strong in America.

Indiana Senate Bill 309 would get rid of net metering — a huge solar incentive — if passed

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   January 25, 2017  /   Posted in 2017 Indiana General Assembly  /   No Comments

Bill would get rid of net metering — a huge solar incentive — if passed


When oil spills in the ocean, it can cause devastating pollution. The resource does damage to its surroundings, but when sunlight spills down from the sky, it’s not a disaster.

Darrell Boggess smiles when he finishes his analogy. It’s just a sunny day.

So a sunny day like last Saturday — a rare bright afternoon in January with temperatures in the 60s — must be an exceptional spill of clean energy. On days like this, when the sun is beating down, solar panels soak up sunlight. During the day, though, the solar user probably won’t need all that energy, and so it can be sent back into the energy grid.

Boggess, a solar user and member of the Solar Indiana Renewable Energy Network, a local group that educates and promotes solar usage throughout the state, said his neighbors may use energy produced by his panels. He’ll be compensated for this at the retail price for solar energy.

Then at night or on cloudy days when his solar panels can’t provide him sufficient energy, the system pulls back from the grid, and he’ll get billed for this at the retail price.

When he takes energy out of the grid, the cost is added to his bill. When he adds to the grid, the cost is subtracted from his bill.

This concept — the give and take of energy to and from the grid and the subsequent adjustment of a user’s energy bill — is known as net metering. Net metering allows those who generate their own electricity to be compensated at the retail rate for excess they don’t use.

But if a new bill passes this legislative session, it could be illegal in 10 years.

Senate Bill 309, authored by Sen. Brandt Hershman, R-Buck Creek, would outlaw net metering completely after 2027 and forbid net metering for any customers before 2027 after 1 percent of all energy used in a particular utility company is generated by a customer-owned source, like a solar panel, rather than by the utility company.

Hershman did not respond to requests for an interview in time for this story to be published in order to justify his reasoning for the bill.

Without net metering, customers would be compensated at dramatically lower wholesale rates for energy they send back to the grid rather than retail rates.

The bill includes a buy-all-sell-all provision. When users produce energy in their panels, that energy would go straight into the grid and the user would be compensated at the wholesale value only to have to buy back the energy at a higher retail value.

Solar users say this would deal a huge blow to the clean energy industry. Some people choose to use renewable energy out of concern for the planet’s well being, Boggess said. But some choose to use it because it saves money. Boggess thinks getting rid of net metering would get rid of many of the second type of customer and cause solar companies to take their business away from the state.

“There is a predictable consequence,” Boggess said.

A bill similar to SB 309 was introduced in the House two years ago but didn’t advance. The Hoosier Environmental Council, an Indiana environmental advocacy group, was aware of and involved in fighting against the last one and is keeping an eye on the current one. Rumors are flying around about a potential hearing date for SB 309, but one hasn’t been published yet on the Indiana General Assembly website.

Jesse Kharbanda, executive director of HEC, said net metering’s principal purpose is to promote non-polluting forms of energy. Several 
government-commissioned studies have shown the value of solar to the energy system is worth more than the retail rate of electricity, Kharbanda said.

Not only are solar panels zero-polluting sources on the grid, but they also help to improve the overall energy security on the grid, he said.

Kharbanda has an idea why someone may not support the concept of net 

Part of it is a misconception that net metering is a subsidy for using solar power, but this is not accurate, he said.

Boggess dispels this misconception, too. The argument from electric companies that net metering isn’t fair is just not true, he said.

Electric companies will tell elected representatives solar users pay less, and therefore others pay more, he said.

“It’s worse than a myth,” Boggess said. “It can’t happen that way.”

He also said studies have shown the net value from net metering is worth more than what the user gets compensated. Solar users invest thousands of dollars in equipment that utility companies don’t have to buy, Boggess said. It saves money for the whole grid.

This backlash to solar energy usage isn’t specific to Indiana. According to a post on the Brookings Institution, a think tank and research group, utility interests in several states have reached out to legislators to try to convince them that net metering is actually a net cost to the grid.

An extreme example from the Brookings article shows how drastically an end to net metering could affect the solar usage in a state. In 2015, the Nevada Public Utilities Commission substantially cut the state’s net-metering payments and caused the three largest providers of rooftop solar panels in the state to completely leave Nevada’s market.

The effect was immediate. New residential solar installation permits took a nosedive and went down 92 percent in 2016’s first quarter.

SB 309 would not immediately cut off net metering to this degree, so the effect may not be as drastic here, 
Kharbanda said. However, it’s still a cause for concern and may have a chilling effect on investment.

“Utilities are not going to hit 1 percent in three months or six months,” Kharbanda said. “It’s going to be maybe three years, maybe five years.”

