44578 Duke Energy Indiana Solar PV PPAs

Duke Energy

Please find below select documents in the Duke Energy Indiana case concerning solar PV purchase power agreements (PPA's) in Cause No. 44578:

44578 Duke Energy Indiana Petition to Approve Solar PV PPAs filed 2014-12-29

44578 DEI Solar PV PPAs Prehearing Conference Order_dated 2015-02-11 This document contains the procedural schedule for this case.

Request for Protective Order on Confidentiality and Docket Entry Granting Confidentiality:

44578 DEI Solar PV PPAs Request for Protective Order_filed 2015-02-19

44578 DEI Solar PV PPAs_Docket Entry on Confidentiality_2015-03-02

The testimony filed by DEI in support of this petition is as follows:

44578 DEI Solar PV PPAs_Testimony of Suzanne Sieferman_filed 2015-02-19

44578 DEI Solar PV PPAs_Testimony of Christine Smith_filed 2015-02-19

44578 DEI Solar PV PPAs Testimony of James Northrup_filed 2015-02-19

The testimony filed by the Office of the Utility Consumer Counselor (OUCC) aka the Public and Intervenors is as follows:

44578 DEI Solar PV PPAs_Testimony of Susann Brown OUCC Exhibit #1_filed 2015-04-16

44578 DEI Solar PV PPAs_Testimony of Leon Golden OUCC Exhibit #2_filed2015-04-16

44578 DEI DEI Solar PV PPAs_Testimony of Nicholas Phillips for DEI Industrial Group_filed 2015-04-16

Duke Energy Indiana (DEI) filed rebuttal testimony on 4/30/15 as follows:

44578 DEI Solar PV PPA_Rebuttal James Northrup_2015-04-30

44578 DEI Solar PV PPA_Rebuttal of Christine Smith_2015-04-30

44578 DEI Solar PV PPA_Rebuttal of Suzanne Sieferman_2015-04-30

Proposed Orders and responses filed are as follows:

44578 DEI Solar PV PPAs_DEI Proposed Order_filed 2015-05-28

44578 DEI Solar PV PPAs_OUCC Proposed Order_filed 2015-06-11

44578 DEI Solar PV PPAs_Nucor Steel Response to DEI and OUCC Proposed Orders_filed 2015-06-24

44578 DEI Solar PC PPAs_IG Response to DEI Proposed Order_filed 2015-06-24

IURC Issues Order:

IURC Final Order 201508191402_44578 Duke Energy Solar PPAs

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