In contrast with the rest of Indiana, Bloomington is “kind of off the charts” for solar usage, said Woodie Bessler, also a volunteer with SIREN.

The city of Bloomington, too, is concerned about this bill, said sustainability coordinator Jacqui Bauer. In contrast with Hershman’s idea, Bloomington recently announced their Solarize Bloomington Campaign, an initiative to install solar panels on some city buildings and to work with solar installers in offering a discount to local residents and businesses.

Bauer said panels will be installed on City Hall and the police headquarters, with hopefully more additions to come in the future.

According to a December press release, the new City Hall system will provide almost 40 percent of the building’s total energy needs, which will in turn save Bloomington and local taxpayers more than $35,000 each year. Interested parties can get involved by going to

The release says Bloomington will work with SIREN and solar installers Whole Sun Designs and Solar Energy Solutions to offer a discounted rate of 2.62 per watt. Nationwide, the average is about 3.50 per watt, Bauer said.

At a Monday morning meeting regarding the program, Boggess said he learned in just one month, more than 200 people have signed up for Solarize Bloomington.

Indiana’s slogan is “the state that works.” If this is true, the state needs to make it possible for solar companies to continue their work in the state, Boggess said. The underlying issue with the bill is a question of values and priorities, he said.

“Does the state of Indiana want to encourage more renewable energy?” he said. “If the answer is yes, well, this bill takes you the other direction.”

Please note All comments are eligible for publication in The Indiana Daily Student.

Indiana energy bill would eliminate net metering, move to ‘buy-all, sell-all’ solar model

Posted by Laura Arnold  /   January 24, 2017  /   Posted in 2017 Indiana General Assembly, Uncategorized  /   No Comments

Indiana energy bill would eliminate net metering, move to ‘buy-all, sell-all’ solar model

Indiana legislators have introduced a bill that many fear could kill the state’s solar industry by ending net metering and also essentially preventing people from using the energy from their own solar panels.

Senate bill 309 would ban net metering by 2027, and it would limit the options that the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission could replace it with for compensating customers with solar installations.

Rather than the retail rate paid for solar energy sent back to the grid under net metering, customers could only get the much lower “avoided cost,” or wholesale rates.

Perhaps most disturbing to solar advocates, the bill would institute a mandatory “buy-all, sell-all” provision to replace net metering that would essentially prohibit customers from using their own solar energy, forcing them to sell all of their energy back to the grid at low rates, only to buy it back at higher rates.

“It’s like saying, ‘Yeah, you can have your solar panels but you really don’t own them because you can’t decide what to do with the electricity you’re producing yourself,’” said Laura Arnold, president of the Indiana Distributed Energy Alliance, which represents solar installers, developers and homeowners. She said some see the measure as confiscating private property.

“If we are reading it correctly, that’s quite a radical change,” Arnold said.

Mark Maassel, president of the Indiana Energy Association representing investor-owner utilities, said the buy-all, sell-all provision is fair, treating people with solar installations the same way as power plants and other generators.

“What it does is treat people with a solar rooftop unit similar to any other generator that the utility happens to purchase power from, including the utility’s own generation,” he said. “A very large unit sells its power into the regional transmission organization. In effect the solar generator is the same as any other generator — they sell their power out and purchase back what they need to serve their load.”

Maassel said he is not aware of buy-all, sell-all laws in other states. “This is a uniquely Indiana approach, perhaps it will be something that works in other states,” he said.

Republican lawmakers and investor-owned utilities in Michigan proposed a similar approach last year amid discussions over major energy policy reforms. The proposal was eventually withdrawn after backlash from members of both political parties and solar advocates. The bills that passed direct state regulators to take a year studying appropriate solar compensation rates.

The demise of net metering

Maassel echoes the point made by utilities around the country pushing for increased fixed rates or other cost increases for solar customers, saying people with solar are not paying their fair share to keep up grid infrastructure.

“In Indiana we have had a net metering policy in place for 12 years, and the bill proposes to continue that policy without change for an additional 10, so we’ll have 22 years of net metering,” he said.

“At that point the solar industry will have had a very good run at establishing itself. Net metering continues for a full decade before we transition to pricing that moves to a market-based approach, where the subsidies that customers without solar are paying for those with solar are eliminated. Yes we need to grow the solar industry, but it’s also important that the subsidies be eliminated.”

While the bill prohibits net metering starting in 2027, it also enshrines an existing 1 percent cap on net metering as a portion of a utility’s demand load. Under existing policy, net metering will cease to exist after the 1 percent cap is reached. No one will be grandfathered in. Net metering customers with solar currently make up about one-tenth of the cap. Some think the 1 percent mark could be reached sooner than 2027.

“The 2027 date is largely a red herring,” said Kerwin Olson, executive director of the Citizens Action Coalition consumer advocacy group. “If you’re lucky enough to get solar panels on your roof before the 1 percent cap is met, then you can net meter until 2027. But when the 1 percent cap is hit, utility companies can no longer offer net metering, and that could be as soon as in a few years. Then there’s a statutory prohibition for all time, no more net metering.”

Ryan Zaricki, a solar developer in the utility Vectern’s service territory in southern Indiana, said demand for solar is accelerating, but the possibility of an end to net metering both under the existing cap and under the bill could stop the industry in its tracks. He said that while solar is at about 10 percent of the cap, it appears the cap could be reached around 2020 if the market potentially doubles every year.

“It’s a very interesting market,” said Zaricki, who founded Whole Sun Designs in 2011 and has installed about 130 systems totaling about 800 kilowatts since. “There aren’t many state-based incentives, so we’ve grown the market based on the federal tax credit, but it’s grown steadily.”

He noted that the buy-all, sell-all provision would also require revamping most systems that have already been installed for net metering and behind-the-meter use.

“Like the system we’re installing today, we’re just tying directly into the breaker box,” Zaricki said. “Not only is the [proposed] rate structure pretty gross, but we’d have to go back in and rewire all these systems.”

A Vectren spokesperson said the Indiana Energy Association is commenting on behalf of utilities regarding the bill, which is sponsored by Republican state Sen. Brandt Hershman.

Power shift

Advocates and solar developers are disturbed that not only does the bill end net metering, but it takes power away from the regulatory commission which is normally tasked with developing rate structures based on extensive research and testimony. The bill ties the hands of the commission by dictating the options available for solar customers once the net metering ban kicks in, critics say.

‘It ends net metering with no discussion, no analysis and no evidence.’

“It ends net metering with no discussion, no analysis and no evidence,” said Olson. “Utility ratemaking is supposed to be done before a regulatory body based on evidence and based on facts. The state regulators are really the only competition the utilities have in Indiana, it’s their role to serve as a surrogate for competition. This is completely contrary to the regulatory compact between utilities and the public; the bill completely removes any burden of proof and undermines the authority of the commission.”

The bill also seemingly limits utilities’ power to request different rate structures related to net metering. “It’s a complete ban,” said Arnold. “I don’t understand why the legislature would not give a utility the option to continue [net metering] if they thought it made sense — it does not do that.”

But Olson said in his view the utilities are just fine with a law that limits the amount paid to customers with solar for the energy they generate.

“The utilities wrote the bill — that’s not a secret,” Olson said. “Let’s be crystal clear, this was written by the utilities for the utilities.”

Maassel said that the association doesn’t agree with every facet of the bill, but “we certainly provided our thoughts, our opinions as the bill was being formed … we look at the full package as very much something we can support.”

He said the avoided cost and wholesale pricing that the bill mandates as replacements for net metering are “the two predominant pricing approaches used in the market today.”

Utility commission spokesperson Megan Wade-Taxter declined to answer specific questions about the bill: “Because of the commission’s statutory obligation to remain impartial, the commission cannot prejudge or take a stance on a specific issue that may come before the commission as part of a case, including issues that are the result of state or federal policy.”

Better alternatives

Zaricki and others say that in lieu of net metering, regulators and lawmakers should consider other options for compensating people with solar, including a “value of solar” tariff that involves calculating the benefits solar provides to the grid while also ensuring solar customers pay their “fair share” for grid upkeep.

Zaricki said draconian anti-solar measures like S309 will just create antagonism between customers and utilities and potentially push people to abandon utility service altogether.

“As batteries get cheaper, you’ll see people just cutting the cord,” and relying on their own solar installations with battery storage, he said. “They don’t want to put up with the utility company and they don’t need the utility company anymore. The other alternative I see is utility companies embracing solar, and with the benefit batteries can add to the grid, they could have time-of-use rate structures that incentivize customers putting electricity back on the grid when it’s needed, and utilities can buy that energy instead of much more expensive energy on the spot market at peak times. It’s a win-win.”

Three years ago, Indiana consumer and clean energy groups were relieved at the defeat of S1320, which would have instituted a fixed charge on solar customers, released utilities from energy efficiency mandates and reduced the rates people with solar are paid for their energy. Olson, of Citizens Action Coalition, sees S309 in the same vein.

“Is [S309] better than 1320? If I were forced to choose I would take this bill,” said Olson. “But that’s like arguing what was worse, World War I or World War II.  It’s a little different approach with the same consequences and the same intention to stifle residential solar. This is part and parcel with the assault on energy efficiency and rooftop solar.”

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